Thursday, July 30, 2015

Waffles the Invisible Cat #ThrowbackThursday

WAFFLES:  Do-do-do-do! ♫♩I am WAFFLES! Invisible Superhero Cat! 

WAFFLES:  All I have to do is crawl inside my super magic bag and TA DA! I'm Waffles the Invisible Superhero Cat. 

KATIE:  Waffles, I can totally see you. 

WAFFLES:  But Boss... I'm Waffles the Invisible Superhero Cat. No one can see me.

KATIE:  Yeah, about that whole invisible thing...

About Today's Photos
Today's photos are from way back in May of 2013. Waffles was about 8 months old and obsessed with hiding in bags. Ok, so he's still obsessed with hiding in bags. And boxes. And bathrooms.

So often when he's hiding out, Glogirly swears he thinks he's invisible. But with a 15" striped tail, he's never very hard to find. 

What's particularly special about the day these photos were taken is that this was one of the first times Katie engaged with Waffles in a playful way. Those of you that have been with us for awhile probably remember that Katie's world was tipped upside down the day Waffles came to live at the Townhouse. It was a very slow road to peace and harmony. In fact we're still traveling that road. But for Glogirly, this day meant there was hope for her furry family and that someday, everyone would get along. 


  1. Baby Waffles! I love seeing baby Waffles.

  2. I always try to hide out too, but for some reason momma finds me!

  3. * falls of chair in fits of helpless laughter *

  4. 15 inches of tail is hard to hide.

  5. You know, I do think those two care about each other... or at least they've gotten used to each other! Even if they don't always get along.

  6. We laughed at you hiding in the bag Waffles but somewhere deep in all our photos there's a picture of Lucy hiding in one of Mum's shopping bags.expecting to go with her!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Katie & Waffles have come a long way .... And Waffles has gotten so big!

  8. Your pictures are always great! Waffles was such a cute kitty :)
    My cat always loves bags- When I come home from the grocery store he always gets inside the grocery bags.

  9. You make us laugh, Waffles ! Weren't you the Invisible Cat in your catball too ? Purrs

  10. Katie and Waffles really have come a long way... and we don't just mean the length of that crazy-long tail of his, either! Pierre thinks he is invisible when he hides behind the sheer curtains. It works just as well.

  11. We think you need to change your SuperHero Cat title, Waffles. ;)

  12. I thought you were in this post Waffles, but I don't seem to be able to see you!

  13. Looks like a great hiding spot. My Hope loves to hide too. Have a great day.
    Sue B

  14. that last picture is know she is thinking "weirdo" :)

  15. Oh these photos are so precious!
    One day you need to show us your outtakes!
    You always take such fantastic photos.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I can´t see Waffles!!!!!! Where is Waffles?

  18. Baby Waffles! What a cutie he was. Oh, wait, we're not supposed to see him, right. Sorry.
    He was still a cutie!

  19. That last picture of them looking at each other is sweet...It must have been a relief for you to see them together Debbie...If I would have been there..It would have been hard for me to resist picking up that bag and carrying it

  20. Where is that Waffles ?? Katie !! Did you send him to Timbuktu??

  21. Don't be invisbull Waffles. We love to see you!

  22. We just love watching the interactions between Katie and Waffles

  23. Sweet photos and a sweet memory too!

  24. So adorable. We love seeing how Katie started interacting with him, and his look up at her *melty hearts*

  25. If we can't see you, we ARE invisible. That's a RULE...isn't it? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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