Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Trump

Hi everyone, Katie here.

On this side of the Townhouse:  Waffles. 
The orange menace in the blue chair.  Correction...MY blue chair.

And on the oppositie side of the Townhouse:  Waffles' opponent. Me.
Rolling on the rug looking cute trumps even the Orange Crush and his sticky pink nose. 

Doesn't it?

Click MeIt's Petties-Time!

Click our button to nominate your favorite pet blogs & shelters for the 2013 Petties!

These are some of the most prestigious awards out there for excellence in pet blogging. If you like coming here to hang out and laugh with us, would you please consider nominating us for a Pettie? 

It's super easy. There's a bunch of categories like Best Cat Blog, Funniest Blogger, etc... For every blog nomination, you ALSO get to nominate a 501c3 shelter or rescue for a chance at $10,000!  That's a LOT of green papers for homeless kitties!

You can nominate daily so that means you have a chance to nominate all of your favorite blogs. And you can nominate blogs in as many categories as you want. 

You'll need the URL of the blog you're nominating (ex: and the name of your favorite shelter or rescue.  Happy Nominating!


  1. You're adorable Katie, and well, Waffles is Waffles! (just like Princeton) Happy Sunday, furriends. XOXOXOXO

  2. Allie: You had to ask, girlfriend? Like, toootally.

    Ooh, there are a bunch of baby bunnies in our back yard. DE-lish! Party at my house?

  3. Oh yes Totally beating Waffles paws down,xx Speedy

  4. That was a pretty cute move, Katie!

    I'm nominating you lots!

  5. Waffles is mighty handsome and you, Katie, is so cute! Purrs!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Katie, that is one very cute side roley-roll. You win, paws down.

  8. Of course! Happy Sunday. Mommy is squeeing over all the pics ...

  9. Darn cute! Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Of course it does, Katie. Every time.

  11. Of course!! (mommy loves those pink beans of Waffles though..she's a traitor!)

  12. You always have the best moves sweet Katie!

  13. Oh Katie! Waffles may be cute, but you got way more purrsonality! Okay...maybe just a little bit more than Waffles. :)

  14. Ooh, Katie, Waffles is always cute, but you have him beat by miles and miles today. Your photos are just the best. Such cute positions and an adorable face. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  15. yes i agree rolling on the floor does looks better then the orange crush - way to go Katie

  16. Of course it does, Katie! And you're an expert at the upside-down cute look.

  17. Mom is squeeing over both of you. Your moves are pawtastic Katie, and Mom lubs the pink toesies of Waffles. Sometimes she truly embarrasses us!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  18. When you've got the cuteness goin' for ya.... you're miles ahead of the competition.


  19. You do look adorable always! Winning! Love Dolly

  20. Orinch wins every time in our book! Gingers rule.

  21. Yup, you're right, Katie! You win the cute-off for today! :)

  22. YES!! We totally agree! You have put the moves on the annoying orange. He'd better start to worry about his place in the condo...if he's capable of such complex thought.

  23. Of course it does!!

  24. It does, but we are very worried that he is being allowed to sit in your blue chair unsnoopervised.


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