Tuesday, May 20, 2014

With Glogirly on the Mend, We're Finding our OWN Kitty Fun

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, wanna play?

KATIE:  Uh, not with YOU.

WAFFLES:  Awww, c'mon Boss. Glogirly's still recovering from her endo dentist thing so she can't play with me. But YOU can! 

KATIE: Waffles, whatever you do, you need to be quiet. Glogirly's resting after her oral surgery. I'm going to take first shift and lay down next to her. You can have second shift. So go entertain yourself for a few hours. 

WAFFLES:  A few HOURS?????

WAFFLES:  Hmmmm, nice scratcher. Looks kind of like a hat. I wonder if this is what the Boss means when she calls me a conehead.

WAFFLES:  Hmmmm...this mouse is okay and all. But he's kind of lost his nip and I already chewed the bell off his tail. So he's sort of boring. 

WAFFLES:  Cool! Bannister feather! But no one's on the other end to twirl it around. This is boring too.

WAFFLES:   I'm bored. I've played with all elebenty billion of my toys. I've finished the Boss' breakfast. There's not even any fresh boxes from the man in brown shorts to sniff out. Maybe it's time for my shift. It's been a whole 10 minutes. What do you think?


  1. Kitties are the best possible medicine so I bet if you *both* cuddle up in bed with her she'll heal extra fast!

  2. * helpless giggles *

    Oh Waffles! I hope Glogirly gives you a cuddle soon!

    Silver Kitten

  3. Oh Waffles, I bet she'll love a cuddle no matter how soon it is.

  4. Wow that was an uneventful 10 minutes. Go check out what Katie is doing...

  5. Poor Waffles - I know how much attention you need. I'm sure Glogirly will be feeling better very soon.

  6. I bet with the meds she is on, if you take your toys in to GloGirly, she will play with them too. Realllllly slowly.

  7. We think it might have been a very loooong afternoon at the townhouse. MOL!

    Hope Glogirly feels much better tomorrow.

  8. Waffles, Glogirly willfeel better if you go cuddle with her.
    I feel for you,I really dislike any form of dentist,
    Really hope you heal fast.

  9. such a boy. Bet Glogirly could use an extra snuggle or two. You go in and sneaky snuggle!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  10. Waffles have you heard of naps? They are great!

  11. Waffles, you snuggle up against Glogirly on one side & Katie on the other. Then you will nap the hours away!

  12. We think Glogirly will appreciate your snoozing with her no matter how long it's been.

    The Florida Furkids

  13. If you managed to last as long as ten minutes then there is hope for you, Waffles my boy! Purrs for Glogirly xox

  14. We're sure that Glogirly would be thrilled to have both you and Katie snuggle her, Waffles. Katie might not feel the same way about it, though.

  15. We think Glogirly would like to have both of you taking care of her and giving her some snuggles.

    We purr that GG recovers quickly from the endo thingy.

  16. Waffles, you should totally go snuggle with Glogirly, just on the side that's away from Katie. We don't want airplane ears and wappy paws "games" being played while Glogirly is recovering ;)I hope she feels better soon.

  17. aww, i'm sure your mom will be feeling better soon and she can resume play time!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  18. We think both of you should curl up in bed with Glogirly. Two kitties mean twice as much recuperation!

  19. I hope I do as good as job as you and Katie taking care of my mom! Love Dolly

  20. Waffles it just may be time to take a nap

  21. Go jump on Glogirly's head or bite her ear. That sounds like fun
    Lily & Edward

  22. We so understand Waffles! There just aren't enough toys in this world!

    and when Meowm saw your belly.....well she "Squeed" so loud our ears hurt!

  23. Yeah Waffles I think it is time for your shift. MOL

  24. Go to Glogirly and give her extra-snuggles, we're sure she will recover better ! Purrs

  25. Faraday: Waff, okay, here's the thing. Highly intelligent and energetic kittehs like you an' me get BORED easily.

    You needs ta go get into something just so Katie gets off her duff and starts burning more calories.

    You're actually being HELPFUL in doing this, cuz ladycats are ALWAYZ watching their weight an' stuff.

    And just think of the entertainment you'll be providing Glogirly, ta take her mind off any pain and whatnot.


    Uh, and if Katie asks, we DID NOT TALK.

  26. I think you are the cutest little orange kitty boy in the world and if I had lots of green papers I would fly right to the townhouse and play toys with you while Glogirly and Katie rest..Hugs!!

  27. Maybe you could share a shift with Katie, Waffles!

  28. Hope Glogirly is feeling better soon.
    Hope you get lots of cuddles when it's your turn ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  29. Hi guys! Hey, we heard our Mumsy talking about your Mom! She said your Mom was not only pretty, but also clever! And then she called your Mom a genius! Something about how we visit blogs or some something. Aaaannnnd, she said she felt bad your Mom had the endo oral what's it, on account of she knows that's not pleasant. Us, we just wanna get to come play! Don't worry about any shift change. We'd love to come play with you guys!
    Hugs! :-)

  30. Dang Waffles! Hey, maybe take Katie for a ride in your Smart Mobile!

  31. Waffles you can come to our house and play with Tubby.
    Sue B

  32. Did Waffles Wednesday come early this week? I think someone should have set up your Bolt laser toy unless you don’t like it either. Yeah, go upstairs and bite somebuddy.

  33. Waffles, we all know how to play the pathetic card, but we don't think any of us have the look quite like you do. Hope you took up your post on the opposite side of Glogirly from the Boss. We are sending purrs and Mom is sending prayers. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  34. Poor Waffles. Glogirly will be better soon.


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