Thursday, February 28, 2013

American Gothic Cats

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I'm giving Waffles Too an art history lesson today. Glogirly first learned about American painter Grant Wood's American Gothic way back when she was a kid and received a Masterpiece board game for Christmas. Her parents both had grown up on farms and she was grateful whe didn't have to wear clothes like the farmer and his wife wore in the famous painting.

She studied art and design in college and eventually saw the painting in person at the Art Institute of Chicago.

 American Gothic by Grant Wood
 Art Institute of Chicago
Did you know?

☛ Wood had to ask permission of the Jones family in Eldon, Iowa to paint their house.
(I wonder if they knew he wasn't actually going to PAINT their house!)

☛ The woman in the painting is Wood's sister. 
(Glogirly says if anyone put HER in an apron and painted her...well, it wouldn't be pretty.)

☛ The man in the painting is Wood's dentist. 
(Glogirly is sure glad HER dentist doesn't use a pitchfork.)

☛ In 1930 Wood won a bronze medal and a $300 cash prize from the Art Institute of Chicago for his painting.

KATIE:  Step AWAY from the pitchfork, Waffles.

WAFFLES TOO:  Um, Boss?  I can't move. I'm stuck inside this painting.

Announcing the 2013 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards!
Nominations are now open through 3:00pm EST Friday, March 8

According to BlogPaws, the Nose-to-Nose Awards is the only awards program in which pet bloggers and microbloggers are judged on their expertise, creativity and performance by a panel of distinguished professionals.

But YOU are the ones who nominate

There are 12 categories and you can nominate as many blogs as you'd like. You can even nominate a blog for multiple categories. But I don't think you can nominate a cat for Best Bark Blog.


There are so many amazing pet bloggers out there who deserve recognition.
Glogirly and I are nominating the blogs we love to visit and hope you will too!
It's a perfect way to thank them for the all they share with us.

If you choose to nominate us (♥) you will need the following details:
Blog Homepage:
Contact Name for Blog Owner:  Debbie Glovatsky
Contact Email for Blog Owner:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Waffles Wednesday With My VETeran

Um, hi everybuddy. Waffles Too here.

This is my brother Gabe.  He's a VET-eran. But not the kind that you have to get in a PTU to see and who gives you shots and stuff. He's a US Marine VET-eran. He just came home after four whole years of wearing short hair and camouflage while he helped take care of our country.

Gabe just started college too. He's pretty smart already so I don't really understand why he needs to get more smart.

I think hanging out with me is WAY more fun.

And so does Gabe.

Real men really DO love cats.

Nominations are open NOW through March 8, 3:00pm EST for these prestigious pet blogging & social media awards! This is open to EVERYONE! Nominate your favorite blogs in as many categories as you want:

Winner 2012 Best Meow Blog

♥ Best Meow Blog
♥ Best Bark Blog
♥ Best Wiggle Blog (non-cat/dog)
♥ Best Humor Blog
♥ Best Blog Writing
♥ Best Blog Design
♥ Best Blog Photo
♥ Best Facebook Design
♥ Best Twitter Design
♥ Best Cause Blog
♥ Best New Blog 
♥ Best Blog Video

This is not a popularity contest. Each nomination will be judged on creativity, originality, overall impression, and then either design, content, purpose, clarity or humor as it pertains to each category.

Finalists will receive a BlogPaws Conference pass. Each category winner will receive a cool trophy and will be included in a collective donation of an embroidered Police Vest to Arlington Police Department K-9 'Hugo' along with a donation of oxygen masks for dogs, cats and small animals to local Fire Departments. 

We hope you will nominate many of your favorite bloggers! 
If you choose to nominate us (♥) you will need the following details:

Blog Homepage:
Contact Name for Blog Owner:  Debbie Glovatsky
Contact Email for Blog Owner:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Doctor, Doctor

KATIE:  I feel like I'm losing control.


KATIE:  I can't eat. I can't sleep.

DOCTOR:  Really?

KATIE:  It's not that I don't want to. It's just that my dish is always empty and my bed is always full.

DOCTOR:  Is the girl not feeding you?

KATIE:  No, that's not it. I think someone is following me. Watching me.  Reading my thoughts and taking notes.

DOCTOR:  Um....

KATIE:  *audible gasp*

DOCTOR:  Um, I just think your pear's annoyed.

