KATIE: Waffles, there's nothing great about that. It's a plastic pumpkin.
WAFFLES: And magical.
KATIE: Well if it can make you disappear, it must have some kind of magic powers.
KATIE: Waffles?
KATIE: Waffles? Where'd you go? Waffles?
KATIE: Well who'd have ever thought that Halloween would be my new favorite holiday?
About Today's Photos
When Glogirly came home with the big plastic pumpkin, it took Waffles all of 10 seconds to dive inside and hunker down. Katie has never been much a fan of enclosed spaces, especially enclosed spaces inside giant orange plastic pumpkins. But when Waffles looked like he'd never come out, she became pretty curious. We're certain she had no plans on joining him, but more likely was peering over the edge hoping for a little of that Great Pumpkin disappearing magic.
Eventually the treats came out and then it turned into a big free-for-all.
WAFFLES: Hey Boss! I got a catnip Greenie! What'd you get? Did you get something good?
KATIE: Freeze dried chicken.
WAFFLES: We should totally trade.
KATIE: In your dreams, Waffles. That's like trading a Reeses for a measly circus peanut.
Happy Halloween, everybody!
Stay safe and enjoy plenty of tricks and treats. And don't forget to keep the circus peanuts and Reeses cups away from the kitties! And Glogirly. Please keep those Reeses cups away from her too.