Saturday, May 31, 2014

TV Trip: Starsky & Waff

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, how come YOU get to be Starky?

KATIE:  It's STARSKY, Waffles. Starsky.

WAFFLES:  So why can't I be Starky?

KATIE:  *sigh* Because, Waffles... you can't drive.

WAFFLES:  Well can we at least call the show Waffles & Starky???

KATIE:  NO. That wouldn't make any sense at all.

WAFFLES:  But wasn't Starky the one that got all the hot babes?

KATIE:  Waffles. Listen to me. It's Starsky & Waff. I'm driving. Let's just get on with it, ok? There's crime to fight in Bay City. And we said we'd meet Huggy Bear an HOUR ago.

WAFFLES:  Right on, Boss. I'm ready for all the hot babes. 

KATIE:  Waffles! You can't wear that sweater! It's Starsky's sweater. 

WAFFLES:  I TOLD you I should be Starky.

KATIE:  Waffles, take off the sweater and get in the car. NOW. Or you're never going to be my partner again.

WAFFLES:  Oh, Boss.  ♫♪ Don't give up on us baby...♩♬ ♪

Join us each Saturday for another episode of TV Trips!
Just tuning in? Catch up on all of our latest TV show spoofs. We've DVR'd them for you.

GLOGIRLY is proud to participate in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with our TV Trip Series. 
Visit HERE for more creative & clever cats.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Taking Back the Townhouse

WAFFLES:  Oh my Cod, is that the Boss?

KATIE:  *saunters confidently across Townhouse floor*

WAFFLES:  She looks, um... kinda scary. Not like Halloween-scary scary, but like...

KATIE:  ... like "Don't-mess-with-me-scary" scary?

WAFFLES:   *gulp*

KATIE:  Just taking back the Townhouse. One gulp at a time.

Katie's Guest Posting on 
The Cat Post Intelligencer

Join Katie as she divulges the secrets behind her SmartyPants and how she's able to identity the mystery photos in the popular "Find Chey Friday" blog post features on The Cat Post Intelligencer.

The next best thing to Private Eye School.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Do You See What I See?

Look UP!
KATIE:  Hey Waffles. Do you see what I see???

Waffles, 'HUH?'
WAFFLES:  Where, Boss? Where?

KATIE:  Seriously? You don't see that???

WAFFLES:  You mean the ceiling, Boss?

KATIE:  Ok, it just moved down in front of you.

WAFFLES:  REALLY?  Where? I don't see –

KATIE:  JUST keep looking ahead. Don't move.

WAFFLES:  Ok, Boss. I'm looking.


KATIE:  That's right. Straight ahead –

Six lucky GLOGIRLY readers will win a 15 pound box of Simple Solution's new 30-Day Cat Litter for themselves AND a box for their favorite shelter! WIN-WIN


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Waffles Wednesday: Evil Kat-nievel the Feline Daredevil

Hi everybuddy, Waffles here– um I mean Evil Katnievel.

Today I'm scaling Mount Townhouse.  No wires, no strings, no feathers or safety nets.

Oh wait, there IS a feather. Ok, scratch that about the feather.

Can I start over?

Ok Hi everybuddy, today I'm scaling Mount Townhouse with nothing more than my bare paws and my trusty cape. On account of it's really important for daredevils to wear capes.

Oh, and my mask. I can't be all daredevil-y without my mask.


Special thanks to the Mr. Black of the Kittini Boys for giving me the idea for today's daredevil-y stunt. I think he looks pretty daredevil-y too, don't you?

Six lucky GLOGIRLY readers will win a 15 pound box of Simple Solution's new 30-Day Cat Litter for themselves AND a box for their favorite shelter! WIN-WIN


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is Summer Ready for Waffles???

WAFFLES:  Uuuuugggggaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!  MAN, is this peach ever HEAVY!

KATIE:  Peach???

WAFFLES:  WHEW! There you go, little peach. Now hurry up and get ripe. It's almost summer.

KATIE:  Not quite sure how to tell you this, Waffles. But this is no peach.

WAFFLES:  But Glogirly said! She said we have to get ready for summer and then she gave me this peach for safe keeping.

KATIE:  She gave you THAT? Or did you just roll it over here from the kitchen?

WAFFLES:  No, I'm keeping him safe. See?

KATIE:  It's a watermelon, Waffles. A watermelon. Not a peach.

WAFFLES:  But it says Peach right here? See? 

KATIE:  Waffles, the only peach around here is your kitty lounger. You know, from Peach Industries? It's got nothing to do with real peaches, watermelon or ANY kind of fruit. You're a CAT. You don't even EAT fruit.

WAFFLES:  Um, well ... but I can PLAY with fruit. Right?

KATIE:  You might be ready for summer, Waffles. But is summer ready for you???


Summer wouldn't be summer without our super-fabulous, super-stylish kitty lounger from Peach Industries.

