Monday, May 25, 2015

Because it Does the Heart Good to Say Thanks

We're pausing this Memorial Day to remember the people we love and say thank you. Friends, family, teachers, soldiers... some we've known our whole lives. They've touched our hearts and helped shape who we are.  Some remain nameless and anonymous, having given so much, so selflessly, for this beautiful place we call home.

From Glogirly 
To her Dad,
"Thank you for showing me the good and joy in everything and everyone. And thank you for teaching me the power of optimism. You will always be my hero."
~ Glogirly

To her Mom,
"Thank you for inspiring me to study hard, dream big and love unconditionally. And thank you for showing me how the simplest of things can create the biggest of joys."
~ Glogirly

From Katie
To Gloman,
"Thank you for rescuing me, loving me and truly understanding me. ...and for our private cuddles safe out of Waffles' reach."
~ Katie

From Waffles
To Glogirly,
"Thanks for choosing me to be your special small man. And thank you for letting me get away with just about anything because I'm so cute. And handsome. Definitely handsome."
~ Waffles

From All of us at the Townhouse
To Our Friends & Readers,
"Thank you for smiling, giggling and sharing our lives with us. You mean more to us than you will ever know."
~ Glogirly, Gloman, Katie & Waffles


  1. And thank you for making my human and I smile every day!

  2. And a big thanks for being our pals!

  3. I third what Summer wrote :) Happy Memorial Day! xx

  4. We agree with Summer. We love y'all! Happy Memorial Day!!!

  5. What a sweet post. Happy Memorial Day to all of you.

  6. Thanks for sharing the laughs with us every day! We love you! Happy Memorial Day!

  7. Aw, that's so sweet! Happy Memorial Day!

  8. What a very loving, touching ost. Thank you to ll of you in the town house for being our friends and sticking with us when we disappear for a few days. We love your family.

  9. Great pictures..Thank all of you for letting us inside the townhouse to enjoy the fun..and for letting us come along when you go on trips..Hugs!

  10. Such a sweet post ! Thank you and Happy Memorial Day ! Purrs

  11. You two always makes us smile. Thank you.

  12. Thanks for sharing Katie and Waffles with the rest of us. We need the smiles.

  13. Very nice and thoughtful. Well done. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. Gweatt posty. We twuly luv y'all too. And yous mean more to us than yous will ever know. Weez all need our furiends.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  15. Thanks for the memories … and the graphics … and the giveaways … and sharing Katie … and Waffles Too.

  16. And we thank you for all of the happiness that you bring into our lives every single day!!!

  17. Beautiful photos and thoughts! Much happiness to yowl

  18. this post! Hope to see you at BlogPaws!

  19. Thank you all for the smiles and laughter

  20. Thank you for this beautiful post. Hope you had a wonderful day. Pawkisses :) <3


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