Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday Photohunt *STEEL*

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Today's photohunt theme is *STEEL.*

Yes I know, my stare is as steely as they come. But like the age-old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, I must ask:

Which came first, the STEEL?  ...or rather, the STEAL???

Exhibit A:  Food Stealer

Exhibit B: ENOUGH with the food stealing already

Exhibit C:  Blue Chair Stealer.

Exhibit D:  Cat Tree Stealer and overall show-off.

Visit the Saturday Photohunt Blog to see what the upcoming themes are and play along.

Announcing the 2013 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards!
Nominations are now open through 3:00pm EST Friday, March 8

According to BlogPaws, the Nose-to-Nose Awards is the only awards program in which pet bloggers and microbloggers are judged on their expertise, creativity and performance by a panel of distinguished professionals.

But YOU are the ones who nominate

There are 12 categories and you can nominate as many blogs as you'd like. You can even nominate a blog for multiple categories. But I don't think you can nominate a cat for Best Bark Blog.


There are so many amazing pet bloggers out there who deserve recognition.
Glogirly and I are nominating the blogs we love to visit and hope you will too!
It's a perfect way to thank them for the all they share with us.

If you choose to nominate us (♥) you will need the following details:
Blog Homepage:
Contact Name for Blog Owner:  Debbie Glovatsky
Contact Email for Blog Owner:


  1. We don't know Katie, but you need to "steal" away to our house for a little rest from Waffles Too!

  2. Well Katie, aren't you barking mad that Waffles Too has stolen all of your things? Would that not qualify you for best Bark Blog?
    huh, huh?

  3. Hmmm. That's a difficult question to answer. What we do know is we nominated you for a couple of those awards and you deserve them.

  4. We always love visiting you guys and always enjoy your clever blog!...We kinda agree with Prancer Pie, gorgeous Katie...Happy Saturday, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  5. Uh, WII looks a little addled in that last picture. Didja teach him a lesson before that picture gotted taken???

  6. Oh boy Katie... With that look, I'm surprised he's still doing that and it's a pile of singed orange fluff!

  7. That is a steely look Katie as Waffles steals. LOL! Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. We thinks Waffles Too is trying to "steal" your thunder Katie. Time to give him a "whappy paw of steel", before he gets to big for his britches. Which by the look of things, won't be long!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  9. Ah Waffles Too you're a cheeky chap but sometimes you have bow down to the Queen of the Town house...hehehe xx Speedy and mum

  10. That steeley look is pretty impressive. We think you both steal our hearts when we see your pics!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. lol!!! I particularly LOVED Katie's "steel" photo the best....I was just traveling around the web and saw something that just evoked the SAME response lol

  12. That's quite the stink eye you've been giving W2. You'd think he'd get the message by now...

  13. LOL
    Katie, the human says you seem to be stoicly still, er steel! Whatever that means!
    Purrs to a nice weekend!

  14. BOL! That "steel"y-eyed glare is enough to put this dawg in his place :)

  15. You've stolen my heart and I've voted for you!

  16. Great takes on the words there. Mum as usual went all gaga at the orange boy.. Hugs GJ xx

  17. Um Katie, you forgot about him STEALing your thunder!!

    Or maybe not...

  18. What an adorable post - we love the steal/steel concept and are now off to do some Nose to Nose nominating!! Good luck to all! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang

  19. We think the steel was there from the beginning, and then there came the orangy steal!

  20. Waffles Too needs more than a steely look. He may be trying to steal your blog.

  21. We see an orange stealer
    Benny & Lily

  22. Well obviously the STEEL came first!

  23. But you steal hearts everywhere sweet Katie!

  24. Allie: Well girlfriend, you know where *I* stand on this issue!
    Mother also calls that the "hairy eyeball" - well she's seen me dish it enough...! Hrmpf.

  25. What a little thief. I see you have the airplane ears working. Good for you. Give him hell!

  26. Me steals away from Kozmo all the time! Me also steal's Kozmo's treats!


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