Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Waffles Wednesday - Tweety Cat

Um, hi everybuddy. Waffles Too here.

Welcome to Waffles Wednesday! I have some super exciting news today. The BlogPaws peoples just announced the finally-ists in this years Nose-to-Nose Awards and I'M a finally-ist!!! Can you believe it?

I'm a finally-ist for Best Twitter Design. I bet you didn't even know I HAD a Twitter to design. The Boss sure didn't. She's as surprised as me. She says I'm not very popular on account of I only have about 11 Tweety friends.

Maybe if you're on Twitter, you'll be my Tweety friend too? Just click @WafflesTooKitty.

Here's what my cool profile looks like. It's orange. Like me. And waffly. Like me.

Oh, and the Boss got monimations, um I mean she's a finally-list too for some other stuff. She tole me to say congratulations to ALL the finally-ists in ALL the categories. Even the dogs. And thank you especially to all of our friends that monimated us. Flat Katie and Flat Waffles are packing their bags...they're going to BlogPaws!

This is Waffles Too. Out and over.

Um, I almost forgot.
Pleez vote for me and the Boss in
1800PetMeds Photo Contest:
'What Would Your Pets Do If They Had Thumbs?'
• Voting is through Facebook, so you'll just have to log in once and then it will remember you.
• You can vote once everyday...not that we expect you to. But maybe you can't help yourself.
• Voting ends on Mar 31.

Thank mew!


  1. Congratulations Waffles Too. A certain goat knows how you got nominated...

  2. Wowzers Waffles! That is excellent! Soooo, if yous beats Katie, will she lets yous back in the house?

  3. Well I'm glad you posted this only cuz we dinna know you was both twits so now we went to our twitterrer page & we is now following you both so we can all be twits together.

    That Woman

  4. I just looked over at your awesome Twitter page, Waffles, and discovered I WASN'T following you yet! Don't worry, I've rectified this terrible oversight that must have been my human's fault. I am impressed!

  5. That's fantastic, we don't do twitty much and we'z only got about 6 buddies..MOL, so we will be friends wiff you xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. WOW ! What a great news ! I'm keeping my paws crossed for you! I gave you my vote ! 154 !
    Go Katie !!!! Go Waffles !!!!!

  7. Congratulations. Pawsome twitter page. Mum is so clever.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. CONCATULATIONS AND BEST OF LUCK! Cody and I are following Waffles Too but I am not sure if Dakota is...wait...he's a don't want him following you anyway lol

  9. Yum, we want some Waffles (to eat AND cuddle with). Mentioned you today - congrats on all your nominations!

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. Congrats. Love your Twitter page. Following you. Voted for you on Facebook.
    Sue B

  11. Aww concats Waffles! We don't "twitter" (MomKatt says she leave that to the birds MOL!) but we totally support you!


  12. We don't tweet and neither does our mom. We leave that to the real birdies. But your design looks really cute. Good luck. 

Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  13. Congrats, Waffles Too! We love your Twitter page! :)

  14. Congratulations on all your monimations!!! We are so proud of you :)

  15. It IS a great twitter design. CONGRATULATIONS! My sister, Tess, is very interested in any leftover butter you might have from those waffles. purrs

  16. Congratulations, Waffles! We are following you. Don't tell my kitty boys, but I think I've fallen in love again - with YOU, adorable little Orange Boy!

  17. Congratulations adorable Waffles!...The creativity and uniqueness of your blog is always awesome!...We love you guys and are so grateful you are our friends...We've lost too many friends lately and are heartbroken over precious Eric too...Have a fun Wednesday, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  18. We're keeping an eye on you, Waffles!

  19. Concatulations, guys! All your honors are well-deserved. Purrs, Ateret, Livia, Abbi and Stephanie.

  20. That is wonderful Waffles and that is sooooooo very you!

  21. Concats, Waffles! We don't do Twitter, but we think that is a big honor for a kitty :)

  22. W2 we think you are fabulous and we are so glad you've been so honored (and the boss too)

  23. Great stuff!!! Congrats to the whole Glogirly feline and human family!!!

  24. Congrats on the noms! I'm actually relieved not to be nominated this year for reasons we've discussed ;-) Go Waffles go, you have many more contests in your future.

  25. congrats to you and Katie Waffles too and good luck too

  26. Congrats, Waffles! Your design makes us hungry. We're gonna go follow you now.

  27. We must appologize as we're a bit slow in reading your blog. Just blame it on the biped. we saw your post about orange don't go with blue and have a suggestion. Ditch the blue and make some cool new pillows to lay on. Heck you could even make your own fabric over at and it could have tons of orange waffly cats on it.

  28. Waffles you are being followed! Don't turn around ;) We are jumping up and down in exultation for your nominations! Very well deserved xx

  29. tails up! what great news! our paws are crossed for both of you. Well done!!!

  30. Purrs to you Waffles! Concats fur da nommynations for you and da human.

  31. Hiya Waffles...We'ze beentweeter pals fur a while cuz my Momz thinks yur really cute...You can come over and play bitey wif me anytime you want...Concats to you and The Boss and Glogirly on all your nominations...You guys rock!

  32. You are being followed, in a good way, by us.

  33. Congratulations on all of your finalist nominations!!! I love seeing your cute face peeking out of the big waffle Waffles Too!! You are such a cutie. Have a purrfect week!

  34. I followed you Waffles Too. Did the Boss approve of your Tweety account? Does she know that you might grow into a formidable challenger to her Ruler of the World status? I'd sleep with one eye open, Buddy.

  35. No my mm goes all squiiiiiiieeee again , talking about how cute you are Waffles and what cool Twitter design you have.
    Me have no Twitter , so I can´t follow you :(

  36. That's pretty cool. Congratulations! And now I want waffles ...

  37. You totally deserve to be a finalist W2 for your Twitter is pawsome!

  38. We loves your Twitter Page, it made Mommy giggle when she saw it.

  39. Congrats! Now following you on Twitter. Hope you follow me back :)


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