Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Very Meowy Christmas!

WAFFLES:  How about a Christmas kiss, Boss?

KATIE:  How about NOT.

WAFFLES:  What if I meet you under the missile paws?

KATIE: You mean mistleTOE? Same answer.

WAFFLES:  Fine. Hey Boss, this one totally smells like KFC. Extra crispy. Definitely extra crispy.

KATIE:  Waffles, I'm pretty sure Santa doesn't do his Christmas shopping at KFC. 

WAFFLES:  Duh, Boss. He's got elves for that.

KATIE:  Ok, but he's still got to fly all the presents, and in your case fried chicken, from the North Pole to here. In his sleigh, no less. That chicken's going to be way cold by the time it gets here. And definitely not extra crispy.

WAFFLES:  Doesn't he have one of those warmer thingies like the pizza man has? 

A Meowy Mountain Christmas
We hope you enjoy a few scenes from  Colorado Christmas here in the mountains. We are so very blessed to have a warm roof over our heads, delicious food on our table and presents under our tree.

We are most thankful though, for the love of family, friends, and you, our dear readers. From our hearts to yours, Happy Holidays.

And just in case Santa needs some backup...
KATIE:  We've got you covered, Santa! 

WAFFLES:  You too, Rudoph!


  1. Merry Christmas Glogirly, Gloman, Katie and Waffles. Also Merry Christmas to your neighbors both two and four footed!

  2. Meowy Christmas to all of you! May your day be merry and bright.

  3. Wishing you all the very best!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Always love your holiday photos! Meowy Catmas from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  5. Pawsome,looks like you're having a great time.Merry Christmas,xx Speedy

  6. Happy Meowlidays to you, sweet friends!

  7. ohhhh this is GREAT!!!!! Merry Merry Christmas to ALL OF YOU!!! xoxoxo

  8. Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas from Santa Cat aka CK! Santa Cat ate all the KFC. Sorry Waff.

  9. Happy Holidays to my favorite happy funny make my day shine bright cat blog!! I love you guys so much! I am blessed to have you. Hugs and kisses 😚❤πŸŽ…πŸŽπŸ˜»

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