Wednesday, August 29, 2012

UPDATE UPDATE! My Photo IS In The City Pages!

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Last night when I wrote and posted my Above-The-Fold-Famous | International Cat Video Film Festival article, I had not yet seen the ACTUAL City Pages paper. So this morning (after Glogirly FINALLY got up) I pushed her out the door and said, "Get to the coffee shop!  HURRY!!!!! Get your paws on some City Pages!"  I don't often talk, so she knew I meant business.

This kitty is seldom (ok, never) wrong. But last night, when I wrote that there were no photos of me in the article, I hadn't seen the print version. Puzzling yes, since KATIE is the first word of the article, right under Ms. Erika Wolf's byline. Well guess what?!

Here I am in FULL COLOR!  Right smack dab on the front page of the article. Me and my salmon pasties and everything!

If you're just tuning in, check out my earlier Above-The-Fold-Famous blog post.
You can check out the whole City Pages article here. (but alas, you won't see my picture unless you have your paws on the real thing.)

Ok, I gotta go find my salmon pasties. Might have to let Flat Katie wear them to the film festival.


  1. SCORE! Maybe you can bring some campaign button with you. I've got Waffles selling them.

  2. WHOA.....smokin salmon patties N noe math kneaded heer katie, a bazillion and 3 conga ratz two ewe on this awesum award; we hope ewe get 154,837,239 $$SS and enuff looze change ta stock salmon frum MN ta TX then up ta WA N bak two NY !!!

    saweet :)

  3. Just awesome! And we can say we KNOW you!!

  4. This is GREAT!!!! I'm so happy for ya!
    Purrrrrrrrrrrrs :-)

  5. COOL! Now have your mom buy up all the copies and keep them for Christmas gifts!

  6. I know THE famous Katie!

    (TOIK=The Other Infamous Katie)

  7. Oh wow thats brilliant.. You look great.. Hugs GJ xx

  8. Oh my goodness Katie, pasties? I'm blushing!

  9. I am blushing like Brian!!! It’s all a bit much for us shy boys!! ConCats Queen Katie. Love Austin xx

  10. Wow! I live in the same city as a kittie STAR! This beats mom's editorial about some dumb neighborhood stuff any day.

  11. Well, isn't that something!! I loved the article and Katie's resume just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm not sure whose vote she is trying to get with the salmon pasties, but, well, I guess time will tell!! Oh, and Zoey got her name in the paper!!!!! I can't wait to break the news to her!!! The paprazzi is going to be surrounding the house when I get home!!!

  12. Your are SOOOOO famous Katie and I knoe you :)

  13. Oh Cod!! How cool is that!! You go Katie! Make catdom famous!! Next, Hollywood or NYC and your own talk show!!! high paws, Savannah

  14. That's great, Katie! Now we'll all be able to say "we knew her when"...!

  15. We're so honored to know such a famous kitty!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Congratulations! YOu're sure famous.

  17. Paws up, Katie! I thought something was amiss that there was no photo to accompany the prominent mention of you. My human knows from media.

  18. who did you bribe Ms. Katie?
    Benny & Lily

  19. Wowzie Katie!!! you're famous!!!
    *blushing .... again*

  20. Hmm....I love having famous friends..... Where do I sign up to become member of your fan club? har har har *evil laughs*

  21. Concatulations! Have some salmon pasties for us, too!

  22. we always new you had what it takes to be famous a nd a big star,xoSpeedy and Mum

  23. Congratulations about your picture in the paper! That's pawsome!

  24. That's exciting Katie!!
    Mom isn't able to go to the would have been kind of neat to meet Glogirly tonight.

  25. Congratulations, Katie! May we have your autograph? Purrs


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