ELLIE: Mr. Waffles, did you know that this is my FOURTH Christmas with you and Glogirly and Gloman?!
WAFFLES: FOUR?! I didn't even know you could count that high, Ellie. So you know what four means, right?
ELLIE: Four? I don't know, Mr. Waffles. I thought it just meant, you know, four.
WAFFLES: It means you're supposed to get me FOUR presents.
ELLIE: But Mr. Waffles, Glogirly's been telling me that it's not about the presents. Or the the treats. Or the toys.
WAFFLES: Well yeah, it's about being with the people and cats you love and stuff. Your family. Your friends. But that doesn't mean there can't be presents.
ELLIE: But isn't me being here with you present enough?
WAFFLES: Well, sure...but I was kind of thinking freeze dried salmon, feathers, wand toys, catnip mice and stuff...
ELLIE: Mr. Waffles, as long as I have you, as long as I have Glogirly and Gloman, well...I have everything.
WAFFLES: That totally sounds like something Katie would have said.
ELLIE: You mean Katie, the Boss? Does that mean I get to be boss now?!
WAFFLES: I love you too, Ellie. But I wouldn't push it.
Merry, Merry! Happy, Happy!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! It's Christmas Eve here in the mountains and as we're writing this the snow is falling peacefully and covering our beautiful trees. We want to wish you the most beautiful of holidays.
Thank you for letting us into your inboxes and hearts all these years. You're like family to us. And for us, that's what Christmas is all about. Family, friends, and love. We also want to share our wishes with those who are alone this holiday season, missing someone they love, struggling, or sad. Please know that you are in our hearts.
Waffles, Ellie Belly, Glogirly, and Gloman
Somekitty is making sure the stockings are hung with care.