Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Super Secret Valentine

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I'm sure it's no surprise I have many suitors. I am, after all, a cat of the blogosphere. Known for my beauty, style and confidence. Yet, I play my cards close to my fur. And in this case it's my ping-pong ball I'm playing with.

This is no ordinary ping-pong. It was lovingly made by the paws of my boyfriend.
< covers ears with paws to soften deafening shrieks of mancats heard round the world >

Mancats, do not despair. There's plenty of Katie to go around. But for now my heart belongs to . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

What, you thought I was going to kiss and tell???

So who do YOU think my mystery mancat is?
Here, I'll give you a few clues.
  1. He doesn't have a blog, but he has a great social media presence.
  2. We can share the same clothes. ...ok, I need to cut back a little on the kibble first.
  3. He has appeared on GLOGIRLY once.

Waffles Too is ahead of the DOG and in 1st place for votes in the 1-800-PetMeds Cat Naps & Dog Dreams Competition!  But this dog is sneaky and when we least expect it he jumps ahead by hundreds of votes. The contest ends in just a few days (Feb 8 @12:00 pm EST) so we're continuing to tweet to get more votes stacked up. Maybe while your human is watching Dance Moms or American Idol or something, you can tweet a few more votes.
THANK MEW SO MUCH!!! Now the orange boy won't embarrass me.


  1. Harry, Sherpa and Pumpkin are going to be devastated

  2. We don't have a clue! Whoever he is, he must be a sweetheart to be your boyfriend.

  3. Wow. We don't know many cats without a blog--of course we don't really do the twitter thing.... hmm....

  4. Just remember kitties...social media isn't JUST Twitter.
    ; )

  5. I think I hear Figaro crying...and Nigel is pouting...

  6. He doesn't have a blog? But however did you meet him? We can't wait to find out because we haven't got a clue!

  7. Hum, I think of euh, shall I dare to say it???......

    Waffles Too????

    Don't kill me with this look, Katie, please!

  8. No blog? Are you sure he's worthy of you...? Just wondering!

  9. Oooh, theese is very juicy, love it!(PS: We tweeted for W2 and will get a couple more in before deadline.)

  10. Wow Katie we are on the edge of our seats. Who has captured your heart and sends you a pawsome ping pong ball???????? We got to know?????? Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Do I hear wedding bells?

  12. Doesn't have a blog??? Is he a convict on the run? Does he work for the FBI? Is he both ? Katie you terrible tease!! :)

  13. We don't know who the mystery mancat is..... But we are glad to hear Waffles is winning the contest!!

  14. Ooh, who can it be? Mancats everywhere are going to be so devastated that they can't all be your valentine, Katie.

  15. katie - you are glowing! you are so pretty when you're in looooooove.

    oh. wait. it's not W2, is it?

    okay. prol'ly not. cant' wait to find out!

  16. Jeez...and I thought maybe, just maybe, I'd have a chance with you, Katie. :(


  17. Hmmm.. I'm not sure who the Boyfriend could be... Can you vote more than once? I already have but will do it some more if it's allowed.

  18. Hmmm.. I'm not sure who the Boyfriend could be... Can you vote more than once? I already have but will do it some more if it's allowed.

  19. Hmmmm....he must be on FB.....We're stumped!!

    The Florida Furkids

  20. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Love is in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  21. We have no idea. . .don't keep us hanging!

  22. fezz up katie... ewe noe ewe N waffles senior, dad ta waffles two, be married N livin de high life sinz ya meeted at de salmon swap in september '12... we dunno why waffles senior bee callin hiz self quest shun heart tho...but then we dunno why we iz called trout towneRZ either...

  23. I love a good mystery! Whoever the guy is, he's one lucky mancat! I mean, seriously, Katie. If I was a cat? Let's just say I'd throw my collar in the ring. If you know what I mean.
    Play bows,

  24. you've broken the boyz's hearts...

  25. hmmmm...I applied my expert sleuthing skills to uncover CK's Valentine Ball date...now, taps paws...where shall I start to learn your secret Katie...hmmmm...must start with a "P" and end with a "T"...ok...off to look...oh, Paw pats,Savannah

  26. Whoa, we have no idea who the lucky mancat could be! We can hardly wait for the big reveal!

  27. Katie
    we are sure that whoever your sweetheart is he is furry special.

  28. Frankly, he sounds a bit sketchy to us Katie! No blog?!! Does he at least have wheels and a fat ole wallet?!!
    O.k.so he has a Facebook account but that is soooooo OLD!
    Can he dance?! Does he have a big PURR?!!
    We just think you should be looking at everything before you make that kind of commitment!

    Leo , Levon and Duffy from the critters in the cottage xo

  29. We have no idea who your secret Valentine could be.

  30. I think I would have better luck trying to find Chey on Friday!

  31. First CK with two mystery escorts and now you with a secret love connection...You girls are driving us all mad with curiousity

  32. Hmmm, I don't know if the Blogosphere is ready for 2 romance mysteries. Does W2 know you're [censored] his Dad? HAH!!!

  33. Allie: ooooh, there are SOOOO many. There's KB, RC, NK...

    OH MY CAT! The suspense is KILLING ME!!!

    And Faraday's just totally grossed out at the whole idea.


    Maybe if I threatened to KISS him - disgusting thought - he'd leave me alone... No, I think I might just lose my breakfast if made to do that. Daintily of course.

  34. We would like to get a box. And as everyone knows....if the cat wants, the cat should get!

  35. Is it that mancat that told me I would be in BIG trouble if I kiss you on the Valentine Ball ??


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