Thursday, December 27, 2012

Eyes In The Back Of My Head

Hi everyone Katie here.

Do not be alarmed. I haven't gone all "Linda-Blair-Exorcist" on you. My head is not spinning. I have however, developed eyes in the back of my head. Never really needed this super power until recently. Seems to have come about in conjunction with the arrival of a certain orange pea-eyed monster kitten.

I obviously need to work on my mealtime technique a bit more.

Sheesh. My green frog is even watching. How humiliating.

On The Mend

Glogirly is doing her best to feel better. She's still way under the weather, but seems to be allowing Waffles Too a shot at the title of nurse. Thank you for all your well-wishes. She insisted on wearing the  eye wrinkle concealing sleep mask in the photo as opposed to going au naturale.


  1. OMC OMC OMC! Katie!! He's ::shhhhhh:: humping you. OMC!

    How can Glogirly ALLOW such a thing????? I'm sending the purrlice over right now. Tonight.

    She needs to WAKE UP!

  2. MOL! Katie dear, you appear to be in need of some type of corrective surgery! That is the most oddly shaped er... growth on you. Most unbecoming. I know a great Dr. Call me!

    Ms Stella O Houligan

  3. Katie, we hope you turned around and corrected Waffles Too's behavior right after your snack. We send Glogirl purrs and nice, happy get well thoughts.

  4. Oh no!! Please get well Glogirly!!
    Your TX furiends,

  5. Katie darlin', You have to eat with your head up, so you can watch your back the whole time!!!

    What's that monster doing to you?

    Glogirly needs to get back to health ASAP! Things are getting out of control!

  6. We are all very glad that Glogirly is feeling better. Has Waffles Too been spending time with Bruce and Clarence?

  7. Allie: *gasp!* He did get a good solid whack (or ten) after that photo was snapped....didn't he???

  8. You are clearly making sure Waffles Too doesn't eat any of that Grown Cat food. Would not be good for him, would it?
    However, I hope he is scheduled for his fixit surgery soon!

  9. Hahahaha the dinner attack photo is awesome. Hope all the germs are going away and everybuddy is feeling better soon.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  10. before everybody gets to excite that was not a hump that was a pounce he's a kitten and all they want to do is stalk pounce and play fight!really some kitties!
    Get well glogirly and gloman,xxspeedys mum

  11. When there is a kitten in the house it is very important to have eyes with a rear view.

    We heard Glogirly and Gloman were not feeling well. We hope they are both getting better.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  12. My human went to the post office today - and picked up your card! It made her smile.

  13. Waffles is certainly getting to be a big boy! ;)

  14. OMC OMC OMC! Katie!! He's humping you !
    You better learn him quick but he DON`T humping on any ladycat that is eating her dinner !!
    Sending (((purrs))) to Glogirly and hope she will be fit real soon again !

  15. Oh oh...didn't you say he was neutered before he joined the family?

  16. Sending healing paw to mum. Get tip top well soon. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. Get well soon Glogirl! It. Looks like Katie may need help controlling Waffles Too.

  18. It reminds me of another little kitten who would push me out of my bowl! Seriously kids these days...

    Hope your human will feel better real soon!


  19. We love it! And hope you feel better soon. The eye mask is perfect. I have one that says "leave me alone" and wear it as a warning :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  20. this was sooooooooooo cute! OMC Waffles Too is just relentless isn't he? Sooo funny!

    Hoping you are feeling better soon, nothing worse than being sick this time of year :(


  21. Please tell us Waffles on your back is photoshop. If not we are sending you the artillery
    Benny & Lily

  22. Rest easy, the orange maniac was indeed neutered before he came home. At least we HOPE! ; ) Apparently he doesn't realize it.


  23. Ah Katie, time for you to teach Waffles Too a thing or do about manners. Glogirly and Waffles Too look comfy.

  24. Time for Waffles to learn his "pecking order" and we don't mean on your back!

  25. Katie, we cannot believe Waffles did that to you while you eating and lived. Seriously. Nobuddy messes with eating time.

  26. katie...ya dont wanna be de eggs ore sist any mew coz pea soup iz az bad az burd

    and trout.....tell yur mom ta put a slab oh trout cross her fore head..we can guarantee her will be either feelin grate in noe time ore smellin mightee saweet :)

  27. Hahahah! Poor Katie... heheheheh!

  28. KATIE!!!! What does Waffles think he is doing? Eric does that to me sometimes and that is why we call him the Humper Lumper.

  29. OMC, Katie, he messed with you at dinnertime? He's lucky he's still in one piece! No messing with dinnertime, Waffles!

  30. I think you have a great start on Santa's nice list for next year sweet Katie!

  31. Aww what a cute picture! Looks like you two are getting along pretty well!

  32. Well, at least he couldn't get to the food because you blocked his way! Skootch doesn't have a chance with TWO maniacs. These kittens have no respect. It's shameful!! We hope you gave Waffles Too a good WHAP after that photo was taken!
    We are sending additional head bonks and cuddles to Glogirly for her continuing recovery. At least W2 is learning healing purrs.

  33. *hahahaha*
    OH Waffles!
    OH Katie!!

    Keep those eyes locked on because from the looks of it you're going to need to dear Katie.

    Feel better Glogirl!

  34. Poor Katie, is nowhere safe??

    We got the sicks over here too, so we understand what you are going through! Being sick at Christmas stinks!

  35. How cute!

    Thank you for your kind words on Rachel. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers and will keep you posted on her recovery.

    Happy Holidays!

  36. Tee Hee! Waffles Too reminds me of Kozmo 2 Christmases ago! He still leaps out and attacks me, but now he is 2 times bigger than me!

  37. Just came by to say I hope Glogirly and Gloman are recuperating well! I was SO distracted by that dreadful picture yesterday I forgot my manners.

  38. Hope everyone feels better soon. Glad to see you and Waffles getting along so well.

  39. Whoa! He's either mauling you or humping you. Dunno which is worse. heh heh.

  40. WoW. Waffles. My. So, uh when does he get that boy cat surgery. :) OK, yet I do like him being a nurse to Glogirly-I bet Waffles does have special MEDICAL powers, besides what he's doing to you. :)



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