Saturday, August 29, 2015

Glogirly's Angels & Adoptions #TVTripCaturday

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, I think our dinner might be overdone tonight, what with all the fireballs and explosions and stuff.

KATIE:  Waffles, are you not capable of thinking about anything other than food?

WAFLES:  Um, what kind of food?

KATIE:  *sigh*

WAFFLES:  Hello, Glogirly? Is that you? Did you know that our dinner exploded? 

We're going to need more dinner. And wigs. Jack-O-Lynn Smith here needs a wig. 

CHARLOTTE (right):  Charlotte. My name is Charlotte. And thanks, but no thanks on the wig. I'm good. 

Today's Cameo Cat

Charlotte was a stray, living on the street with her five kittens. Now that her nursing duties are finished, she has permanently retired from the Momcat business.

Beautiful Charlotte is only two years old. She's a little shy, having gone through a lot of changes in fortune the last few months. She loves to be brushed and pet. Her new dream home would be quiet and calm, and a few cat friends would be welcome.

Charlotte is fully vetted and available for adoption at PAWS of Norwalk, CT.

Each Saturday we feature adoptable adult cats from PAWS Pet Animal Welfare Society in our #TVTripCaturday blog series. Today we are SO pleased to announce that 3 beautiful ladycats we've shared with you have been ADOPTED!!!
BIG congratulations to Chili Pepper, Olga and Martina! We're so thrilled you've now got what every cat deserves - a true forever.

Now we don't want to take credit for this good fortune. The real heroes here are the dedicated volunteers and staff at PAWS. The world is a better place for cats thanks to the dedication and compassion of animal shelter volunteers and workers everywhere. Thank you for giving these beautiful cats a chance at forever love.

Special thanks to Maggie Swanson, the talented photographer behind our cameo cats and a devoted volunteer at PAWS. Maggie is the author of the blog, Sundays at the Shelter, where she features adoptable cats from PAWS each and every week. Her beautiful photos have helped countless cats find loving homes.


  1. How awesome that these kitties are adopted! Charlotte is stunning - maybe she's next!

  2. Good news about the adoptees,you two look great,xx Speedy

  3. You guys are the best!!!! Sharing is caring. I'm so happy for all these kitties! Now it's Charlotte's turn to find her loving forever homes. Let's do it Angels!!

  4. Waffles, way to rock those long, blond locks! Looking fabulous! *G* Great news about the adoptees.

  5. Yay on the adoptions!!! Charlotte is beautiful and sure to be adopted soon! Katie and Waffles are stunning in their wigs!

  6. Charlotte is a beauty, and so super about those 3 kitties being adopted!
    Now Waffles and Katie with the wigs? That is more than hilarious.

  7. We just love waking up to you guys, after breakfast of course MOL. Congrats on the kitties getting adopted, this is furbulous news. Great job everyone! Purrs, Greyson, Mr. Chivers, Tabby & Chloe

  8. Waffles and Katie, thank you for reminding everyone that there are excellent gorgeous and handsome cats waiting at your local shelters!

  9. You kill me with the hair! Charlotte is a beauty - I hope she finds a home very soon.

  10. Waffles Faucet? Bwahaha!! Love the hair Waff. That is great news about the adoptions. I hope pretty Charlotte soon gets her forever home too.

  11. Love the hair Waffles. Hooray for the ladies finding their furrever homes.

  12. are rockin' that Farrah Faucet look..hahah and Katie Jackson..beautiful as usual...Charlotte is just gorgeous...what awesome green eyes...I bet someone will fall in love with her fast...

  13. Waffles we had to giggle over you wearing a Farah wig!

    Happy Caturday!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  14. Gweat posty. Everypawdy's so cute.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  15. Concatulations to the adopted kitties...and you both make purr-fect Angels!

  16. Charlotte, we hope you join the ladies who have found homes soon. Chili Pepper, Olga and Martina! Congrats on your forever homes.

    Katie, we always knew you were the brains of the outfit, today just proves it.

  17. Charlotte doesn't seem too impressed to be an Angel. ;) Paws up to all those adoptions!


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