Thursday, May 28, 2015

On the Road with Waffles & Katie: The LONG Ride to Nashville

 WAFFLES:  Boss!!! We're stopping for treats! TREATS, Boss!

KATIE:   Jeez Waffles, you look like you haven't eaten in a –

WAFFLES:  – whole TWENTY MINUTES!  Boss, we could STARVE on this road trip. 

KATIE:  Considering how you're devouring our treats, I'd say starvation is definitely a possibility. For me that is.

Special Thanks: Today's treat photos were taken by our ride-a-long, Lisa Richman or A Tonk's Tail. What? You thought Glogirly could unzip a Sleepypod, dole out treats and take beautiful photos all at the same time???

DAY 3: On the Road with Waffles & Katie
It was Nashville or bust today. Nearly 600 miles, 2 stops for gas and at last count about 6 stops for snacks. We made it! But we know you're all wondering: Did Waffles sing the song of his people in the car???


Not unless he was singing in his dreams. Waffles slept almost the whole way...and when he wasn't sleeping he (and Katie) were just quietly hanging out in their Sleepypods. As far as road trip cats, they've officially earned the status of Rock Star Travelers.

Oh Bellman, My Bellman
When we arrived at the hotel, a very kind bellman didn't even blink an eye when he loaded up bag after bag after bag onto the luggage cart for us. He carried it all... litter box, cat stroller, water fountain, pillows and beds and coolers. We even brought our kitty walk enclosure. (pictures to come.)

Everyone is settling in nicely to the hotel room. Katie is the lead investigator on the scene. Waffles is the resident flirt, already scoring points with the ladies.

Tomorrow (or rather today by the time you read this) will official start of the conference. We're so excited to share with you what we just know will be a super exciting day!

Stay tuned! We'll be back tomorrow with the latest in our On the Road with Waffles & Katie: Nashville series.

In case you're just tuning in and don't want to miss a beat in our road trip series -
Day One: Nashville or Bust
Day Two: B&B FAIL


  1. Wow, y'all are good lil travelers!

  2. Road trips are the best,Can't wait to see the fun you all have,xx Speedy

  3. You two are much better in the car than I am! I always want attention.

  4. You two are excellent travelers! Mommy will be there Thursday evening. See you soon!

  5. ROFL Katie I hope you get plenty of treats and stuff at Blog Paws.

  6. What?!? No singing? But-but I was looking forward to your songlist, Waffles! :( Have fun during the conference! You're going to have to share the attention of your ladyfriends this year. Hope that isn't too hard on you.

  7. Wow ... You're better travelers than us! Have fun! We're looking forward to your adventures!

  8. You two are amazing!! However, I am very disappointed that Waffles didn't sing the aria of our people! I feel he kinda let the side down just a bit! ;) xoxoxox

  9. We're disappointed for two reasons :
    1. We consider Glogirly as a kind of superwoman and it's a shock to know she's not able to unzip a Sleepypod, give you treats, pet you, and take beautiful photos all at the same time.
    2. We hoped you would sing, Waffles. Really.
    Have fun at BlogPaws, and don't forget to trash the hotel room during the pawty ! Purrs

  10. Yea! That was a long day in the car. Glad you all arrived safely. Let the fun begin!

  11. I think both Katie and Waffles are making it hard for the rest of us to follow their act - NO SINGING? MOSTLY NAPPING? Not even a poop in the sleepy pod after all those snacks?

  12. You 2 are great travelers. Have fun- I wish I was going I want to meet you.

  13. Well I am certain you two are used to it. I'm pretty quiet in the car too. Only Gemini is the talker...

  14. thanks for the pawesome updates!!!! YAY Katie and Waffles!! You totally rock!

  15. Glad you all made it there safely.

  16. Glad to hear the trip went well and that Lisa went with you!

  17. Can't wait to hear all about your trip
    Lily & Edward

  18. Concatulations on being Super World Travelers!
    Now go and Wow them at the conference!!

  19. Concatulations on being Super World Travelers!
    Now go and Wow them at the conference!!

  20. Wow, 600 miles! thank you for telling us about it. Can't wait to hear more! Katie, I'm sorry about the chicken. That's on the SECOND day you get the chicken. - signed, Carol, Peaches & Paprika

  21. Of course we think you can do all that stuff at once Waffles sleeping all day doesn't mean Waffles stays up and annoys you all night..

  22. If Katie and Waffles didn't sing songs, did Glogirly and Lisa sing? Plus we thinks Glogirly can unzip the Sleepypod, feed treats, take pictures AND drive the metal monster all at one time! HA!

  23. Just catching up on your trip. Glad you were so relaxed. I was a really good traveler when we moved. My brothers on the other hand sang for hours!


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