Monday, February 29, 2016

Happy Leaping Waffles Day!

WAFFLES: *huff puff huff puff*  BOSS! *huff puff*  Did you see where the red dot went?

*huff puff*

KATIE:  Waffles, get ahold of yourself.  It's just a little red dot.

WAFFLES:  But Boss! I HAVE to catch the red dot today on account of it's Leap Day!

KATIE:  Waffles, what's Leap Day got to do with catching the red dot? You're always chasing the red dot. 

Every. Single. Day. 

WAFFLES:  But if I don't catch it today, I have to wait a whole four years to catch it. 

KATIE:  Because catching it... say tomorrow, doesn't work for you? 

WAFFLES:  *huff puff*

KATIE:  Ok, Waffles. Leap away. Leap far, far away.

If you're reading our blog on a mobile device or in your email and can't see the video below, click HERE to view on YouTube. Oh, and be sure to turn on the volume. *boing -  boing - boing*

About Today's Leap Day Video
Katie wasn't kidding. Waffles is absolutely, positively obsessed with chasing the red dot. Every night after dinner, he'll go and sit by the wall in the video, stare down Glogirly, and meow. Loudly. If he's really desperate, he'll ever go over to the drawer under the TV where the red dot sleeps and paw at it, glancing back at Glogirly with his pleading eyes. He gives her a few soft meows and chirps. It gets her every time.

Waffles is an equal opportunity gamer though. If it's not the red dot, it's his fetch toy, wand toy...whatever toy he can get his paws on. But there's definitely something special between him and his beloved red dot.

Yes, Glogirly Photoshopped the electrical outlet out of the picture. She's crazy like that.
How will you be celebrating?


  1. I go crazy over my sparkle ball kind of the same way Waffles does over the read dot! That video was awesome!

  2. Replies
    1. Doooood, I uh, kinda hacked the mom's account instead of posting on MINE. Sorry 'bout that ... ~ M

    2. You can hack accounts Maxwell, c'mon guy how'd you do that?? Ourt Mum makes her passwords to complicated here! You peeping over her SHOULDER or you using that camera thing you got? Hey does Allie know you are using it for this??


  3. My Dear Mister Waffles,

    You sir, are a copycat! Those are MY signature BOING moves...only I like to BOING at MY house against the door to the garage. Please forward me One (1) cat treat per BOING, past and present. I shall be waiting, grasshopper...

    Sincerely, The Baby, BOINGER Extraordinaire xx

  4. Happy Leap Day! I plan on leapin after da fevver toy!

  5. We love the video ! You can do it, Waffles, one day, you'll catch the red dot ! Purrs

  6. * Helpless giggles from Mum *

    She thinks that Waffles boinging is the funniest thing EVER!!!

  7. OMC!!! I love that crazy cat!!

  8. Happy leaping on Leap Year Waffles.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Your boinging made my mum laugh lots! You are a very good boinger.

  10. MOL, you are so bonging Waffles. We all laughed so hard this am. You're awesome. The kittens go crazy like you but for their wand toy. Awesome video! Happy leaping leap day Waffles and Katie. Katie you're such the lady. Purrs

  11. Wow Waffles you can leap pretty high. Loved the video.
    Sue B

  12. good luck Waffles - we think you are going to need it MOL

  13. Wow. you have got some serious leaping skills, dude.

  14. We think it maybe a torture dot
    Lily & Edward

  15. That video was HILARIOUS!!!!!! The "boing" sound cracked me up with Waffles leaping! Cody is like Waffles. Every night after dinner he sits in the bedroom waiting for his wand toy. I admit, many, many nights I am AWFUL and don't accommodate him. I am terrible!! He will also walk over to the drawer where I keep it. When he does that, I DO play with him because I'm not quite that heartless! lol catchatwithcarenandcody

  16. The wonderful thing about Waffles
    Is Waffles are wonderful things!
    Their tops are made out of rubber
    Their bottoms are made out of springs!
    They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
    Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
    But the most wonderful thing about Waffles is
    He's the only one

    (and I totally get photoshopping out the outlet.. you totally had to)

  17. Wow, Waffles! You got some fabulous leaping moves.

  18. Wow! Waffles you can jump! Happy Leap Day, although it looks like it is leap day every day to you.

  19. OMC - That video is so funny. I've never seen a cat leap that much or fast. You will have to enter Waffles in the Olympics.

  20. dood....yur moovez R better N spider man....N we wanted ta say ewe N katie did an awesum job on de tonks blog ....way kewl new look for them.....high paws ♥♥♥

  21. Waffles, you're so funny! You wore us out just watching you. You would love the red dot's lair here. It doesn't live in a drawer. It lives in a basket on the table, so Pierre paws through the basket in search of his best buddy.

  22. You are a character Waff. I’ll chase the red dot but not jump after it.

  23. Your legs make funny noises Waffles. You need some WD40 on them? I leapt into mum's lap and snuggled up with her.

  24. You go, Waffles. Astrid is the only one of us who will jump like that trying to catch the dot. Mom's always surprised how far off the ground she gets. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. You boing pretty good little buddy!

  26. Those Waffle antics would get me every time, too! It sounds so adorable. The red dot is one of the few things Lita will actually chase consistently. She also likes her Neko Flies. :)

  27. Boys with their toys, right Katie?!

  28. Marty used to love his red dot like this. I wish he still did, I miss it.


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