WAFFLES: Hi everybuddy, Waffles here. I have a new girlfriend!!!
Meet Angie Bailey. She's the talented funny-girl-author behind the cat blogs, Catladyland and Texts From Mittens. And she's also sort of our neighbor. We reviewed her latest book, Whiskerslists: The Kitty Classisfieds recently and just last night, took a field trip to our local bookstore for a special signing event. I got to meet Angie in purrson! She has pink cat ears. I bet you didn't know that.
Oh, and I was the MOST POPULAR cat there!!!
KATIE: Waffles, you were the ONLY cat there.
WAFFLES: I've never been in a bookstore before! There were lots of cool smells and the people were super nice. They all wanted to talk to me and take my picture.
WAFFLES: I rode through the store in my Waffle Wagon. Everyone wanted a ride! ...and a kiss too.
Thank you to Angie, fellow cat writer and CWA member Catherine Holm and the nice people at Magers & Quinn Booksellers in Minneapolis for making me feel so welcome and special.
You can check out our review of Angie's book HERE. ...yeah, we LOVED it. Though it gave Katie a few too many ideas on how to put ME in a kitty classified.
Waffles, what a celebrity you are becoming.
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell you how much I love that photo.
ReplyDeleteWaffles in in Waffle Wagon cracks me up.
I'll bet he was the sweetest thing there too..
Angie is SO lucky she got to kiss you!!!
ReplyDeleteWe love your Waffles wagon... big-time kitty envy in the Pawesome Cats household. And you got to kiss Angie, how lucky are you?
ReplyDeleteHow exciting.
ReplyDeleteMy human is so envious that you and Angie live so close together! You guys always look like you are having so much fun when you get together.
ReplyDeleteSounds like it was a lot of fun, Waffles!!
ReplyDeleteKatie, are you jealous of Waffles' outings?!?
ReplyDeleteYour so lucky, I'm not allowed in book stores! *sad ears*
ReplyDeleteKatie, I reckon you need to do some big time plotting as Waffles is getting a bit too much limelight! Errr Waffles, could I possibly have your um pawtograph? ;)
ReplyDeleteWaffles, you're hanging out with celebrities now? We aren't going to hear about you drag-racing the waffle wagon under the influence of nip, are we?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet picture! I'm happy that Waffles supports independent book stores.
Wow !
ReplyDeleteHow cool , Waffles !
Me have never been in a bookstore :(
Waffles...did you kiss a girl and like it? ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, Waffles! I'm honored that you would even glance my way! You're so handsome AND talented! It was so fun to see you show up in your fancy orange wagon last night. Maybe when it's warmer, you can take me to the drive-in in it! xoxo
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool! Just who was the bigger celebrity at the bookstore--you or Angie? :-)
ReplyDeleteOMD, Waffles, that is one SWEET RIDE!!!
ReplyDeletewow! That must have been so exciting for you! And btw your new gf sure is pretty! I love her ears! Very cute!!
ReplyDeleteI am going to go check out your review now!
((husky hugz frum da pack!))
Angie is one cool dudette!
ReplyDeleteWaffles, it does appear as if you had a pretty exciting evening and getting to meet Angie Bailey must have been a real treat. I hope they had some nice hot beverages for you 'cause it must have been super cold on your furs going out last night. Purrs and paw-pats, Giulietta, Fiona, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteBoy you've SO grown up, Waffles. Lookin' at the ladies, givin' smoochies ... gee ... *sniff* ... You're SUCH a nice young man!
"Waffles Wagon" - love it!!
ReplyDeleteWe think you are practicing for your debut at BlogPaws (we hope)!
that Angie gets around....don't tell Cosmo you were kissing his mom
ReplyDeleteYou should charge green papers when they take your picture. You’re a celeb you know. KIsses would be extra. I think you need an agent. Let me leave my card.
ReplyDeleteCan we have your pawtograph? We love Texts from Mittens!!
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
Cool! Looks like you had fun!
ReplyDeleteWaffles you are a celebrity!
ReplyDeleteHow much fun was that???!!!! OMC LOVE IT!!
ReplyDeleteAngie is sooooooooo lucky to meet Waffles in pawson!!!
So much fun!!!
Concatulations on your celebrity status. Let me know if you need an entourage... (By the way, I love your Waffles Wagon!) -Cheerio
ReplyDeleteSounds like a winning match, Waffles! I'm glad you had fun. BTW, that photo of you looking back and realizing you're the only cat there is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteOh Wow! A Waffles Wagon! Mes better not lets Jo-Jo sees this! She will want one too!
A gorgeous ginger out winning over the world! Do we get to read some of these classifieds?
ReplyDeleteWe love to see you in your Waffles Wagon ! You're a celebrity now ! It's always fun to meet online friends in real life ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteBookstores are way fun! Sometimes we take some of the UN-Cats there from the shelter to visit. They get to walk around and greet people and when people buy books that night some of the green papers go to support them! But what we think we need is WHEELS! Then maybe we'd get some babes too
ReplyDeleteOh my dawg!
that sound like fun Waffles,xx Speedy
ReplyDeleteThat photo is adorable. That was wonderful Angie and Waffles could meet.
ReplyDeleteSue B
How cool that you met Angie! Waffles, you are becoming quite the celebrity!
ReplyDeleteI don't know who is more smitten...Angie or Waffles! And I love the "Waffles Wagon!" He is becoming quite the man about town! Very cute!