Help A Call 4 Paws Win $5,000!!!
Please help our bestie, Miss Cathy Keisha, win BIG for the homeless kitties of A Call 4 Paws. She needs your VOTE in Petfinder's Luckiest Pet Contest. You can vote once a day through 3/18. Thank mew!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Alarming Incident(s)

Hi everyone, Katie here.

There's been an incident. Multiple incidents. THREE to be exact. And I'll give you ONE guess who's to blame.

It was an ordinary day. I was just innocently hanging out in the piano room, admiring my modern cat tree, when Waffles Too entered the room and commandeered the third level of my tree. 


I might add, he did NOT seek permission to approach, let alone climb my cat tree. I guess some cats just need to look down on others to feel good about themselves.

The next thing I know, I'm being attacked from the sky. Waffles Too waited for me to come just a few feet closer and then WHAM. He dove from skyscraper heights and landed right on my back. Friends, you will have to take my word for this, as it was impossible to capture his maneuver on camera given the speed of the assault.

And then it happened.

Sirens blaring. Some loud stranger yelling ALARM, ALARM, AREA 9 - GLASS BREAK KITCHEN - ALARM, ALARM. And Glogirly frantically searching for her phone.

GLOGIRLY:  Yes, I'd like to report a false alarm.

GLOGIRLY:  Yes, everything is fine, except for my two insane CATS.

GLOGIRLY:  No, it was just the cats.

GLOGIRLY:  Yes, cats.

GLOGIRLY:  Just two.

GLOGIRLY:  Well we have this new kitten and I guess his claws on the hardwood floor he was attacking my other INNOCENT cat.

GLOGIRLY:  No, really. We're all okay.

GLOGIRLY:  Thank you. Bye.

Do not be fooled. I may look like the aggressor, but I assure you I am NOT.

Fast forward 24 hours. Waffles Too does it again.

Fast forward 48 hours. AGAIN.

So now the security guy with the toolbelt has to come to the townhouse. Great. Just great. I'm going  to post this mug shot at the front door so he knows what he's dealing with.

Help A Call 4 Paws Win $5,000!!!
Please help our bestie, Miss Cathy Keisha, win BIG for the homeless kitties of A Call 4 Paws. She needs your VOTE in Petfinder's Luckiest Pet Contest. You can vote once a day through 3/18. Thank mew!
Click HERE to Vote for Cathy Keisha.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Naptime Reading

Hi everyone, Katie here.

This kitten stuff is EXHAUSTING. I just finished the chapter on food dish security. Now I'm looking for the one on how to prevent butt-smelling. I swear it's got to be here somewhere. *yawn* Somewhere. I'm just going to close my eyes. *yawn* Just for a little *yaaawn* bit.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Photohunt *UPPER*

It's ALL starting to make sense now. 

Today's Saturday Photohunt theme is *UPPER* ...a highly controversial energy-shot sold at gas stations to to sleepy humans. And now, Cod help us....kittens too.

Visit the Saturday Photohunt Blog to see what the upcoming themes are and play along.

Pee S:  
Please forgive me and Glogirly...she hasn't been able to help me visit and comment on your blogs for the past couple of days. I think SHE needs a shot of 25-Hour Energy. ♥♥  She says we'll be coming by this weekend though.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Kitten Flashback

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Waffles Too has been getting a LOT of attention lately. The awww's and squeee's are deafening. I understand. He's a kitten. Small, cute, innocent. Ok, the innocent is a sham. You get my point.

Well today I invite you to take a stroll down memory lane with me. Welcome to the Katie Kitten Flashback. (Eat your heart out, Waffles Too. And while you're at it, quit eating my food.)

All of today's photos were taken September 11, 2005. That was my first official weekend at the Townhouse. I was only 11 weeks old and less than 3 pounds. That's less than HALF the size of Waffles Too today.

I call this one "Please?"  Glogirly calls it "Yes."

I'm not even DOING anything here and I still look adorable.

We have 3 flights of steps in the Townhouse. It didn't take me long to make them MUCH cuter.

Fact:  I came from the shelter hardwired with the ability to make human hearts melt.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kittens & Kocktails

Hi everyone, Katie here.

News Flash. Glogirly has officially lost her mind. She threw a Kittens & Kocktails party recently in an effort to better *socialize* the orange brat. Apparently she doesn't want to, and I quote: "...make the same mistake with Waffles as I made with Katie." 


Just because I hate am not fond of people, she thinks it's her fault since she didn't properly socialize me when I was a kitten. Can you believe it???  

So she lured some of her cat loving friends over with the promise of alcohol and *sigh* Waffles Too. I'M the one that needed the alcohol!

