Friday, August 28, 2015

Katie & Waffles On Death & Dying - Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

The cat blogging community is both a small and close knit group of friends and cat lovers, as well as a kinship that stretches across the planet. We never imagined having friends in every corner of the world, but that's what this wonderful experience we call blogging has given us. We share in each other's joy like the adoption of a homeless cat in need or a new kitten in the family. We also share each other's pain and loss. 

Today is dedicated to remembering those special furry members of our family we've lost. They live in our hearts forever and as much as is hurts to say goodbye, our lives are considerably richer for having known them and loved them.

Katie & Waffles On Death and Dying
The following is dedicated to a fellow blogging cat who left her paw print on our hearts. It's a very special conversation between Katie and Waffles. One we hope will leave an imprint on your heart and comfort you as you remember those you've lost.

WAFFLES:  Uh, Boss? How come everyone is all sad and stuff?

KATIE:  Waffles, we lost a very dear friend yesterday.

WAFFLES:  Well shouldn't we go look for her? Make some signs and stuff?

KATIE:  No, Waffles. Signs aren't going to bring her back. And she's not really lost. She's in our hearts now.

WAFFLES:  What do you mean?

KATIE:  Well, you know how Glogirly says that her mom and dad live in her heart? And Nicki, the cat that came before us, he lives in her heart too.

WAFFLES:  She even has a special box for his memories and stuff.

KATIE:  Well the really special memories don't fit in a box. They're so big, the only place they can fit is in our hearts.

WAFFLES:  But what if my heart isn't big enough?

KATIE:  Don't worry Waffles. When your heart is filled with love, memories and friends, there's always enough room.

Remembering Nicki:
The Cat that came Before Katie & Waffles

Many of you have asked if there was a cat that came before Katie & Waffles. Nicki was a beautiful black panther. He traveled everywhere with Glogirly and LOVED riding in the car.

She worked in a downtown Minneapolis photo studio and Nicki would come with her everyday. He was so friendly to everyone that came in the studio, even the dog in the office next door. Glogirly and Nicki took a cab to work everyday and it wasn't long before the cabbies started calling her the Cat Lady.

Since she started blogging, Glogirly has learned so much about cats and how to ensure they live happy, healthy lives. She wishes she could have done better for Nicki, who died at a very young age from kidney disease. She often thinks that if she knew then what she knows now she could have helped him more.  RIP sweet boy.


  1. Purrs to everyone who is participating today. <3

  2. Beautifully said Katie. There's always more room for love and memories.

  3. A lovely post! We are shedding a few tears reading all the memories! xxx

  4. Lovely post. We always remember the ones that came before, and you are right our hearts are just big enough.

  5. What a beautiful and heartfelt post.Thank you so much for participating in Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day - xoxo from Mr. Jazz, Deb, Purr Prints of the Heart and the Zee/Zoey Gang

  6. My father passed away a week ago & I told him I hoped he was greeted by an army of 4 legged furry kids. Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of the passing of my heart & soul cat Harri. I miss that cat so much, but because of her I've learned so much and opened my heart to new cats and experiences. Big hugs to everyone today as we remember those we'll see again someday. Laura (Sisters Wine & Felines).

    1. I am sorry for the loss of your father and Harri.

    2. I am so sorry for your loss...I hope all of his fur kids were there to greet him...

  7. Such a beautiful post. Those that came before may be gone, but they are never forgotten and they are always loved. Purrs...

  8. Beautiful post and so true, there is plenty of room in our hearts to remember all we have loved that went before us.

  9. Beautiful Remembrance Day post. They truly are forever in our hearts.

  10. Such a beautiful post on this day of remembrance. We will always remember those who went before and keep them forever in our hearts.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  11. This is a beautiful way to remember Nicki! I also had a black cat named Nino who passed away many years ago when I was a young child. He was the sweetest cat I ever met and I still miss him today! No matter how many years go by our beloved pets will never be forgotten!

    Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential

  12. Today is a solemn day of rememberance for our furry loved ones who are now playing in the nip fields at Rainbow Bridge. They are loved and missed horribly.

  13. Blessings to all the kitties..past, present and future...What would we humans do without your love and lessons...

  14. What an amazing idea to create this special day. Each story is so poignant and beautiful in its own way. Sending hugs out to everyone remembering those they've loved and said goodbye to.

  15. Such a lovely post. Purrs and prayers as you remember your beloved Nicky, today and always...

  16. Lovely post, and sweet memories. Hugs and purrs.

  17. I remember this lovely post last year and its just as beautiful and relevant today. Beautiful indeed.

  18. Thanks so much for that great story. Dad feels much the same. If only. The truth is we loved them deeply and that was just purrfect heart sized.
    Timmy and Dad

  19. We remember this post from last year. It is so simple, but so touching. Special thoughts!

  20. A beautiful post. I think we all look back and wonder if we could have done anything differently. Our first cat we had after we were married died at 10 years from kidney failure, but there weren't the treatments available that there are now. My biggest regret was that I worked for a vet many years ago and was convinced his kidneys were failing. The vet I had worked for had retired and the one who took over the practice kept telling me my cat was just being neurotic and there was nothing wrong with him. When we took him to a different vet we had him treated for a while it was too late to help him.

  21. Hims was very handsum. Fanks fur sharin'.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  22. Even vets didn't know then when Nicki was ill what they know now. Never regret - his time was all it should have been with you then. Hugs.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  23. Rest in peace to all the pets who came before. They are still very much loved. I’m hoping that your Nicki and TW’s Nicky are playing crinkle ball hockey together at the RB. I couldn’t participate today on my blog so I’m doing so at the TCC.

  24. Lots of Fuzzy Hugs and Kitty Kisses to all the pets who have gone on before us...

    Noodle and crew

  25. My brother had to put his Min-Pin down today. She had Addison's disease and was fading fast. I didn't know it was Rainbow Bridge Rememberence day until a few hours ago. RIP, YoYo. Your daddy will miss you.

  26. Mum has been getting all leaky eyed reading about all the cats who came before. All love, all missed. Forever in our hearts.

  27. So beautifully written, Glogirly and feline companions. Parental Unit is thinking of her first kitty, Billy, and second cat she had when she was a kid, Fat Albert, who used to meet her after school each kidding! Thanks for sharing and remembering.

  28. We remember that post. It made Mom's eyes leak again. Sending Glogirly purrs and a hug from Mom today.

  29. What a sweet remembrance.
    Nicki was a very handsome kitty and we bet you have happy memories.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  30. That was a sweet conversation. Katie is right, our friends will always be in our hearts.


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