This is their Kitty Lounger MINI. Value priced and purrfect for bird watching, low-to-the-ground-lounging and general stealth & surveillance operations.

FTC Disclosure: We received our kitty lounger at no charge from Peach Industries. We also received a small fee to cover the time it takes to take photos and write the blog post. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our article or anything we say.  All sponsored posts on GLOGIRLY will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Because it Does the Heart Good to Say Thank You

We're pausing this Memorial Day to remember the people we love and say thank you. Friends, family, teachers, soldiers... some we've known our whole lives. They've touched our hearts and helped shape who we are.  Some remain nameless and anonnymous, having given so much, so selflessly, for this beautiful place we call home.

From Glogirly 

To her Dad,
"Thank you for showing me the good and joy in everything and everyone. And thank you for teaching me the power of optimism. You will always be my hero."
~ Glogirly

To her Mom,
"Thank you for inspiring me to study hard, dream big and love unconditionally. And thank you for showing me how the simplest of things can create the biggest of joys."
~ Glogirly

From Katie
To Gloman,
"Thank you for rescuing me, loving me and truly understanding me. ...and for our private cuddles safe out of Waffles' reach."
~ Katie

From Waffles
To Glogirly,
"Thanks for choosing me to be your special small man. And thank you for letting me get away with just about anything because I'm so cute. And handsome. Definitely handsome."
~ Waffles

From All of us at the Townhouse
To Our Friends & Readers,
"Thank you for smiling, giggling and sharing our lives with us. You mean more to us than you will ever know."
~ Glogirly, Gloman, Katie & Waffles

Another Mother
A story of love. Lost & found.

On this special day of remembrance, we invite you read a true story of love, tenacity and discovery – Glogirly's work-in-progress memoir of her search for where she came from and the courageous young woman who loved her enough to let her go.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Fetch Toy Heaven

KATIE:  *whispers under breath*  Oh brother. I hear trouble in the kitchen again. What's he doing now?

WAFFLES:  *from the kitchen*  HEY BO-SS???  HAVE YOU SEEN MY FETCH TOY?

KATIE:  Inside voice, Waffles. Inside voice.

WAFFLES:  Have you seen my fetch toy, Boss?  Have you? I can't find it. Have you seen it?

KATIE:  Am I your fetch toy's keeper?

WAFFLES:  How about my pickle? And my feather?

KATIE:  Same question.

WAFFLES:  But Boss, I can't find anything. Have you seen them?

KATIE:  Have you retraced your steps?


KATIE:  Well?

WAFFLES:  Ok so I went up the cat tree, then down, then over to your food dish, then I chased a bug across the window and then I looked for the red dot family again... you know they're missing, right?

KATIE:  And then you took your fetch toy and put it with the 142 other fetch toys you have hidden –

WAFFLES:  BOSS! It's like FETCH TOY HEAVEN under here!

Simple Solution 30-Day Litter for You AND Your Favorite Shelter!

Don't miss our pinker than pink giveaway!
Six lucky GLOGIRLY readers will win a 15 pound box of Simple Solution's new 30-Day Cat Litter for themselves AND a box for their favorite shelter! WIN-WIN


Saturday, May 24, 2014

TV Trip: Fantasy Cat Island

KATIE:  Smiles everyone! Smiles!

WAFFLES:  De Boss! De Boss!

KATIE:  No Waffles, it's De Plane. De Plane!

WAFFLES:  You mean I'm supposed to call you Plane?

KATIE:  No Waffles. I'm the Boss, you're Tattoo and the plane is De Plane. Got it?

WAFFLES:  I'm a tattoo??? COOL! Where are you going to put me?
On your arm? On your back? With a heart that says 'WAFFLES' ???

KATIE:  *sigh*  Waffles, how can screw up a character that only has to say one line?

WAFFLES:  I don't know.... De Boss.

KATIE:  Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Yeah Boss?

KATIE:  Repeat after me.

WAFFLES:  After me.

KATIE:  JUST SAY, "De Plane! De Plane!"

WAFFLES:  Um Boss? That's two lines. I counted two.

KATIE:  Get me off this stupid island. 

Join us each Saturday for another episode of TV Trips!
Just tuning in? Catch up on all of our latest TV show spoofs. We've DVR'd them for you.

GLOGIRLY is proud to participate in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with our TV Trip Series. 
Visit HERE for more creative & clever cats.

Simple Solution 30-Day Litter for You AND Your Favorite Shelter!

Don't miss our pinker than pink giveaway!
Six lucky GLOGIRLY readers will win a 15 pound box of Simple Solution's new 30-Day Cat Litter for themselves AND a box for their favorite shelter!  WIN-WIN


Friday, May 23, 2014

Run For Your Life! It's the DOORBELL!

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Last one in the blue chair's a rotten egg.

KATIE:  So Waffles, HOW do you like your eggs?

WAFFLES:  Hey, no fair! How'd you get there so fast?

KATIE:  Touch me and you'll never know.

