Sunday, January 18, 2015

#SundaySelfies from the VET???

KATIE:  This is NOT how I expected to spend my weekend. Scooped up in my Sleepypod and carted off to the VET???

 It's not the kind of #SundaySelfie I had in mind either.

WAFFLES:  *from across the room*  Hey Boss! Are you having fun yet???

KATIE:  Waffles, you're only here as a ride-along. No commentary is necessary. Or welcome, for that matter.

WAFFLES:  Are you going to play Where's the Thermometer?

KATIE:  Not if I have anything to say about it. But by all means, go ahead. Have fun. Make it a party.

An Unexpected Vet Visit
Though I'm always the first in line for breakfast in the morning, Glogirly became concerned when I didn't show up Friday for my usual AM chicken pate. Even my favorite snacks weren't enough to coax me out of my cushy sleep spot.

After a quick phone call to our vet, it was decided that if I was still showing signs of a hunger strike the following morning, I'd need to get myself hauled in. So the whole family took a field trip to the Vet yesterday:  Me, Gloman, Glogirly and Waffles.

Please don't worry about's nothing serious. I'm just having a little GI flare up and to be safe am now taking an antibiotic and appetite stimulant. Oh, and the appetite stimulant? WORKING! Bring on the chicken pate! 

Ride-Along Waffles
Since Waffles has a tendency to get his furry undies in a bundle whenever I come home smelling like the vet, he joined us as a ride-along. So now we both stink. But it's all *peace and harmony* back at the Townhouse. 

The moment we got home, and I do mean the MOMENT, Waffles apparently decided the ride-along was so much fun, he hopped out of his own Sleepypod and right into MINE.

Two minutes later... this is Waffles' #SundaySelfie:

WAFFLES:  ZZzzzzzzz.

We ♥︎ Our Sleepypods
Many of our friends ask for advice on pet carriers. We just can't say enough great things about Sleepypod.It's truly the best of the best when it comes to pet carriers and beds. They make trips to the vet much easier and less stressful and the vets LOVE how easy they make the examination process. We even love using them at home for hiding, playing and of course... sleeping.

Disclosure: Our Sleepypod link is an Amazon affiliate link. That means that we receive a small commission if someone clicks it and makes a purchase. 

Sunday Selfies

Today's blog post is part of the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop hosted by our dear friends at The Cat On My Head. Hop on over for more Sunday Selfie fun.


  1. Oh boy were WE worried about the word VET. Glad you are OK Katie * gentle hugs from us all *

    Harvey, Miranda, Marjorie and Silver.

  2. We are so sorry you are feeling poorly Katie. I hope you are back to your old self soon.

  3. Oh my! Well, *that's* a really crappola (oops--norty word??) way to start a Caturday! We think you are owed a LOT of extra treats to make up for those days when you just starved your beautiful self! I likes me a girl with a little padding, ya know? om nom nom nom

  4. I'm relieved that it was just a minor issue, Katie! Sparkle used to be like Waffles whenever one of the other cats went to the vet - so she always had to come along too. Now, I come to the vet when one of the other kitties go, but it's only so that I get out of the house! I rather enjoy it.

  5. I am so glad you are OK Katie. I must admit you look very pretty in that first photo

  6. Hope you're feelin bein all better soon Katie.

  7. We're glad it was nothing serious Katie ! We hope you're back to your normal "you" very soon ! Purrs

  8. Fortunately youd didn't have nothing serious ! Love your selfie in the first picture !

  9. Miss Katie, glad nothing serious !
    Me too, I didn't know I go to VET, by the time I know dad dropped me to the carrier !

    PS : love your photos, always fabulous :)

  10. Oh poor Katie but what a lucky girl Glogirly was on the case so quickly. I think you cats forget how much us humans worry about you. We are so glad you are on the pate paved path to recovery and purr you keep going in the right direction. Good thinking to take Waffles along too, just for the scent! Saved all that reintroduction palaver.

  11. Not a lot of fun to have to go to the vet, but it sounds like you are doing ok. We are very glad about that.

  12. We're glad it's nothing serious, Katie. Waffles, buddy, it's nice to know I'm not the only one that has to do a vet ride-along. ~Wally

  13. I'm glad you are okay… and how nice of waffles to do a ride along

  14. We're sending you a whole big case of just-in-case purrs sweet Katie!

  15. I'm joining Brian. Just in case...purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

  16. We hope your tummy trouble will be gone in no time, Katie. Waffles just considers a trip to the vet another excursion!

  17. Feel better, Katie. We're sending you purrs.
    Love, Lola and Lexy.

    p.s. Mommy wants to buy a Sleepy Pod!

