Monday, January 19, 2015

#MLKDay - Waffles' Way

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! Did you know the garbage man forgot to come today? And the mailman isn't coming either. I have to wait a whole extra day for my fan mail. There's ladies out there sending me love letters and stuff you know.

KATIE:  It's a national holiday, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  COOL! You mean like National Waffles Day? I bet EVERYONE will want to celebrate!

KATIE:  Waffles, this isn't that kind of holiday. It's not some made up craziness celebrating breakfast food and orange cats. Today Americans are honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

WAFFLES:  Was he a famous vet or something? 

KATIE:  No, Waffles. He wasn't a vet. He was a pastor, humanitarian and a leader in the civil rights movement. He believed in equality, compassion and service. On #MLKDay, people across the country are urged to come together for a day of service. 

WAFFLES:  Service? Like room service? Still sounds like breakfast to me.

KATIE:  Seriously, Waffles. You are not right in the head. Today is about making a commitment to our communities. For example, helping shelter cats in our community. Helping our neighbors. Today and everyday. 

WAFFLES:  Ok, I get it. Like donating food and toys to the Feline Rescue cats. Or sending Glogirly over to visit and play? 

KATIE:  Exactly. Even making people smile. Every little bit helps.   

Uh...Waffles? What are you doing???

WAFFLES:  I'm serving my community by looking handsome... you know, for the ladies.

KATIE:  *sigh* 


  1. Katie you are a very wise kitty and Waffles - you make me smile every day

  2. The Human said that works for her, Waffles. Me, I'd rather see Katie do that upside down come-hither look....

  3. I am a little young right now, but I hope that next year I can be of service somewhere in my community on this holiday!

  4. Waffles, you're a giver. You both make me smile.

  5. Dat's how I plan of bein of service too Waffles.

  6. Waffles, you are handsome! I might have to start being one of those lady cats that writes you love letters. - Pearl

  7. hehehe Katie you are a wise kitty and well Waffles is just a simple kitty...hehehe have a wonderful day,xx Speedy

  8. Both of you serve in your own unique ways ....

  9. Adorable shot, Waffles, the ladies here really appreciated it!...You guys always make us smile!...Happy MLK day and week ahead, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  10. Oh Waffles. You know the ladies cats will appreciate your service. :)

  11. MOL, Waffles, you are too cute! You two are awfully generous for giving Glogirly permission to go cheat on you with kitties at the rescue today :)

  12. what a goof....but hey - he IS making people smile :)

  13. Waffles and Katie, you both do so much for kitties around the globe! We like to do our part too, so we don't get upset when Z-Girl goes out to feed feral kitties in the Powerhouse Arts District (PAD). We hope one day that all domestic animals will have loving homes, and we too have a dream of peace for humans and living beings, just like Dr. King. Waffles, thanks for posing and Katie, thanks for explaining the importance of today! Peace....The Squeedunk Cats

  14. Waffles, you have made the woman's day. She says that is a great service...

  15. You are doing well making everyone smile Waffles.

  16. You made us smile ! And you do a lot for kitties in need too, and not only today ! Purrs

  17. You guys make me smile!! You are serving everyone with your cuteness, your charity and generosity to all and spreading kindness everywhere. Everyday is a holiday with you here! Xo

  18. whats weird, the garbage man and mailman came today
    Lily & Edward

  19. lol Waffles but I kinda think that isn't what he had in mind (wink)

  20. Waffles, you make people smile. That is a furry important thing as people need to smile. Keep it up.

  21. That's probably not exactly what Dr. King had in mind, Waffles, but this was a great MLK Day post. Thank you, dear friends, for reminding us what Dr. King preached and practiced, and why it is still so relevant and important. Hugs.

  22. You both make me smile, every day! Thanks Katie and Waffles!

  23. Waffles, you are the purrfecty cute one for the ladies!. Sorry Katie, you are the beautiful dignified intelligent one for all the fabulous wealthy gentlemencats!
    Tuxies Rule!.

  24. Yep we try and do our part.
    Now waffles that was said like a true Marmalade Man Cat

  25. Well, Katie, you DID say "even making people smile" - kinda set yourself up for that one. ~Maxwell
    Allie MAXIE! Whose side are you on?
    Maxwell: Just the facts. ma'am. Just the facts.

  26. Uh, Waffles, you do not make fun of Dr. King. He’s my hero. Kudos to Katie for making it right. I paid tribute too.

  27. And, of course, making us SMILE. We love a little "ham" with out breakfast. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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