Friday, December 14, 2012

In This Corner

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Waffles TOO has been hogging the spotlight lately. ...ever since his first photo on Facebook and the Squeee heard 'round the world. I think it's high time I remind everyone who mastered cute around here FIRST.

The gloves are off and that can mean only one thing –
it's a Rumble in the Jungle 
it's a Tangle in the Townhouse

Ok, CK...take it away.

CATHY KEISHA:  WELCOME ------- EVERYONE ------- to the FIRST----- EVER ----- GLOGIRLY ----- CUTE ----- CLASH. In this corner we have Katie, reigning champion of CUTE. She's Queen of her castle, Mistress of her Domain, elegant, breathtaking and forever KATIE. She is da BOMB!

Her opponent – Waffles TOO. He's been taking the blogosphere by storm with his deceivingly innocent eyes, melt-in-your-mouth caramel stripes and cotton candy nose. Google *cute* and you might just find this bad boy. He cute but he bad.


Round One! Oh Snap! Would you look at those kitten paws and perky ears? Their heads are almost too big for their bodies. This is a tough one alright. Katie's engaging the camera, but Waffles Too is looking awfully coy.

This round is just too close to call.

*ding ding ding*

Round Two. *ding*

Oh. My. Cod. The head-mush into the blanket shot. This just drips cute. Waffles is looking straight into the lens and giving his best come-cuddle look. But Katie...Wow. She's working the upside-down-paw-touch-cheek thing. It's a well known fact this pose can get her ANYTHING.

Ooooh, SO close. But Katie might have just pulled the blanket out from underneath Waffles on this one.

*ding ding ding*

Final round. *ding*

The inquisitive peek. Look at those whiskers. Innocent and curious expressions. I don't know...Katie is showing her age here a bit. Waffles just might take this. He's got the youth vote and he's doing a bang-up job hiding the maniac within.

*ding ding ding*

Well, it's anyone's prize.
Who do YOU think should take home the title in the first-ever GLOGIRLY Cute Clash???

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.


  1. That is a TOUGH one! I think I'm partial to Katie though for this Cute Clash. She has unique markings!

  2. I do have to say, Katie was pretty darned cute too.

  3. Katie! wait, it's WT!... oh wait a second, it's definitely Katie!... oh no wait, it's WT!.... oh crap, we can't decide!!!!

  4. Katie wins all 3. No question. W2 is no match for the pure unadulterrated charm and elegance that is Miss Katie!!

    So say we all.
    MS Stella O Houligan

  5. Oh my gosh, how can you compare? They're perfect in their own way! Each is 100% winner in their own right!
    Dare we ask for a cuddle off? MOL

  6. Oooh, it is tough but I (and I hate to admit it) have a thing for orange cats. There. I said it.
    Sorry Katie (and Harry and Stinky and Pumpkin)

  7. I think Waffles Too is super kitten cute. But, I think Katie wins it by a whisker.

    P.S. I'm sorry I missed the auditions for Don King Cat. I think I would have been perfect for the role (although CK did a superb job).

  8. This is a very tough one and we're so biased. Waffles Too is cute, but Katie has way more than cute, she's got substance. The girls choose Katie.

  9. I ain't offering an opinion here... not on a bet!

  10. We refuse to get involved in this one. That's like asking us which one of us is the cutest and we don't want to go there. MOL

  11. Oooo... Miss Katie, you can RUMBLE anytime!

    Waffles, you go hang out with Hammy.

  12. On wow, that's a tough one. We are overwhelmed by the cuteness.

    We just finished tallying our votes. There are eight of us, 4 boys, 4 girls. The girls all voted for Waffles and the boys for Katie! Sorry, our jury is deadlocked.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia and Adam

  13. I think there should be.9 rounds too close to call.

  14. Oh we have to vote Katie with Waffles a very close second. BOL cute. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. OMC, do we have to pick??

    Such pressure and we love them both!

    One thing we will say we'll vote for paws down is CK's hair..hehe


  16. Even if Waffles Too is very cute , you certainly knocked him out good in this game !

  17. OMC, the Don King hair!! Cathy Keisha, we're MOL over here!

  18. Paws up for Katie!
    Harry: C'mon Dexter, you too
    Dex: But he's a GINGER AND a TABBY! How can I vote against him...
    Tipp: uh, I heard Miss Katie is good with the "whappy upside your head paws..."
    Dex: Sigh... Paws up for Miss Katie (sigh)

  19. Don't make us choose! It's just too close to call!!

  20. "Squeee heard round the world" LOVE IT!!!

    There is no way in hell that we could pick this is the epitome of CUTENESS for BOTH!

    That being said...the "Don King" look for CK is quite becoming :)


  21. PS: the comment by "perfume" is spam....we got it too but removed it :)

  22. How can we choose when all we can do is cover our ears.....Mom is repeating the Squee heard 'round the world after she saw TWO cute kitten pics.

    The Florida Furkids

  23. We that Waffle Too may have some cute but the Katie wins our heart!

  24. Whoa so much cute! Ok, we'll vote...9 of us kitties and Grete let's see..

    5 votes for Katie and 5 votes for Waffles. It's a tie!!!

    Secret ballot so we can't say who voted for who.

    xoxo Cory

  25. We can't decide, since we think ALL kitties are super cute. :-)

  26. Mommy says she's gonna need to squeeze each one to make her final decision. (We think she has ulterior motives.) Happy Friday!

  27. PURRsonally, I declare a draw!!! Love you BOTH!


  28. Well - wow - I haz to go wif Katie - but.. **sideways look at waffles too** I weally fink dat the two of 'dem are purrfect and no winner is needed - I haz room to wuv 'dem both

  29. We'll take curtain #3. Cuteness overload
    Benny & Lily

  30. I can´t choose! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!! =)

  31. cathy keisha and wafflez senior :)

    hay, haza grate week oh end !!

  32. We say it's a tie. Because cats can't count, dammit.

    OH OH OH!!!!!! CK as Don King KILLED! Mommy saw him at the airport a few years ago, and the similarity is EERIE.

  33. I call it a draw--you both are just as cute as bug ears :)

  34. I could never EVER choose!!! Each has their own unique charm. Definitely gonna call this a draw.

  35. We can't decide! They're all so cute! Love the Don King cat.

  36. Waffles Too...oh the SQUEEE factor, off the charts...but, KATIE, her kitten shots, the wise look in her eyes, the way she WORKS the camera. As much as we LOVE Waffles Too and admire his gumption, Katie wins it this time around. (Don't let it go to your head, sweetheart!) Purrs...from your friends at

  37. Oh Katie, since you're our new friend we will go with you. You are too cute!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  38. As an older woman type person, I have the deepest sympathy for Katie.
    I will now wimp out and say that they are both the very cutest in their own CATagory.

    Love the pictures!

  39. Awwww stunning Katie and sweet Waffles!!! IT'S A TIE!!! Yes it is! Yay!! Take care

  40. Oh, you got the parfum thingie too. I had mommy delete it as spam.
    As for the big rumble CUTE CLASH, well, I'm sorta prejudiced. See, I have the black and white cute coloring that Katie does, so I think she is the cutest! CK is right. She da BOMB.
    Mommy says it's a tie.
    What do mommies know?

  41. Oh, our heads hurt from trying to decide. And we're dizzy from going back and forth with our vote! Can't we just call it a tie?

  42. UMmmm, we don't want to divide and conquer so we are going to say you are a cute team of cuteness!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  43. I see I have some fans in the audience. There's no comparing. Katie as a Kitten kills the competition—unless the competition is CK.

  44. It's KATIE by a knockout! Sorry Waffles--your turn will come, But for now, look up to your Betters, Boy.

  45. Mes not going to choose. Its too hard.

  46. Not choosing you are both adorable so be good kids and play nice,xx Speedys mum

  47. Definitely Katie. She's got history. Waffles too has to grow into it. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.

  48. It's Katie all the way for me, but both are too cute for words! C


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