Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Kitties

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Glogirly, Waffles Too and I would like to wish you a Happy Easter and Happy Passover.

I want to remind you to be especially careful when cracking open your Easter eggs. You never know WHAT you'll find inside.

...I've got a bad feeling about THIS egg.

On a positive note, our Easter Houseguests are packing their bags and soon the Townhouse will again be MINE-ALL-MINE.  I'll of course be cracking the whip on Glogirly so we can finally visit all of our friends and say hello. As for Waffles Too, we'll just have to wait and see if anyone notices I've stuck him in one of their suitcases.


Today's the LAST DAY to VOTE for us in the 1800PetMeds Photo Contest!
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.

Is Officially CLOSED! 
We'll be contacting the winners this weekend and making our announcements SOON!
Are your paws crossed???


  1. You stuck your brother in a suitcase? Oh boy... I can only guess what's comin' next. purrs

  2. I'm surprised one of the guests didn't try to stick Waffles into their suitcase on their own!

  3. We voted. WE hope you win.
    Happy Easter

  4. We were going to suggest to do the same thing with Waffles, but you're already on it! You are one smart cookie Katie :)
    Happy Easter!

  5. Hoppy Easter Kitties and Humans!

    I am envious that your guests are leaving cause ours hasn't even gotten here yet. Sigh.

  6. Happy Easter! (And you better let Waffles out of the suitcase.)

    The KT Gang

  7. Happy Easter, and make sure Waffles doesn't Meow and give himself away before the guests leave! Tell him it's see who can be quiet the longest day!

  8. hehehe you won't get ridof Waffles Too that easily,xx Speedy
    Happy Easter!

  9. A very happy Easter or whatever you celebrate to you all as well. :-)

  10. We wish you all a Happy Easter Katie & waffles. We hope the Easter Bunny hops by with lots of treats. Enjoy.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Happy Easter, Katie, Waffles Too, and Glogirly!

    Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

  12. Happy Easter. Oh no I hope poor Waffles too gets out in time.. Hugs GJ xx

  13. HAPPY EASTER!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  14. Happy Easter!! We don't think the bunny would like it if you packed Waffles Too in a suitcase!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Happy Easter! We bet your guests would love taking Waffles home. Let us know how it turns out!

  16. Wishing you a hippity, hoppity, happity Easter, dear pals!

  17. Wish you two were popping out of our eggs this mornng Katie...That would be such fun Gizmo & Beth wish you all a joyous Easter

  18. Happy Easter to all of you! We'll be careful with our eggs today! ;)

  19. Happy Easter and Passover to you two, Glogirly, and Gloman. (And happy good riddance to the houseguests. We don't like them, either.)

    Newton tries to climb into everybody's suitcase when they are visiting. All you have to do is distract Glogirly from reminding the houseguests to check for hitchhikers in their bags, Katie. Trust us, Waffles' natural orange-cat-troublesomeness will take care of the rest. ;)

  20. FaRADaY: Wait, are you saying... W2 is a "bad egg"? *cracking self up*
    Maxwell: Dood. Cracking? Eggs? good one!
    Momma always did say you had to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.

    Allie: *groannnn* I'm going to crack a few heads together if you boys don't quit junking up Katie's blog! *grabs both boys by the whiskers and marches them off*

  21. Happy Easter to you two! Mom says she'll take Waffles Two off your hands if you like but we say NO WAY!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  22. Oh, Katie and Waffles Too my paws are crossed and so are EVERYONE of the Squeedunk Cats! We want to WIN the raffle!!!
    Hoppy Easter everyone. The bunny suspiciously skipped our apartment. Any thoughts on that???

  23. but, Katie - if I looks closely at this eggy photo, it appears that you both kinda cracked outta the same one. is that possibles? could you and W2 be egg mates? peas from the same pod? and then, wouldn't that technically make you twins? teh identical kind, I fink. unbelieveables, right? well, science is like that sometimes. mebbe you two should start wearing matching outfits.
    Happy Hoppy Day.

  24. Happy Easter, Katie! good luck with your Waffles Too plan...

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  25. I can see this will run and run ….. pretty much what you would like Waffles to do, eh, Katie? mol

  26. Happy Easter sweetie. Both of you are gorgeous! As always. Mommy till has the picture of you and I, Katie.

  27. We think that, even if you put Waffles in a suitcase, that he will be baaaaack.

  28. Hoppy Easter! Those introoders stayed with you forever!

  29. Hoppy Easter! Yous knows what Ben Franklin said about house-guests, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."

  30. You two win for cutest Easter post. From the looks of Monday's post, Waffles Too is still in residence. Guess those house guests outsmarted you. Happy belated Easter greetings. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Muaricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  31. well, I hope you put in a puppy pad for him to do his business on or else those peeps are so gonna come lookin' for you Katie...just sayin'...


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