Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Who's YOUR Best Friend?

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss? What's a best friend?

KATIE:  Someone you like hanging out with. 

WAFFLES:  I like hanging out with you. What else?

KATIE:  Someone you can talk to, laugh with, watch the birds with.

WAFFLES:  Ooooh! I love watching Bird TV with you, Boss! What else?

KATIE:  Someone, who regardless of where they come from or what color their fur is, you accept and love just the way they are. 

WAFFLES:  It's ok that you're crabby sometimes, Boss. I love you just the way you are. 

KATIE:  Gee, thanks.


KATIE:  Waffles? 

WAFFLES:  You're my BEST friend. 

'Together We Can Save Them All'
- Best Friends Animal Society

GLOGIRLY.com is honored to be a Best Friends Ambassador. Best Friends is a national rescue organization we have a tremendous amount of respect and love for.

Best Friends Animal Society’s No More Homeless Pets Network focuses on building relationships and working with rescue organizations and municipal shelters across the country to end the killing of dogs and cats in our nation’s shelters.  

During the entire month of August, Best Friends is hosting 9 Lives for $9. This nationwide adoption promotion shines the spotlight on cats and offers prospective pet parents an opportunity to adopt a cat or kitten for only $9 from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Best Friends pet adoption centers in LA and Salt Lake City or one of Best Friends’ NY weekend adoption events. Those that live outside those areas can also adopt from one of 110 participating No More Homeless Network Partners across the country.

Think 9 times the love and adopt a cat or kitten this August. 

Your new best friend is waiting for you.

WAFFLES:  So Boss, if you're my best friend, that means I'm YOUR best friend. Right? ...Boss? 


  1. If it were up to me...but the hubby has his limits and it seems that four farm cats is it.

  2. Waffles, we think deep down that you're Katie's bestie, too!

  3. Waffles, you may be waiting a while for that answer! BTW, my human has been to both Best Friends facilities in Los Angeles and they are First Class!

  4. Katie isn't gonna admit it, but I think ya are her best friend too!

  5. Mum says "I am stuck at nine! Darn it I need room for a meezer!!"

    Being a Best Friends is a signal honour, well done to one of our favourite blogs!!

  6. MOL, Socks is the oldest one here, he will be 15 Wednesday, but he can still outrun everyone including Fenris. Waffles we are sure you are Katie's BFF.

    Love the 9 Lives campaign, we has our paws crossed lots and lots of cats find homes.

  7. We think you really ARE best friends!!

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Of course Katie is your best friend, Waffles. We think she kind of likes having you around, even if she's not going to fess up.

  9. Um, we're not sure Katie feels the same way about you, Waffles, but keep working on her. ;) Congrats to Glogirly on being a Best Friends Ambassador. We love Best Friends and all the cool work they do for animals.

  10. How cool to be associated with Best Friends! Come on, Katie, you know life without Waffles would be boring...

  11. Waffles you are such a sweet boy. Of course Katie is your best friend and vice versa. Its great that Glogirly is Best Friends Ambassador. That is so awesome. You all keep up the good work. Purrs, Greyson, Mr. Chivers, Tabitha and Chloe

  12. I think you are Katie's best friend too Waffles. She just tries to hide it.

  13. It is good to have a best friend!! Our rescue is now a network partner and we have had a TON of adoptions this month!!

  14. Awwww Katie - wasn't that sweet? Is waffles your best friend?

  15. Oh Waffles, I think you are the sweetest cat! Ichiro would be your best friend (and then Katie and I can go do what mature lady cats do all day--snooze in the sun)

  16. Oh Katie, maybe you are lucky after all
    Lily & Edward

  17. Waffles I suspect Katie has strong feelings for you!

  18. What a sweet post..Waffles..of course Katie is your best friend..she just likes to play hard to get..we can tell that deep down inside she really loves you..maybe way down deep inside...

  19. Waffles we know that you're Katie's best friend, she might not admit it but we know it's true.

  20. That's so sweet, Waffles ! What do you think, Katie ? Purrs

  21. We love Best Friends and know they do amazing work! I truly hope that someday soon, there will be NO more unnecessary euthanasia of cats and dogs in shelters.

  22. I think you're going to be waiting a while for her answer, Waffles. Why don't you ask Glogirly who her best friend is? I'm sure she'd tell you right away she has three BFFs: Gloman, Katie, and you (though Gloman is probably her bestest BFF ;D). I have two besties, my big white catman, Sam, who the vet calls a "bedcat" because he's one of those large, squishy, huggable cats you love to have in bed with you in the winter when it's cold, or at the foot of the bed by your feet to keep your feet warm (Sam definitely prefers the foot of the bed), and Maya, who's black, a Mommy's Girl, an attention sponge, a sweet girl, and half-Siamese, which is totally obvious from how Very Vocal she is. Lovelovelove my girl, but I so want a mute button for her vocal chords sometimes (like at midnight, when she wants food and I'm trying to sleep, annoying cat!). Sam's 14 and Maya's 11. Both are rescues, both are moggies, and after they cross the Rainbow Bridge I'll have rescues in my life again because RESCUES ARE THE BEST!

    1. You're right! Glogirly has THREE. Gloman is at the top of her list, though she can't imagine life without any of them. xo

  23. You are so sweet, Waffles. A Best Friends Ambassador...that is SO exciting!

  24. Maybe Gloman or Glogirly is Katie's best furiend.

  25. Awww, sweet boy. No worries. Katie loves you and you are her family which is super special. You see, little man-cat, even though you aren't her brother from the same cat mama, you are her little brother cause Glogirl, Gloman, and Katie picked you to be part of their family. And being a little brother kinda goes like this: Katie may not tell you she loves you but let ANYONE try to hurt her little Waffles brother and she will scritch, scratch and bite 'em. And Waffles, your big heart is so so awesome! You keep on loving everyone and telling them-makes life for us cranky kitty girls so much nicer. Kisses and love, BooBoo Bunnycakes


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