Monday, November 12, 2012


Hi everyone, Katie here.

Glogirly has really crossed the line this time. She gets ahold of a camera and look what she does. Gloman would NEVER shoot me like this. Does she not realize I have a certain *reputation* to uphold? What's next???

Nude sunbathing?

Uh oh.


  1. We're cats...we sunbathe in fur coats!!! Nood my furry little butt!

  2. Well, at least your head was up and not erm......

  3. My human takes horrible shots like that too. There is really nothing you can do about them--they just have no taste...

  4. Hey, if the Princess can do it, the QUEEN can do it too!!

    PS - Waffles, I'm WATCHING you.

  5. Katie, I will tell you a secret - I ALWAYS sunbathe nude! Not even a collar on.

  6. Well funny. I'd sue if I was you for Invasion Of Privacy. Have a lovely Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. We are waiting to see how Glorgirly can incorporate that pose into one of your videos.!

  8. Those humans have NO SHAME! Don't they know that we need our dignity?

  9. Hmmm, I am a little suspicious of Waffles too...

  10. Hey Katie, Jet here.

    OMD... shameless of Glogirl, shameless!

    Uh... Katie? I have my legal certificate from Scooby Doo Academy. If you should need representation in a libel suit, let me know.

  11. Well, Katie...Enquiring minds do want to know....

  12. My guess is Glogirly will somehow use that photo of you with your foot in the air, and photoshop you kickboxing the camera -- so no more shameless photos come from it.

  13. should join Cody...he has posed in the "nood" on his blog in the past too :) Have they NO SHAME?

  14. LOL, while that's not a flattering photo, it's nothing compared to what our mom posted on our blog today!

  15. Miss Katie, no need to be ashamed with a be-yoo-tiful body such as yours. Don't call it "nood", but "au naturale". Sounds better that way. MOL! Mommy says your little black toe pads are adorable and she is making terrible squealing noises!

  16. Katie! ALL three bikini tops off?!? We can understand one, maybe two...but really, girl...leave something to Waffles' imagination!

    Oh, wait a minute...

  17. Holy smokes! Katie! How did you not shred the evidence? Oh wait, cant shred digital, more's the pity, right? Gone are the days you can grab a pawparazzi camera and yank out the film.
    Know what I find funny, instead of blocking out your naked bits, they blocked out your eyes.. then identified you anyway! MOL Awesome!

  18. Mommy has lots of photos of us in that same position...and worst. So far we've been able to stop her from posting it on our blog but your post has made her want to share. Nooooooooo!!!

  19. Hmmmmm...we left a comment earlier today...but we don't see it. Must be in spam. Why...we don't know.

    Anyway....Katie...remember...Enquiring minds want to know! ;)

  20. Well. We are certainly unaccustomed to seeing you in such a pose.

    As for Waffles (who I keep saying and will keep saying is, I think, some sort of paid escort/companion),why is his reaction even important? Hmmm.

  21. Ohhh, I think that you need to let CK call one of her "lawyers/enforcers" friends. I think that you definitely have a case.

  22. OMC !
    Is ther no end of what that woman can put you through ??!!

  23. good thing ya glooed de maga zeen shutted katie

    we canna reed de inside coz we canna open it

    and tell yur husband waffles de nekkid bathin occured before ewe wuz married...

    him will understand


  24. The pawparazzi have gone too far this time Katie! Covering your eyes? And leaving your noodness open to efurryone else's eyes?! Shameless!!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  25. You look pretty good nood Katie!!! Just saying ;)

  26. Katie Katie Katie, just call it yoga.
    Benny & Lily

  27. ut-oh, we can see the claws coming out now...! Katie, seen in an UNDIGNIFIED pose? Quel Horreur! The shock!

  28. We'll never understand why these humans think such invasions of privacy are "cute"!

    The Florida Furkids

  29. Katie, nekkid? What's the big deal? Is she gonna need representation? If she wants to pose for Penthouse, TW may still have connections. MOL.

  30. Oh! Oh! The plot sickens, er thickens.

  31. The Lounge kitties try to make this sort of photo accetable by calling it "playing the cello" but I think that is just a sneaky Human trick to humiliate us. Glogirly need to PAY, Katie. And maybe Waffles too, whoever he is.


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