Friday, February 12, 2016

Better than a Dozen Roses - A Dozen Reasons to Adopt

WAFFLES:  So Boss, will you be my valentine? 

KATIE:  I'll need to consult my advisors on that, Waffles. At this time, I'm not ready to make any promises or commitments.

WAFFLES:   So Boss, what are the chances of a cat like me and a cat like you ending up together, being each other's valentines?

KATIE:  Well Waffles, that's difficult to say.

WAFFLES:  C'mon, Boss. Hit me with it! Just tell me. What are my chances?

KATIE:  Not good.

WAFFLES:  You mean like one out of hundred?

KATIE:  More like one out of elebenty billion.

WAFFLES:  So you're telling me there's a chance!!!

Valentines Day at the Townhouse
We're not real big on Valentines Day around here. We like to get all googly eyed and tell each other how we feel everyday. ...not just on February 14. That's what relationships are all about. But that doesn't mean we don't have fun with Valentines Day. Glogirly would certainly never turn down chocolates, Waffles is a firm believer in celebrating everyday Valentines Day with chicken and Gloman is known to leave little love notes around the Townhouse for everyone. We're all very lucky to have found each other.

Finding 'The One' for Valentines Day
This year Best Friends Animal Society, in partnership with the Hallmark Channel, is offering pet adoption fees starting at $14 to help people find "The One." The national event is taking place February 1-15 at Best Friends No More Homeless Pets Network partners across the counter. 

Best Friends Animal Society likes having fun too. Instead of roses this year, they've shared with us a dozen reasons, some silly and some serious, why our #RelationshipGoals should include the adoption option. Unlike roses, chocolate, or giant stuffed teddy bears, adoption can and should last a lifetime.

A glorious, full-of-love lifetime. 

Best Friends' A Dozen Reasons to Adopt:

1. Hanging with a pet (especially a CAT!) will give new meaning to “Netflix and chill.” 

2. Your pet’s lasting love will make you never fear being “ghosted” again.

3. Adopting a pet will help you overcome that fear of commitment.

4. You’ll always have someone there to kiss you good morning, even before you brush your teeth.

5. Walking a cat on a harness and leash is a guaranteed attention-getter.

6. Chances are your pet will love to spoon and snuggle as much as you do, if not more.

7. Your new companion will give you a perfect reason to connect with other animal lovers.

8. More than 63 percent of people consider pets to be members of the family (according to the AVMA). So no matter what the configuration of a family unit, pets are a perfect source of love and companionship.

9. Finding true love is not only easy, it's guaranteed. 

10. A pet will help you get accustomed to 24/7 adoration and unconditional love.

11. An adopted pet can help you become less self-centered, as you learn to put another’s needs before your own.

12. If you’re looking for love, but aren't quite ready to commit to forever, check with a local shelter or rescue to find out about fostering. It's a wonderful way to share your love. 

photos courtesy of Best Friends
collage by Glogirly

We're very proud to be Ambassadors for Best Friends Animal Society and to share news and events we think will be of interest to our friends and readers.

More information about the promotion can be found at Best Friends The One

“If you’re looking to bring home a new pet, few people will argue that adopted animals reward their people with a depth of love and loyalty that pets from other sources often don’t seem to rival. They seem to know they were given a second chance, and they spend their lives repaying their families.”
~Gregory Castle, co-founder Best Friends Animal Society

Happy Valentines Day, friends!
Happy Everyday.


  1. The real meaning of love can only be learned from day to day... but my human still likes the Valentine dinner and chocolates! ;-)

  2. The Farm cats are all happy to be here and together. Most of the time. Hugs to all

  3. We love to love everyday!!

  4. Yes, show love everyday! Y'all are very blessed to have each other. We love you too.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day. Those are great reasons to adopt.
    Sue B

  6. Fantastic post!!! Showing love every day is super important! Mom agrees that chocolates are nice too ;)

    The Florida Furkids

  7. our rescue is partnered up for this event - that is how Margarita got her home! :) mom isn't big into this holiday, but she will be out for an adoption event that we hope is successful. LOVE you guys!

  8. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone at the townhouse. I have a feeling our celebration will be watching the Walking Dead as it returns... How romantic is that?

  9. What a lovely post for Valentine's Day. This list of reasons to adopt is perfect.

    Also, Waffles, you look mighty handsome in a bow tie. And, Katie, you're very wise to put some thought into your Valentine selection (although, Waffles is pretty darn cute, don't you think?). Purrs!

  10. Our kitties and us humans like to celebrate our love everyday too. Our adopted cats ARE family. My husband and I adopted our third cat from the local shelter 2 days ago as our Valentine's gift to each other. And he is a gift. :-)

  11. Happy Valentine's Day to all at "The Townhouse"! Great post:-)

  12. We pray that lots and lots of humans will decide to open their hearts to a new adopted anipal who will share their love and home. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. those are PURRfect reasons to adopt - and they're just the tip of the iceberg, too!

  14. Momma says I'm the love of her life, so I guess I'm her Valentine! We celebrate Valentine's Day with chocolate, Chinese food, and classic horror movies -- good times!

  15. I would love to be your Valentine Waffles :)

  16. guys....yur valentinz reezonz R way better ...noe...make that WAAAAAAAY better than flowerz ....everee day !!! heerz two a happee heartz day oh love ~~~~~ kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  17. Those are all great reasons to adopt ! Happy Valentine's Day ! Purrs

  18. Those are all the best reasons to adopt. Happy Valentine's Day, and happy love day every day.

  19. Hey Waffles, I put my brother Fatty on Craig's list. He needs a Valentine
    Lily (& Edward)

  20. Those are excellent reasons to adopt! Happy Valentine's Day! And Waffles, you look very handsome in your bow tie. :)

  21. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you at the townhouse. Those are great reasons to adopt!

  22. Happy Valentine's Day. I get to cellybrate VD and my Gotcha Day this weekend. So a double fun time.

  23. Happy Valentine's Day. Those are very good reasons, and ... cats are endlessly fascinating to watch, so if you lose cable connection it's not a problem.

  24. We LOVE every one of those reasons! Have a googly-eyed weekend!

  25. Kitties give the warmest, furriest, love in the world!!!!

  26. So what's this #8? TW is still looking for that guaranteed love. With me it's a guaranteed bite.

  27. Happy Valentines day!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  28. Our mommy adopted Ms. Lilly Anna two weeks ago Saturday from the Kitten Rescuehouse. We sure love her a bunch. She came to us at a purfect time. We lost both our fursisters 6 months a part last year to CKD and life hasn't been the same. You can feel the love in our household. Happy Valentine's everyone! Purrs

  29. Happy Valentine's Day! Love your post! We are all adopted loved and Mom says our love is the best thing ever!
    Marty and the Gang

  30. Such a lovely post! And how wonderful to be an ambassador for Best Friends! I would love to do that too! Valentine Purrs to all from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!

  31. Happy Valentine's day!!!! Your message is so important and so true. There's nothing like the love of a pet. ❤❤

  32. Awesome reasons to adopt, for sure! Happy Valentine's Day to you, sweet pals!


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