Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Waffles: Mancat and Male Model #WafflesWednesday

WAFFLES:  I bet you didn't know I'm a male model, did you? Don't tell the Boss... you know how she gets. When we receive cat products to review and write about, I get to pose with them so they look more handsome. Because everyone knows that handsome sells. 

It takes a LOT of work to learn how to pose and stuff.

WAFFLES:  Sometimes it's hard to know what to do with your paws.

WAFFLES:  Sometimes you can't find what you're supposed to pose with.

WAFFLES:  But no matter what, there's usually chicken involved.

WAFFLES:  Wait a minute. Something's fishy about that chicken. It doesn't taste like chicken. Or fish.

About Today's Photos
Today's photos are some fun outtakes from a few product photo shoots we've done. Except for that first photo of Waffles with his 'come hither' male model expression. 

Waffles is always the first one to check out anything new that arrives at the Townhouse. More and more though, Katie is getting in on the action. Maybe it's curiosity. Maybe it's because she's the Boss. Or maybe it's the chicken. 

One trick that Glogirly uses to get photos of Katie & Waffles interacting with anything from a toy to a  lounger to even a new carrier, is to keep everything out of sight until she's ready to shoot. She'll take a quick photo ahead of time, just to make sure the lighting is good and the background doesn't have someone's underwear laying in the middle of it. You'd be surprised what you miss until you really look! Then when she's ready with her camera in one hand and treats in the other, she'll bring out the new stuff. Even when she forgets the treats (gasp!), the best photos almost always happen within the first 60 seconds. 

After that first minute, it takes much more work... and bribery.


  1. OOh I know the 'until you really look' bit MOL!! Out comes the clone stamp!! OR out the window goes a potentially good snap! Oh Waffles did make us smile!!

  2. * runs back in *

    Wait - you get treats to pose???????

    * thinks ..... *

  3. Around the yurt there is no place to put everything so there is always something I don't want in the shot. I crop a lot.

  4. Waffles, you are indeed very handsome. Inevitably, our candid shots have something in them that has to be cropped out. So far, no underwear.

  5. Waffles, I totally understand! At least we get paid in foodstuffs, right? Plus, it seems sometimes like underwear is about the only thing NOT lying around!

  6. Waffles, I will buy anything you sell!! Yes, handsome do sell!

  7. You are sooooo handsome!!!

    Treats?!? Can we model too?!?

  8. We must make sure Mum reads this blog today as it might make her feel mean with her miserly ways.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Glogirly, you do a fantastic job. Your pictures are very professional. Of course you also have two excellent models.

  10. You should give lessons, Waffles. You'd make lots of money to buy more chicken.

  11. The first picture of Waffles is beautiful. He looks so different from first to last- of course he is a talented model.
    We had a professional photographer come to PAWS and I got to assist. He set up a backdrop and lights, then we put cat after cat in front of him. He shot within seconds before the cats jumped away! And he got some great pictures.

  12. Mes thinks orange mancats make the best models!

  13. What an interesting idea. The Woman never gets good shots with us and new things. Largely because we live to ignore her. Especially when she holds the camera...

  14. and sometimes in our house bribery doesn't work either ;)

  15. The word sultry was created just for you Waffles. You are a natural handsome mancat. We think the Boss wants some action too. Great pics!

  16. Waffles, you´re a smart and handsome boy!

  17. Oh yes you're so right about the bribery part!
    Waffles you are very handsome.

  18. That top pic looks kinda like a "Most interesting Mancat in the world" pic. Sooo handsome. And I hate when someone puts a mouse on my head, too. Keep up the good work, Waff. You're the Man(cat.)

  19. You're pawsome, Waffles ! 60 seconds for the best shots... Claire has still some work MOL ! Purrs

  20. Waffles you are the most handsome mancat.
    Sue B

  21. Whoa are soooo handsome in that first deserve lots of chicken for all of the hard work you do...

  22. that is one impressive paw shot.. how did you get yourself in that pose? Maybe you should hire yourself out to yoga studios

  23. Waffles you look so grown up in that first shot! Or should I say, experienced?

  24. Hmmmm, wait a minute … you get treats for posing? I don’t. Wait till I find that cheap …

  25. Awesome pictures, Waffles. You are definitely a PRO at that modeling stuff!

  26. Lookin' good Waffles. Fanks fur da tips. Yous so wight. Mommy sumtimes misses da gweatness cuz she didn't know we was wound when she be checkin' out da new item fur hers selff. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  27. Gotta admit that first picture makes you look really hunky, Waffles!

  28. Great outtakes Waffles! We laffed about the underwear in the picture, mom bean always forgets to check and there is always stuff in the background. She says thank Cod for digital cameras. :)

  29. Looking as handsome as every Waff. Sometimes bribery doesn't work either.


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