Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Kitten & Her Girl #ThrowbackThursday

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I bet you didn't know that this is the photo that started it all. It was the picture we used on our very first blog header way back when I started every blog post with, "Hi Everyone, Katie here."

I was an anniversary present. A nice man with kind brown eyes and a deep voice adopted me for someone he said was very, very special. This special someone had no idea what he was doing. It was going to be a HUGE surprise. He'd been hinting around ... telling her that he was working on her birthday 'kit.'

She was thinking maybe a kit for washing her car, or a kit of accessories for her iPod or something.

Little did she know, 'kit' was short for kitten. 

It was love at first sight. 

Gloman's given Glogirly some very special anniversary gifts over the years. He's always really creative and silly about how he gives her presents. Sometimes he'll hide cards by her toothbrush or tucked inside her makeup bag. One year he hid a beautiful watch in the refrigerator next to the milk. 

But the most special gift of all was a little black and white kitten with a purple bow around her neck and a tiny little tag that read, "Happy Anniversary."  

About Today's Photos
All three of these photos are very special to us. Gloman took them WAY back in September of 2005 on Katie's first weekend in her new forever townhouse with her new forever family. 

Glogirly didn't want to go to sleep that first night. She just wanted to keep holding Katie, looking into her eyes and telling her how much she loved her. And on that first night, they fell asleep together on the sofa. Katie was still curled up on Glogirly's chest the next morning.


  1. What a special throwback post. Katie, you were an adorable "kit".

  2. What an awesome TBT! My human remembers spending the first night she and I spent together, in a hotel room - she was almost too excited to go to sleep too!

  3. Gorgeous pictures! What a wonderful gift you were, and are, Katie!

  4. How precious! And you could see, even then, Katie was a serious soul.

  5. These pictures are just wonderful!

  6. Sweet memories and beautiful photos ! Purrs

  7. those are wonderful pictures - Glogirly looks SO happy :) what a great anniversary present

  8. Aw, so sweet. What great memories.

  9. I definitely think that those photos are some of my favorites!!!

  10. Oh weren't you the most adorable little kit?!

  11. Ooooh Katie, you are an adorable kitten. Our humom loves looking at our kitten pics, makes her all sentimental and stuff. We luv your pics. So touching and sweet. Thanks for sharing this special moment with us. Purrrs

  12. These pictures are beautiful! We can see the love in the air :)

  13. Best present. Lifetime of love for the Glofamily and excellent entertainment for all of us.
    Thank you, Gloman!

  14. what precious photos! Awwww! still curled up on your chest the next day. Thanks for sharing this retrospective!

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona

  15. Such beautiful photos filled with love and a most precious kitten. Katie, you had the most adorable kitten face. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. What beautiful photos and memories.

  17. Wonderful post - beautiful photos. Thanks for the throwback. We didn't know this history.

  18. Awwww! Thanks for sharing! Katie you were such a cute kitten and you grew up to be such a beautiful ladycat!

  19. She had already star quality back then :-)

  20. Lovely photos and a very special throwback.

  21. Adorable! What a wonderful anniversary gift.

  22. Dat's so sweet. And yous look so cute Katie. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  23. Such sweetness! A super bond seemed to be formed right away.

    The Florida Furkids

  24. How sweet! Best anniversary gift, ever!

  25. Oh were such a little beauty..and that hasn't changed..

  26. Awww, how special. You make a nice family

  27. Beautiful girls!! My heart is bursting! Glogirly is so happy holding her new baby girl! I know how she feels. Xo

  28. What a special memory and what a great anniversary gift.

  29. Just beautiful - I can see why you fell in love. And thank you Katie for inspiring this blog!!

  30. Thank you for sharing these! It's nice to see baby pictures of you, Katie.

  31. Thank you for sharing these! It's nice to see baby pictures of you, Katie.

  32. I'm going through my Glogirly emails and came upon this one. How did Gloman give you Katie to Glogirly since he is so creative. I know you had a pretty purple bow but did he just walk into the Townhouse with you in his arms, did he have you in a special box? Curious. I'm sure you were the best present of them all!!!!


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