WAFFLES:  Awww, c'mon Boss. How'd you get there so fast? I mean, you're kind of old and all.


WAFFLES:  Kind of sort of?

KATIE:  Experience. Intelligence. Shall I continue?

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Was that the doorbell?


WAFFLES:  Run Boss! RUN!!! Run for your LIFE!!!

Simple Solution 30-Day Litter for You AND Your Favorite Shelter!

Don't miss our pinker than pink giveaway!
Six lucky GLOGIRLY readers will win a 15 pound box of Simple Solution's new 30-Day Cat Litter for themselves AND a box for their favorite shelter!  WIN-WIN


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tickled PINK: Simple Solution 30 Day Cat Litter Giveaway for You AND Your Shelter!

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! We got some new litter! And you're not going to believe this... but it's PINK!
Can I try it? Can I?

KATIE:  Go ahead Waffles. As long as you're ok with doing your stuff in PINK. Doesn't strike me as very "mancatly" though.

WAFFLES:  Ok! Here I go!

KATIE:  Waffles! Have you NO manners?

WAFFLES:  What do you mean? I'm going inside the box just like you told me.

KATIE:  Yeah, in front of the WHOLE WORLD!


KATIE:  *rolls eyes* I bet the pink litter people would have never contacted us about trying out their litter had they known that you-know-who would be doing you-know-what right here for everyone to see.

Simple Solution 30-Day Test Run
For the past few weeks, Waffles and I have been trying out the new Simple Solution 30 Day Super Absorbent Cat Litter.  Not only does it make things more colorful, this litter has some unique and impressive characteristics that we're tickled PINK to share.

What Makes PINK So Unique?
1.  No Liquid Scooping
Yes you read that right. The most unique characteristic of this litter is the fact that it doesn't clump liquids but rather it absorbs them. You just pour one box of litter into your box, and for a whole 30 days all you need to scoop is the poop. I know, it sounds crazy...but it really works!

2.  Super Absorbent
It's about 300% more absorbent than many traditional litters, which is one of the reasons it works so well at eliminating the need for scooping your #1 business.

3.  Lightweight & Easy to Pour
One of Glogirly's pet peeves is super heavy, gigantic tubs of litter that are impossible to pour without making a mess. Simple Solution is about 1/2 the weight of traditional clay litters. But the REALLY big win is the way in which they've designed the box. There are two handles, one on the top, one on the side and a very handy "easy-pour" spout. Opening, lifting, and pouring were a breeze and no HBO words were involved whatsoever.

4.  Low Dust & Paw Gentle
Although not completely dust-free, there was much less dust than many of the clay and biodegradable litters we've used before. The texture of the litter is paw-friendly and both Waffles and I took to the litter right away. ...though not at the same time. *wink*

5.  Light Fragrance
Although the litter does have a mild fragrance, it does not come off as overly perfume-y. But it is a stronger scent than some of the unscented clay litters and biodegradable formulas we've tried. When liquid comes into contact with the litter and it starts it's magic, the mild fragrance is somewhat noticeable, so like all of our litter boxes, Glogirly likes to keep them separated from the main living area of the Townhouse.

6.  It's PINK!
Ok, try as we might...we've not been able to uncover the secret to the PINK. I guess if they told us they'd have to –

So What's it Made Out Of?
Simple Solution is a clay litter, but unlike other clay litters, which are made from bentonite, Simple Solution is made from pure attapulgite clay, a unique lightweight mineral that quickly attaches to, absorbs and traps moisture and odor.  The combination of this particular clay and an exclusive odor-eliminating technology permanently neutralizes orders, as opposed to just masking or encapsulating them. We've put it to the test and can tell you that's absolutely true. Our litter room is fresh as a daisy.

While we're no experts here, we've used just about every variety of litter we can think of. It seems there are pros and cons to every kind out there. We also realize that like food, treats...well really anything, it's a personal choice and we'd never tell you what kind of food to eat or what kind of litter to, well... you know.

When given a choice of litters to use, both Waffles and I used the Simple Solution litter more frequently than one of the biodegradable formulas we have in the same litter room. And we used it about the the same amount as another clay version we have.

A PINK Giveaway for You AND Your Favorite Shelter!
The generous people at Simple Solution are so excited to have you try out their litter too, they're giving SIX GLOGIRLY readers each a 15 pound box of litter!  AND they're doubling the prize so each winner can select a US 501(c)(3) shelter to receive a 15 pound box of litter too! That's 180 pounds of PINK... WIN-WIN!

The giveaway is open to US and Canada residents, though everyone worldwide is invited to enter. Overseas winners may gift their prize to a friend or additional shelter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

FTC Disclosure: We received a box of Simple Solution 30-Day Cat Litter no charge to try out and review. We also received a small fee to cover the time it takes to take photos and write the review post. Receiving the free litter and the fee did not influence our article or anything we say.  All sponsored posts on GLOGIRLY will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions.