WAFFLES: Um hi everybuddy. Waffles Too here. I'm here with my new friend, the Mail Chimp. He came over to play Monkey See, and also to tell you about something new.
MAIL CHIMP: Hi everyone. Thanks for inviting me over, Waffles.
WAFFLES: Thanks for the cool hat, Mister Mail Chimp.
MAIL CHIMP: I suppose you're wondering why a monkey would want to hang out on a cat blog, huh?
WAFFLES: Well, don't tell...but Glogirly's nickname for me IS Monkey.
MAIL CHIMP: I'll take that as a compliment, Waffles.
WAFFLES: Um, so WHY are you here again?
MAIL CHIMP: I'm here to tell everyone that GLOGIRLY.com has just launched a brand new follow-by-email subscription program with Mail Chimp. In fact, if you were already a subscriber through Feedburner, your email address has been transferred over to our new feeding system and you should already be receiving your daily GLOGIRLY updates.
WAFFLES: Um, feeding system??? You mean like bananas?
MAIL CHIMP: No silly, it's a BLOG feeding system... so none of your friends ever miss your blog posts and go hungry for GLOGIRLY.
All your readers have to do to subscribe is enter their email in the new box at the top of the sidebar. It will take them to a cute pink page where they select html or text only for their emails. Then they'll get an email back from you to confirm their subscription. Done!
WAFFLES: I was kind of hoping for bananas.
MAIL CHIMP: The emails your friends will receive with your new blog updates are super easy to read and look really cool. They'll see your logo and lots of pink.
← ← ← Just like this sample to the left.
WAFFLES: That's cool. But I was kind of hoping for orange.
MAIL CHIMP: There's also social media share buttons at the bottom. Your friends can just click to share your post on Facebook or Twitter. They can even email it to their boss. As long as their boss likes cats.
WAFFLES: I sure hope SOMEBODY'S Boss likes cats.
MAIL CHIMP: And there are some fancy square follow buttons just in case one of your friends doesn't already like you on Facebook, follow you on Twitter, pin with you on Pinterest or watch you on YouTube. You are after all, multi-channel cats!
KATIE: So Waffles, how about letting ME get a word in edgewise?
WAFFLES: Um, just one word?
KATIE: If you would enjoy having me and Waffles land in you inbox everyday, please make sure to type your address in the little box at the top of the sidebar and click SUBSCRIBE. If you thought you were subscribed but haven't received anything from us in the past couple of days, please check your spam filter. And if all else fails, you can easily sign up again. I promise it will be fun and I promise you'll be safe from spam. Unless you really want to eat ham in a can.
WAFFLES: Um, Boss? But what if someone doesn't want us showing up in their email? How can they follow us?
KATIE: Excellent question (...can't believe I just said that.) Lots of our friends have been following us through Google Reader which is going away on July 1. In fact some people are reporting it's already gone. We've got an awesome alternative to that called Bloglovin'. Many people are already using it and Bloglovin' it. It's really easy to set up an account and you can follow all the blogs you want from any platform. (Blogger, Wordpress, etc...) To make it even easier, we have a new Bloglovin' Follow Button at the top of our sidebar. Just click it to follow GLOGIRLY.
We'd love to hear from you if you experience any trouble with our new Mail Chimp emails or Bloglovin'. You can just hit 'reply' to our emails, they'll come straight to us. Or send us a separate email at glogirl@visi.com.
WAFFLES: So Boss? Do I have to use Bloglovin' to follow you around the Townhouse?
KATIE: *sigh*

We received some questions we thought everyone would like to hear about:
Q: Is Feedburner going away?
A: According to Google, No. Only Google Reader is going away. You'll still be able to receive email updates to other blogs you've subscribed to. But OUR subscribers are now receiving blog updates from Mail Chimp.
Q: Do our subscribers receive a new email each time we publish a new post?
A: Yes. We typically post once a day, so subscribers will receive 1 email from us per day at approximately 1:00 am CST.
Q: Does the new Mail Chimp email have a summary of blog posts?
A: No. It includes the most recent post in it's entirety. But there are links at the bottom to other recent posts in case you missed any that you want to catch up on.
Q: Do we share emails?
A: No. Never.
Q: Are there other readers out there besides Bloglovin'?
A: Yes! Many people are liking Feedly.
Q: Is Waffles still annoying you?
A: Do cats nap?