Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Kitties

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Glogirly, Waffles Too and I would like to wish you a Happy Easter and Happy Passover.

I want to remind you to be especially careful when cracking open your Easter eggs. You never know WHAT you'll find inside.

...I've got a bad feeling about THIS egg.

On a positive note, our Easter Houseguests are packing their bags and soon the Townhouse will again be MINE-ALL-MINE.  I'll of course be cracking the whip on Glogirly so we can finally visit all of our friends and say hello. As for Waffles Too, we'll just have to wait and see if anyone notices I've stuck him in one of their suitcases.


Today's the LAST DAY to VOTE for us in the 1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.

Is Officially CLOSED! 
We'll be contacting the winners this weekend and making our announcements SOON!
Are your paws crossed???

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Photohunt *WIND*

KATIE:  Hi everyone, Katie here. Today's photohunt theme is *WIND.*  What– you were expecting to see the wind blowing through my furs?  Well you know us. We love Heteronyms.


KATIE:  You know, two words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations and meanings. Those are Heteronyms. Today's word is a Heteronym.

Example A: The wind blew through my furs as I sniffed the spring breeze.
Example B: I swear to Cod, Waffles Too is like a bad wind-up toy. 

WAFFLES TOO: Um, I thought I was a cat.

KATIE:  Actually Waffles, you're a Homonym. Two words that are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings. The waffles you eat with maple syrup is spelled and pronounced the same as Waffles the annoying, orange kitten. See?  You're a Homonym.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Just a couple days left to vote for us in the 1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.
• Voting ends on Mar 31.  Thank Mew!

Is Officially CLOSED! 
We'll be contacting the winners this weekend and making our announcements SOON!
Are your paws crossed???

Friday, March 29, 2013

Last Few Hours To Vote For AmazeCats Next Top Cat

Hi everyone, Katie here.

There's just a few short hours left to vote for AmazeCats Next Top Cat! So pretty-please help me and my kitty friends make it into the top 32! You don't even have to choose, because you can vote for ALL of us! It's really fast...just a couple clicks.

It's so easy, Waffles Too could do it!

Vote for Allie HERE
(she's my mani-pedi mentor)

Vote for Spaghetti Bob HERE
(he's my *boyfriend*)

Vote for Cody HERE
(he's been ROCKIN' the contest!)

Vote for Daisy HERE
(I want Daisy's closet)

Vote for Odin HERE
(He sees better with one eye than most of us see with two.)

Vote for Sparkle HERE
(she's a famouse author!)

Vote for Katie HERE
(that's ME!)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

CAT Security Threat - Level 9

KATIE:  Hi everyone, Katie here with a late-breaking SPECIAL REPORT.

The security threat level is now 9 at the Townhouse. This unprecedented status level indicates a serious and possibly CATtastrophic threat is imminent.

House guests arrive this evening at 1800 hours.

KATIE:  Waffles! Are you at your post?

WAFFLES:  Um, copy that Boss.

KATIE:  Waffles! Conduct a perimeter sweep and check for hostiles.

WAFFLES:  Um, Boss? The purr-imiter is clear. But you're kinda hostile...does that count?

KATIE:  Waffles! This is no time for rookie mistakes. What's your 20? You're not laying down on the job again are you?

WAFFLES: Um. No?  I'm still sweeping the purr-imeter. Over.

KATIE:  P.S. Contrary to popular opinion, Waffles Too was NOT eating spaghetti in yesterday's post. It was shredded chicken. Hold the red sauce.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Waffles Wednesday: Dinner With A View

Um, hi everybuddy. Waffles here.

I love dinner. I get to eat on the fourth floor of my kitty condo, right by the biggest window I've EVER seen. It's the best dinner spot in the whole townhouse and I have a standing reversation. I mean reservation.

Even the Boss can't get a table here. Glogirly says it's because she doesn't want the Boss eating my foods.  Don't tell, but it works because the Boss is scarey of heights. I mean scared of heights. Well she's kinda scarey too. Just sayin.

But so far, Glogirly hasn't figured out how to keep me from eyeing (and eating) the Boss' foods.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Push My Buttons

Hi everyone, Katie here.

You-know-who (a.k.a. the Orange Menace) is obsessed with pushing my buttons. You've seen it many times. He just pushes and pushes and pushes some more.

Well I've got some NEW buttons to to share. And THESE you can push as many times as you like and I won't even whap, hiss or glare at you.

