WAFFLES: I'm just thinking, Boss.
KATIE: Well don't strain yourself.
WAFFLES: I'm just thinking that since you're this close and all –
KATIE: Waffles... What did I tell you about touching?
WAFFLES: Um, that I only get one touch every other Friday?
KATIE: Waffles...
WAFFLES: And it's every other Friday TODAY!
KATIE: Waffles, let's review. No touching Saturday. No touching Sunday.
WAFFLES: Monday?
KATIE: No touching Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
WAFFLES: Friday!
KATIE: No touching Friday. No touching EVER. Got it?
WAFFLES: No touching EVER-y other Friday. GOT IT!
WAFFLES: High-five, Boss!

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Poor Katie....you've really got your paws full with Waffles!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
Oh Katie...would it be so bad if he touched you really?
ReplyDeleteMarylin: Demz boyz just don't understand doz deyz Katie. Wez work hardz toz get all purrdy and den deyz mezz it allz up wif on touchy.
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain...
ReplyDeleteMOL... looks kind of like a high five to the face?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you guys are so cute! I know it's an uneasy relationship, but I wish my two were even that close!
ReplyDeleteCareful, Waffles, I'm betting that when she has had enough, you're not going to be happy with the result!
I don't think there's any reaching him, Katie! Except with the long arm of the paw.
ReplyDeleteKatie, it looks hopeless!!!
ReplyDeleteOnce he has something in his head, we think you are kind of stuck, Katie. Like you're stuck with him.
ReplyDeleteWaffles just doesn't get it, does he, Katie...and looks like he never will.
ReplyDeletenow Katie, when Waffles was sick you sat near him to help him feel better didn't you? but now that he's better he can't touch? is that fair? oh wait, yes it is. I don't let mine brofurs touch me - ever. Miles
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain, Katie. Really. Purrs. Loupi
ReplyDeleteit's like talking to an orange... not an orange anything, just an orange!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you tolerate the orange crush Katie - but we love you and feel your pain
ReplyDeleteLOL. I think you need to make that a little more clear. . .
ReplyDeleteBOL! you crazy cats!!!! Hey guys could you do me a fav and let your mommy know that I really enjoyed listening to her last night on the live google+ hangout? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
You´re funny! Have a nice weekend babies!
ReplyDeletePoor Katie! He's a 24 hr 7 day a week job, isn't he?
ReplyDeleteHope you both have a happy weekend - oh, and the hoomans, too!
MOL! We think you should touch her again, Waffles ;)
ReplyDeleteLittle brofurs can be such pests Katie. Sigh....I feels your pain!
Katie we have one of those orange things around here too. *sigh* AND we have a teenager too. *double sigh*
ReplyDeleteWaffles you need to be careful or Katie is gonna give you a high five to the middle of your forehead :)
ReplyDeleteHey we have that same harness for Bentley! If I were you, I'd wait until she's asleep and touch her. A sneak sleep attack! I enjoyed your talk last night Glogirly. I'm so excited for your session!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a Friday Fwap flying through the air......
ReplyDeleteLOL! I think Waffles would get along with our cat Freshie. He plays the game, "I'm not touching you" about one hundred times a day with his siblings (-:
ReplyDeleteWaffles, we love you so much. You are so precocious. We can't believe that Katie hasn't figured out that you are going to do exactly what you want to do! Have a great weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteOh Waffles that makes sense to me. LOL.
ReplyDeleteSue B
I know you don’t wanna hear this but Nicky NEVER got the message that Autumn didn’t want to be butt-sniffed or touched.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you will ever get through to him Katie.
ReplyDeleteIt seems he gets it, Katie. Well, sort of...
ReplyDeleteHug five! MOL!
Aaaawww, Waffles you can touch me everyday of the week! Katie is playing hard to get. Don't give up!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Love the post!
ReplyDeletehehehe,you two are just to funny,xx Speedy
ReplyDeleteAwww , Katie give the little orange a brake and let him pet you :)