Hi everyone, Katie here.
You-know-who (a.k.a. the Orange Menace) is obsessed with pushing my buttons. You've seen it many times. He just pushes and pushes and pushes some more.
Well I've got some NEW buttons to to share. And THESE you can push as many times as you like and I won't even whap, hiss or glare at you.
Glogirly was so inspired by all of your great feedback on our new
GLOGIRLY DESIGN website that she decided we needed a little makeover of our own here. She really cleaned the place up. ...except for the fact that she left Waffles Too and changed my blog's tagline from "Tails Of A Cat & Her Girl" to "Tails of TWO Cats..."
Fine. I'll try to not dwell on that.
What she DID give me were some super cool new buttons! Go ahead, you can push them if you want.
She gave me new kitty-shaped social media buttons for all my friends to click and follow me with. She gave me all new (and
pink) sidebar buttons so it's easy to find your way around and discover new stuff. There's a secret surprise for you when you hover over them too.
Even our new sidebar badge is a button that does cool stuff when you hover over it. Click it and it brings you to a page that tells all about me, Glogirly, Gloman... and yes, even Waffles Too.
She said we're going to start offering cool custom buttons on our
So go ahead...push my buttons.
We still need your votes in the 1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.
AmazeCats Next Top Cat Competition
Please vote for Katie and all her kitty friends in the Next Top Cat Competition!
The top 32 cats will be featured on the next deck of AmazeCats playing cards! ...don't you want a full house of Katies??? (Glogirly, you should be SCARED.)
• Voting is super easy, just a click.
• You can everyday vote for as many cats as you want through Mar 29.
We're celebrating the launch of our cool new GLOGIRLY DESIGN Website with some very COOL prizes, including Glogirly Bucks!
• Giveaway closes Mar 30 @12:00am EST.