Glogirly was so inspired by all of your great feedback on our new GLOGIRLY DESIGN website that she decided we needed a little makeover of our own here. She really cleaned the place up. ...except for the fact that she left Waffles Too and changed my blog's tagline from "Tails Of A Cat & Her Girl" to "Tails of TWO Cats..."

Fine. I'll try to not dwell on that.

Click MeWhat she DID give me were some super cool new buttons! Go ahead, you can push them if you want.

She gave me new kitty-shaped social media buttons for all my friends to click and follow me with. She gave me all new (and pink) sidebar buttons so it's easy to find your way around and discover new stuff. There's a secret surprise for you when you hover over them too.

Even our new sidebar badge is a button that does cool stuff when you hover over it. Click it and it brings you to a page that tells all about me, Glogirly, Gloman... and yes, even Waffles Too.

She said we're going to start offering cool custom buttons on our GLOGIRLY DESIGN site.

So go ahead...push my buttons.


We still need your votes in the 1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.
• Voting ends on Mar 31.

AmazeCats Next Top Cat Competition
Please vote for Katie and all her kitty friends in the Next Top Cat Competition!
The top 32 cats will be featured on the next deck of AmazeCats playing cards!  ...don't you want a full house of Katies??? (Glogirly, you should be SCARED.)
• Voting is super easy, just a click.
• You can everyday vote for as many cats as you want through Mar 29.

We're celebrating the launch of our cool new GLOGIRLY DESIGN Website with some very COOL prizes, including Glogirly Bucks!
• Giveaway closes Mar 30 @12:00am EST.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Glogirly's been cleaning like mad. Doing laundry. Spending an inordinate amount of time making beds. But I know better. This is not the *good* kind of bed making. The writing's on the wall, kitties.

Houseguests, INCOMING.

WAFFLES TOO:  Um, Boss?  What's a Houseghost? 

KATIE:  Houseguest, Waffles. Houseguest.

WAFFLES TOO:  Um, Boss? How come you don't like Houseghosts?

KATIE:  Sheesh, Waffles. What kind of cat are you? Houseguest is just a kinder, gentler word for unwanted intruder. They bring smelly luggage with them. They sleep over. They don't know ANY of the rules. Like, don't talk to, touch or even look at Katie.

WAFFLES TOO:  But um, Boss? This sounds kinda fun. I like talking, touching and looking. I bet these Houseghosts have toes too. I like toes.

KATIE:  Go ahead, Waffles. Have at their toes.  *under breath...we'll see how THAT goes over*

WAFFLES TOO:  Mmmmm. Toes.


We still need your votes in the
1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.
• Voting ends on Mar 31.

AmazeCats Next Top Cat Competition
Please vote for Katie and all her kitty friends in the Next Top Cat Competition!
The winning cat(s) will be featured on the next deck of AmazeCats playing cards!  ...don't you want a full house of Katies??? (Glogirly, you should be SCARED.)
• Voting is super easy, just a click.
• You can everyday vote for as many cats as you want through Mar 29.

We're celebrating the launch of our cool new GLOGIRLY DESIGN Website with some very COOL prizes, including Glogirly Bucks!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Gloman!

Hi everyone, Katie & Waffles Too here.

We've got a very special birthday here at the Townhouse today. Though I don't often show it, Gloman holds a very special place in my tiny, crusty heart. Despite his reputation as a DOG person, he's the one that adopted ME and brought me home to my girl.

So today is for you, Gloman.
I promise to keep my mitts off your pillow.
I promise to come when you call.

And I promise not to hold you responsible for Glogirly's gross lack of judgment she exhibited when she brought a certain orange brat cat home.  But could you at least pretend to be annoyed by him?


Don't miss our GLOGIRLY DESIGN Grand Opening GIVEAWAY! We're celebrating the launch of our cool new GLOGIRLY DESIGN Website with some pretty COOL prizes, including Glogirly Bucks!

We still need your votes in the
1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.
• Voting ends on Mar 31.

Thank mew!

UPDATE: New AmazeCats Competition
You can now cast your votes for AmazeCats Next Top Cat!
The winning cat(s) will be featured on the next deck of AmazeCats playing cards!  ...don't you want a full house of Katies??? (Glogirly is SCARED.)

• Voting is super easy, just a click.
• You can vote for as many cats as you want!
• Lots of our kitty friends are in the running, so show them some LOVE.