RECORDED VOICE: Hello, Special Agent Waffles.
WAFFLES: Um, hello? Who's there?
RECORDED VOICE: The secret Kitty Lounger People from Peach Industries are requesting your your services on a very important operation.
WAFFLES: Operation? You mean like doctor stuff?
RECORDED VOICE: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make-over your Peach Industries Kitty Lounger.
WAFFLES: Mission? Like secret agent stuff?
RECORDED VOICE: Recently a box was delivered to the Townhouse.
WAFFLES: Um, yeah. We got a box. It's not gonna blow up is it?
RECORDED VOICE: Remove the content from the box and lay it out flat on the floor.
WAFFLES: Ok, it's flat. You still didn't tell me if it's gonna blow up though.
RECORDED VOICE: You need to take the new kitty lounger cover and place it on top of your existing kitty lounger frame.
WAFFLES: Shouldn't I be wearing those fancy SWAT pants? Are you sure it's not gonna blow up?
RECORDED VOICE: There are pockets on the corners of the cover. Place them over the corners of the kitty lounger frame.
WAFFLES: Are you sure I don't need some tools? Or maybe a cool tool belt?
RECORDED VOICE: The only tools required for this delicate operation are your paws. Make sure all four corners are snug and in place and secure the perimeters.
WAFFLES: Ok, my perimeters are secure. Wait, what's a perimeter?
RECORDED VOICE: It's critical you protect the operation from opposing forces. This is a matter of national kitty lounger security.
WAFFLES: Hey Boss? I think your opposing forces are in my perimeter.
KATIE: You want my opposing forces?
KATIE: I got your opposing forces. Right HERE.
RECORDED VOICE: Be sure to tell your readers about the special mission discount going on NOW through October 4. Peach Industries is offering 25% off their beautifully designed lounger covers for both the original and the mini kitty loungers. Special Agent Waffles and Katie's townhouse is outfitted with both loungers and reports indicate that they LOVE them. Use promo code GLOGIRLY at checkout for special mission discount. This blog post will self destruct in 10 seconds.
WAFFLES: I knew it! We're gonna blow sky high!
FTC Disclosure: We received this product for review at no charge from Peach Industries. We also received a small fee to cover the time it takes to test, take photos, and write the review. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our review. All reviews on GLOGIRLY will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions.