ELLIE: Glogirly says it's hard to write our stories when we get along and stuff. She says that it's harder to make our friends laugh when we're, you know...cuddling and stuff.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Happy Bedfellows Again
Sunday, April 17, 2022
ELLIE: So Mr. Waffles? Did the Easter Bunny bring us these Peeps?
WAFFLES: Yeah, I thought they'd be marshmallow Peeps, but they're just stuffed with a lot of nothing. What a ripoff.
ELLIE: Not even catnip???
WAFFLES: Not even catnip. Maybe the Easter Bunny messed up and brought us DOG toys.
ELLIE: Well they're still kind of fun, Mr. Waffles.
WAFFLES: If you like DOG toys.
WAFFLES: Should I not like dog toys?
WAFFLES: Well...are you a dog???
Happy Easter!
Speaking of the Easter Bunny...
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Duo Dentals and the Tooth Fairy
ELLIE: So Mr, Waffles? What's this I hear about the tooth fairy? How does it work?
Duo Dentals
Sunday, April 3, 2022
The Cats at Work While Their Girl Skis
About Today's Photos & Glogirly's Latest Skiing Update
Sweet Ellie is THE most devoted office assistant ever. Gloman has been working full time from our home office ever since last year and Ellie has yet to miss a day of work. In fact, even on the weekends, she can be found in the office chair waiting for him.
Waffles is more of a fair-weather office assistant. He often joins Ellie and Gloman, but is quick to take catnip break in the bedroom sun puddles.
Today's photos have both Ellie and Waffles hanging out in the bedroom, slacking from their daily duties. haha!
Meanwhile on the Slopes...
Left to Right: Glogirly, Anita, and Inge |
Hi everyone, Katie here. I'm so glad you're here today...you're in for a treat! Some of our regular readers may be fami...
Hi everyone, Katie here. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better this week, we've got something REALLY special that ...
Hi everybuddy, Waffles here. The Boss asked me to fill in for her today while she takes care of Glogirly. I'm super excited becau...
Hi everyone Katie here. Only yesterday you were leaving condolences for my dearly departed feather. Well the stars have aligned and I...
Hi everyone, Katie here. We've got a special surprise for you today! Recently we became acquainted with the adorable felt catnip to...