Sunday, December 27, 2020
Ellie & Waffles in Black & White
Friday, December 25, 2020
Meowy Christmas from the Mountains!
ELLIE: Mr. Santa Waffles! Did you see??? We got TOYS in our stockings!!! That means I must have been on Santa's nice list! How about you?
WAFFLES: Santa and I are tight. I'm always on his nice list.
ELLIE: I got a dangly Christmas tree with a feather!
WAFFLES: I think that tree thing requires some adult supervision, Ellie. You better let me help.
ELLIE: Thanks, Mr. Santa Waffles. I got it. I'm a big girl now. So what did you get?
WAFFLES: Oh, just
Monday, December 21, 2020
Ellie Discovers Santa
ELLIE: Mr. Waffles??? Is that you?
WAFFLES: Whaddya mean is it me? Of course, it's me.
ELLIE: So, you mean......are you........are you really.....SANTA???!
WAFFLES: Do I look like Santa?
ELLIE: I've heard stories about you, I mean Santa. About a big, jolly, orange cat in a tight-fitting red coat.
ELLIE: And Santa brings toys and treats and stuff to all the good girl cats and boy cats.
WAFFLES: Yup, and I've got a list and stuff. And I check it. Lots and lots of times.
ELLIE: List??
WAFFLES: You know, the naughty & nice list.
ELLIE: Am I on the list?
WAFFLES: Your name is Ellie, right?
WAFFLES: You're on the list alright.
ELLIE: Which one, Mr. Santa Waffles?
WAFFLES: I guess you'll just have to check your stocking on Christmas morning to find out!
About Today's Photos
It's Christmastime in the mountains! This weekend we strung the twinkle lights, hung the stockings, and dusted off our holiday attire. Ellie is pretty perceptive given this is her first Christmas. Waffles' Santa coat DOES look a couple of sizes smaller than we remember. LOL!

Today's holiday photoshoot had Glogirly wrangling Ellie and Waffles with treats and wand toys while Gloman snapped away with his camera. Waffles
The REAL Santa will be sliding down our chimney this Christmas Eve and we're pretty sure he'll have some toys in his bag for Ellie and Waffles. Surely they've landed at the top of his nice list.
Please join us back here
Sunday, December 13, 2020
The Purr-fect Assistant
ELLIE: Hey Mr. Waffles! Did you hear? I got a job!
WAFFLES: Whaddya mean you got a job? I didn't even know you were looking.
ELLIE: I'm Gloman's new office assistant.
WAFFLES: I thought *I* was Gloman's office assistant. What, does he need TWO office
ELLIE: I don't know. He just told me I was his
WAFFLES: So this isn't a paid gig.
ELLIE: Gig?? Like giggle?
WAFFLES: A job. You know, like with a paycheck and stuff.
ELLIE: Paycheck? You mean like real money?
WAFFLES: So what do you do all day?
ELLIE: I sit here in the blue chair. Looking cute while he's on his zoomie calls.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Here's Looking at You
ELLIE: Hello? What's your name? You look kind of familiar and stuff. Have we– Wait!
Hi everyone, Katie here. I'm so glad you're here're in for a treat! Some of our regular readers may be fami...
Hi everyone, Katie here. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better this week, we've got something REALLY special that ...
Hi everybuddy, Waffles here. The Boss asked me to fill in for her today while she takes care of Glogirly. I'm super excited becau...
Hi everyone Katie here. Only yesterday you were leaving condolences for my dearly departed feather. Well the stars have aligned and I...
Hi everyone, Katie here. We've got a special surprise for you today! Recently we became acquainted with the adorable felt catnip to...