  18. Katie Katie Katie.. You need to stop with this GI stuff..

    and I don't blame you for bringing the orange terror with you.. it is actually a pretty smart move..

  19. hope SOME BUDDY didn't put anything in your foods. Feel better little one
    Lily & Edward

  20. Glad you got the no eating thing squared away. That now scares mum since Derby just suddenly stopped eating. ::sigh::

  21. Glad you are okay Katie. I used to be horrible to Eric if he had to go to the vet, but then Meezer Mom told my mum to give our butts a dusting of baby powder. It worked!

  22. Hope you feel better soon.

    Great selfies!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  23. Katie we are glad you are feeling better. Those are all terrific Selfies and one day we hope to get a Sleepypod!

  24. A family affair at the Vet...not really our idea of a Saturday outing...but sometimes it is necessary. Sorry for the tummy problems Katie. Glad you are now eating. Mom bought one of the rolling PTU's like Summer has since it is hard for her to lift the PTU once we are in it. Astrid will sleep in it when she wants to hide herself away. You two look super adorable. Thanks so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. It means the world to us to have you as furiends. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. We get the full inspection when any one of our gang comes home from the V.E.T. By both dogs and cats. Glad to hear Katie is feeling better.

    --Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  26. Oh poor Katie!!!!! A selfie at the VET!? That warrants the "back of disrespect!" Katie, I want you to eat without those pills! I know you can do it! Please feel better soon!!! Love, Cody

  27. Glad you're ok, Katie! Love the pics! Your eyes are sooooooo soulful, Katie!!!

  28. Love your selfie, Katie. Hope you're feeling better soon. Healing Pawkisses :) <3

  29. Those pods do look great. Glad it is nothing seroius-get well soon.

  30. Oh Katie weez so glad everyfin' is okay. Seems a lot of kitties awe goin' fwu this not eatin' fing. Sis Lexi's finally eatin' again, but hers has to go to da vet this week too. Altho' she dusn't know it yet. MOL Wait'll she inds out, she's gunna be as dispurrleased as you. Hav a pawsumly Blest Sunday.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  31. we hope you are feeling better soon Katie....and glad the orange menace left you alone once you got home :)

  32. Katie, we are so glad to hear it's nothing serious.

  33. I'm so glad that you are eating again Katie..I suppose that Waffles stole the chicken pate you couldn't eat..I wish I had a Sleepypod to take my Lil Tiger orange kid to the vet's time to have his little fuzzy balls removed..He has a nice soft carrier to travel in but I'm sure a pod would be even more comfy..he cries the whole way there and back..Thank goodness he can't understand what Dr Susan is going to do this time..

  34. So glad Katie is alright. Sorry you had to go to the vet. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Sue B

  35. We're glad Katie is feeling better. Wow....we don't go to the VET together....what fun??? Okay...maybe not!
    The Florida Furkids

  36. Hope you feel better soon! You look adorable, even at the vet! :)
    ~Ali Cat

  37. OMC! Weekend at the v-e-t is no fun. I’m glad it’s nothing serious.

  38. Where's The Thermometer is our least favorite thing about our Dr. Stabby. He always wants to play, more than we think any grown man should. We say it's his turn next.
    Had our own vetmergency today, and still recovering, but we love seeing darling Katie and Waff!
    ~Vicat, Bratastic (he insists on being called niw), Rags, & GEO

  39. Glad you are eating your chicken pate again Katie :)
    Me too is one of this strange kitties that LOVE to sleep in my PTU.
    Waffles , your selfie is really a cute one !


  40. So glad you are feeling better and mom so wants to get one of those Sleepypod thingys. Love Dolly

  41. Katie! I had to go to the vet on Saturday, and Dr. Holly took blood from me. Z-Girl asked for a full blood panel AND one for pancreatitis. I received fluids and an anti-nausea medication and this stopped the vomiting I was experiencing. We are waiting for the pancreatitis test to come back. So far, I'm eating better and not throwing up. I hope you continue to feel better, Tuxie Sister! The thermometer game is NO FUN....but chicken treats are yummy! -Purrs, Valentina

  42. A few friends have been to the vet and we did too yesterday. Just a check up fur us and so glad you are feeling better Katie. We will send some purrs just to make sure.
    We gave Dad the Kitty Rodeo yesterday with getting 7 cats in 7 carriers so I think he may be looking hard at those sleepy pods

  43. Our vet just drooled over our sleepypod yesterday, too! Allie loves it. We boys want it in Robin Egg so - yanno - we don't hafta be seen in public in PINK.

    So, Katie, you back on the good stuff and no more appetite Rx? Purring for ya. You can't go off your feed, now. Although maybe Allie should... ~ Maxwell


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