Just LOOK at him. What a suck-up. I would have warned the introoders that a maniac lurks beneath that deceptively sweet exterior. I would have warned them, had they not invaded MY Townhouse.

The evening went from bad to worse when my CAT SITTER showed up for the party. Glogirly actually INVITED her over.  She and Waffles Too exchanged *words.*  I sure hope she doesn't expect ME to put up with this the next time Glogirly & Gloman go out of town.

  Of course EVERYONE wanted to see the FAMOUS cat. So I graced them with a brief appearance. 

A quick photo-op with Gloman and I was GONE.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Waffles Wednesday: Chicken & Waffles

Um, hi everybuddy. Waffles Too here.

Something new is showing up in the mark it. The Lay's Potato Chip people have put ME in a bag of potato chips. I'm a little worried cuz Glogirly says you can't eat just one. *gulp*

What's worse, I'm stuck inside the bag with a CHICKEN!  He's not very friendly. I don't think he wants to play, if you know what I mean.

Somebody put Waffles in my Chicken!

Somebuddy put Chicken in my Waffles!

Something tells me this isn't going to turn out quite as good as the peanut butter cups.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lucy In The Sky With Catnip

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Yesterday's Presidents Day Post isn't even cold yet and I'm already talking about controlled substances. Despite the fact that catnip is legal in all 50 states AND Washington DC, Glogirly seems to think that regulation is called for when it comes to the intoxicating herb.

I suppose you've got to be careful, what with a maniac kitten on the prowl. One who knows no limits.

Recently my homegirl, Miss Cathy Keisha, sent me some highly potent catnip kickers from Tiny Pearl Cat's private collection. These provocative playthings are decked out in the finest suede, fur and feathers. Best of all, each is filled with some of the headiest nip this side of the blogosphere.

Sometimes you just have to leave your cares behind and take a little afternoon trip. 

♫ ♪ ♩ ♬

Picture yourself in the sun by a window,
With squirrels in the trees and birds in the sky.
Somebody calls you, you don't even hear them,
A mouse with kaleidoscope eyes.

Cellophane wrappers of yellow and green,
Twirling around on the floor.
Look for the mouse with the sun in his eyes,
And he's gone.

♩ ♩ ♩

Lucy in the sky-y with catnip.
Lucy in the sky-y with catnip.
 Lucy in the sky-y with catnip. 

♫ ♪ ♩ ♬  Ahhh . . . Ahhh . . .  ♫ ♪♩ ♬

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Presidents Day from COTUS

Hi Everyone, COTUS here.

That's *Cat Of The United States* in case you're a little slow with the acronyms.  Today we're celebrating Presidents Day here in the US. It's the day we honor past POTUS's.  It's supposed to be George Washington's birthday too, but he was born on February 22 so go figure.

According to Glogirly, there's no mail, you can't go to the bank, and some of the lucky dogs that work for the government actually get the day off. There's big sales on cars, sofas and mattresses too.

Doesn't sound like much of a holiday to me.

So how would things be different if COTUS were in charge instead of POTUS?

The oval office would be PINK.

Money would get an extreme makeover.

$100 would be worth a LOT more.

We would ALL have loving and safe forever homes.

And we'd be kind to each other. Even the small orange boys.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hardly Easy Sunday

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Yes, as a matter of fact that IS my blue chair. Apparently someone isn't grasping the concept of sharing. When's he going to learn that sharing means getting the *censored* out of my chair?

Enjoy your Sunday. Don't mind me. I'll be right here. Watching. Watching my blue chair.

Photographer's Note
You may think that Glogirly scoured her photo files to find just the right scowling shot of Katie to accompany the orange boy's sleepy stupor. She's stooped to these low levels of manipulation before. But today we offer proof of what, or rather who, Katie was directing her gaze towards when the camera clicked:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Photohunt *MINISCULE*

miniscule [min-uh-skyool]
adjective (used with noun i.e. kitten brain)
see also minuscule.
1.  very small.
2.  the size of a pea.
usage:  That kitten's pea brain is miniscule.

Today's Saturday Photohunt theme is *MINISCULE* ...a very handy adjective when it comes to a certain orange kitten's brain. Visit the Saturday Photohunt Blog to see what the upcoming themes are and play along.

Waffles Too has won FIRST PLACE in the PetMeds #catNapsDogDreams Competition!!! Thank you SO much for all of your shares and tweets and votes!!! We have the best furiends EVER! I guess the orange boy is alright.  Still a pea brain... but alright.