Thursday, March 28, 2013

CAT Security Threat - Level 9

KATIE:  Hi everyone, Katie here with a late-breaking SPECIAL REPORT.

The security threat level is now 9 at the Townhouse. This unprecedented status level indicates a serious and possibly CATtastrophic threat is imminent.

House guests arrive this evening at 1800 hours.

KATIE:  Waffles! Are you at your post?

WAFFLES:  Um, copy that Boss.

KATIE:  Waffles! Conduct a perimeter sweep and check for hostiles.

WAFFLES:  Um, Boss? The purr-imiter is clear. But you're kinda hostile...does that count?

KATIE:  Waffles! This is no time for rookie mistakes. What's your 20? You're not laying down on the job again are you?

WAFFLES: Um. No?  I'm still sweeping the purr-imeter. Over.

KATIE:  P.S. Contrary to popular opinion, Waffles Too was NOT eating spaghetti in yesterday's post. It was shredded chicken. Hold the red sauce.


  1. Whew! Security is hard work. We are voting regularly. Maybe you could visit my blog and vote for the prom contest if you have a minute? It's on my sidebar...I (and the kids of my sister in laws's school) would appreciate it.

  2. FaRADaY: Seriouslies. The way to deal with intruders is to come down while they're in the middle of serious human conversation and YOWL YOUR LUNGS OUT.

    (I just *might* have previous work experience in that area, but cannot confirm nor deny it.)

    WHADDAYA MEAN there's Passover video of it?!?! No DNA, no proof.

  3. Oh my gosh I LOVE Waffles' shirt! It doesn't look like he minds wearing it too much in the pictures either.

  4. We have to agree that Waffles' shirt is adorable and he makes sweeping the purrimeter look like fun. But seriously, if you kittehz want to teleport over til the guests leave, we'll be on the catio waiting. XOXO

  5. Katie, judging the way Waffles Too is guarding the purrimeter, you better go UTB right now and start warming up the hissing motor!

  6. Katie, I get the feeling that when these guests show up, you will be UTB and Waffles will be hanging out with them and they will think Glogirly and Gloman only have ONE kitty!

  7. Ok Katie, YOU look fierce in your uniform. But Waffles Too! too cute to be feared! I hope there's no hostiles..

  8. Oh no incoming intruders. They better bring treats we say. Keep sweeping the purrimeter as you never what else might get in? Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Looks like Waffles fell short of his completing his duties.

    We think Sparkle is on to something. Let them squee over Waffles Too, you get some privacy. Just sayin'
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  10. Good luck Katie. We think the only sweeping Waffles is doing is the floor with his tail where he's laying down! Sparkles is probably right ...

  11. Waffles looks like he's falling down on the job. Better put some provisions UTB, Katie, before those introoders get there.

  12. Serious business going on over there. Pardon me if I laughed out loud. I will put on a serious face and wish good luck with the intruders!

  13. happy thursday, katie and waffles. =)

    nice uniform, waffles! katie, you look great on that!

  14. Good luck you guys! And don't let your guard down!

  15. Security details is hard work!xx Speedy and Rachel

  16. Did you say Spaghetti and Chicken? I will have to check out yesterday's post ASAP!

  17. Looks like he's doing a pretty good kitty job to me ;-)

  18. Katie, I surely wouldn't pass you in your security gear! But I think you should know that Waffles isn't taking is position very seriously. In fact, I'd bet he's planning on acting as a double agent with the intruders!

  19. I love the security uniforms...They look so official...Good to know the Force is on duty

  20. It's been a pleasure voting for you two cuties.

  21. Waffles no sleeping on the job, HOUSEPEST can be dangerous.

  22. We are not sure if we would trust that security kid
    Benny & Lily

  23. Waffles, lol... looks like you need to try a littel harder buddy :)

  24. You can come and hide out at mine if you like?

  25. wadda ya meen ya wuz knot eatin sghetti..

    wadda ya meen ree placin sghetti with burd

    wadda ya meen steelin cathy keisha's shades

    we all sew wanna say haza happee week oh end anda happee eazter az well :)
    oh, N conga ratz on de blog finalist stuffz

    way kewl !

  26. Good luck to Taem Secure. Hey Katie, Waffles has it all covered!

  27. It's good to know you two are on the alert. Katie, remember no matter how many times Waffles Too gets attention, you're still the best. Happy Easter, friends.

  28. Katie, you got W2 a really cute shirt and he's laying down on the job!!!! It's so hard to get good help. Pop is now unemployed so maybe he could work for you.

  29. We love your official security gear!!!

  30. Love the new security wear. Waffles too mum says you are welcome to hide out here.. Hugs GJ xx

  31. Katie, I think you need another security guard. Waffles just isn't cutting it. Want me to come over to help secure the place??

    Officer Wally

  32. Waffles mate, if you need time out from your duties, come over here!! :)

  33. Ah! Does yous hold the fort under the bed too?

  34. Time to head UTB...

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  35. WOW---I got a feelin' nobody or nothing is gonna be getting past THAT security cat! We are safe! :)


  36. That's great teamwork. Do you know test who the interloper(s) will be. Hope it all works out okay. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  37. Awwww, Waffles too looks so darling and adorable--uh, I mean fearsome and frightning-- in his sweet little--uh, I mean official and intidating--black uniform shirt.

    So tell me if you figure out a way to keep them out cause I could use a few tips.

  38. I would have sworn it was spaghetti. purrs

  39. oh goody! I need a bouncer for my pawtah. you two seem like professionals. i can pay you in catnip and all the freeze-dried mice you can eat. just keep the really nippy cats away from teh talent. roger ova an out. wut eva that means.


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