Hi everyone, Katie here.
Why is it that I'm always the last one to know? When I'm nearly out of freeze dried salmon, I'm the last to know. When intruders have been "invited" over for dinner, I'm the last to know. When an appointment with the V-E-T has been made, I'm the last to know.
Well the latest tops it all. Supa Kitteh had to break the news to me. I don't know how to say this other than coming right out with it.
Ok... deep kitty breath... Glogirly got a job.
Supa Kitteh: "Pssst! GG's got a new job and it doesn't involve YOU!"
Katie: "WHAT THE ???"
It gets worse. Glogirly got a job that requires her to abandon me on a regular basis.
Katie: ".......... are you pulling my ...."
Supa Kitteh: "No, quit pulling MY cape."
And worse. Glogirly got a job that requires her to abandon me on a regular basis AND she's leaving on Sunday. This Sunday.
Katie: "NO, Supa Kitteh... tell me it isn't so."
And yet, worse. Glogirly got a job that requires her to abandon me on a regular basis and she's leaving on Sunday, this Sunday, for THREE WHOLE WEEKS of training.
Katie: "How DARE she!"
I have questions. Many questions.
But, but... what about my blog? My facebook fans? My food and litter needs?
But, but... what about ME???
Glogirly assures me that Gloman will be here to pick up the slack. SLACK??? Are you kidding me? Gloman surely isn't going to give me salmon everyday. And blogging? Not on his life!
Glogirly is going to be working for a company called Coldwater Creek. Ok, so I don't like cold. I don't like water. And I like creeks even less than water. Despite the name, this Coldwater Creek place doesn't even sell salmon. So how can this be good?
Glogirly assures me that she won't be gone all the time and when she is, we'll still be able to blog remotely. Well, I guess we'll just have to see about THAT!
So it's just going to be me and Supa Kitteh. We're going to have to make our own fun while this girl of mine is gone.
Katie: "Fine. Whatever."