Monday, August 10, 2015

Katie & Waffles Shocker: Holding Paws???

WAFFLES:  So Boss. We've been together now for about elebenty seven years.

KATIE:  Actually, it 2 years, 8 months, 21 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes.

WAFFLES:  That's what I said. Elebenty seven years.

KATIE:  Fine. Elebenty whatever. So just how long are you planning on keeping your paw there? Because for the record, mine was here first. And yours is encroaching.

WAFFLES:  Uh, but when a boy cat and a girl cat go out for elebenty seven years –


WAFFLES:  Yeah, Boss. You know. Like going study and stuff.

KATIE:  You mean going 'steady'? We are NOT going steady, Waffles. 

WAFFLES:  Does that mean we're not going to the first base thing?

KATIE:  What, you mean like baseball?

About Today's SHOCKING Photos
You should have heard Glogirly squealing after she shot these photos this past weekend.

Katie and Waffles HOLDING HANDS??? 

Call CNN!
Call Entertainment Tonight!
Call Jackson Galaxy!

Waffles is fascinated with Katie. Always has been He SO wants to engage. After breakfast, Katie trotted over to one of her favorite hang out spots - her big soft pillow by the sliding glass doors. It's one of the few spots Waffles usually lets her be. Until Saturday.

He walked up to her, sat down just at the edge of her pillow and started meowing. Long, extended meows. Slowly he reached out with his right paw towards her. He carefully set it down right on top of her paw and then laid it on the pillow next to hers.

Then came the stare down.

This was one of those moments Glogirly would pay just about any amount of money to be able to read their minds.

And in case you're wondering...
These are actual, untouched photographs. NO photoshop trickery was used. For real.


  1. I know you wouldn't use trickery. You know we care about Waffles adventures too much! Wow - this is CNN worth alright!!

  2. Katie does look quite regal sitting there accepting the attentions of her supplicant.

  3. There's a first time for everything.

  4. OMC!!! Somebody needs to call Access Kittywood!

  5. ha. WE think Waffles needs a KITTEN!

  6. First off, I can't believe he's been there for over two years!!!!! Wow, cute paw holding! If it wasn't for the helicopter ears on Waffles it would be so sweet because Katie actually looks almost relaxed there! Almost But wow, amazing progress, I'd be squeeeing too!

  7. I want to know what eventually happened? Did he just leave? Were any whaps traded? Was dinner served?

  8. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble (especially Glogirly), I think those paws are there claiming that beautiful pet pillow. But Katie is not moving her paw or swatting her paw at Waffles as anyone would expect so is she holding down her favourite spot or holding her favourite buddy?

    Love is in the air and maybe there is room for two on that pillow. ❤️❤️

  9. LOL "These are actual, untouched photographs. NO photoshop trickery was used. For real."

    Kitties are funny. And they love to do exactly what you figure they'll never do.

    "Those to never get along" Annnnd then they're snoozin next to each other.

    "That one never comes out." And then that one comes walkin out like "...what? I always do this. "

    They wanna make us sound like liars. ;)

  10. What a scoop ! We can notice a little stress on both side, but there's something in the air ! <3 Purrs

  11. Oh, Waffles, it isn't enough to charm have eleventy million girlfriends around the world... you have to try to charm the one tuxie who really prefers a little solitude, don't you?

  12. The photos are priceless - but Waffles' ears don't look like happy ears to me...looks to me like somebody is trying to be top cat...

  13. Aww sweet - at least they weren't scratching each other. Maybe one day they will snuggle up together.

  14. Wow what wonderful photos even though we had to look more than once as we couldn't believe our eyes!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. Now if it were not for Waffles' airplane ears, I might think this spelled romance.

  16. First paw holding...then we dare say?? Cuddling??? Nah! ;)

  17. OMC! We think this pic might be one to hang on to.
    Happy Monday!

  18. Amazing!!! Will wonders never cease??????

    The Florida Furkids

  19. Ichiro does this. We whap him when he makes that meow...

  20. should we prepare for the apocalypse??? of course, we love him sitting there with his ears back - like he is just anticipating being whapped :)

  21. Oh Katie - explain to Glogirly that the ears say it all. There was an exchange for sure after the camera stopped.
    You protect your space - I have no doubt.

  22. Oh! Waffles like an older lady cat?! *gasps* Nishi and Xanthe xxx

  23. long was it until Katie smacked him upside the head???

  24. Awww, Waffles. Katie does love you - in her own way!

  25. Katie, we thinks Waffles is gonna win you of these days. Baby steps Waffles!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  26. Whoa, are those some pigs we see flying overhead???

  27. Nah, he wants to annoy her, so he can nap on the pillow.

  28. Oh I DO want to know what happened next!!

  29. Hey Waffles
    I love a man in orange! With soft eyes and paws! You can hold my hand anytime! Love Amarula (from

  30. Don’t waste the moment, Waffle. Propose to her!

  31. And no smacky paws afterward? What IS this world coming to? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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