Wednesday, March 23, 2016

We're Going to Need a LOT of Candles for This One

 KATIE:  Eleven times five plus one, two, three–

WAFFLES:  What are you counting, Boss?

KATIE:  Candles, Waffles. We're going to need a LOT of candles.

WAFFLES:  How many do we need?

KATIE:  Sixty.

WAFFLES:  Sixty? You mean like, 60??? Can you even count that high, Boss?

KATIE:  Well according to Gloman, 60 is the new 50. 

WAFFLES:  I can't even count to 50. 

Tomorrow's the big day! We'll be celebrating this year with a staycation. Gloman and Glogirly are taking time off from work to stay home and PLAY WITH US! 

KATIE:  Ok, so maybe they'll squeeze in a movie or two and a special dinner out. Ahem –there had better be a couple kitty bags of leftovers in our future.

WAFFLES:  Leftovers??? Like beef tenderloin leftovers??  *remembering beef tenderloin incident*

KATIE:  I thought you'd be jonesing for chicken, Waffles.

 WAFFLES:  Gloman and I say beef tenderloin trumps chicken. No offense to my chicken friends.


  1. I offered Parker some beef Friskies one time. She didn't like it.

  2. Happy birthday to Gloman!!!!!!! I hope you ALL enjoy the celebrations. The male person will tell Gloman that 60 ain't nothin'

  3. He's not kidding either! Same with cats - 7 is the new 'mature' and senior now 10+ Gloman is a gem and he is RIGHT!!

  4. Binga says that 15 is the new 60! I'm not sure what she's talking about since 15 is way more than 60 in cat years. So happy birthday to Gloman, and he is WAY younger than Binga is in cat years, no matter what she says.

  5. Happy Birthday, Gloman!

  6. Happy birthday Gloman!!!! Our mommy is 5 years behind you on her big day.... a lot of candles... Beef tenderloin sounds yummy!!!!

  7. Happy birthday to your Gloman! I hope you all get your beef tenderloin!

  8. Happy happy Birthday, Gloman. Hope there's a delicious dinner for Glogirly and Gloman, as well as plenty of leftovers for the kitties.

  9. Happy Birthday to Gloman! But if they are staying home with you two, we think you guys are the ones getting the present. :)

  10. Happy Birthday, Gloman!
    I hope you all have a wonderful celebration.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  11. Happy Birthday Gloman. Hope your day is special.
    Sue B

  12. Eww... sounds heavenly! Enjoy Gloman's birthday dinner!

  13. what a great plan for a celebration. HAPPY Birthday Gloman!!!

  14. Funny but my mom said that 60 is the new 40! Must be a girl thing? Anyway happy birthday to your kitty daddy. Love Dolly

  15. Maybe you should hope they bring back some seafood! I particularly like shrimp or calamari. Signed, Sadie

  16. Happy Birthday Gloman! It sounds like you have a great day planned!

  17. Happy Birthday to Gloman! Watch what you say about 60. TW passed it a long time ago and is kinda sensitive. Heh.

  18. If 60 is the new 50, does that mean he only gets 50 candles on his cake?

    Happy Birthday Gloman! enjoy

  19. Our mom loves the "60 is the new 50". Does that mean 50 is like 40? Hoping so, MOL. Happy Birthday Gloman! Pawty time! Make sure there's plenty of tenderloins, catnip and cake. Purrs

  20. Happy birthday to Gloman! 60 is a good age. And Waffles is looking forward to sharing it with him. Well, his beef tenderloin, anyway.

  21. Forget the candles, get the fire extinguisher
    Happy Birthday to youuu
    Lily & Edward

  22. Happy Birthday Gloman ! Who cares about numbers ? One, two, three, more, many more, many many more, elebenty bazillions... Aging is in your head, it's not about numbers, right ? A French song says : once we love, we are always 20 years old ("Quand on aime, on a toujours 20 ans"). Purrs

  23. Happy birthday to one of the bestest cat dads ever!

  24. Woohoo - Happy Birthday Gloman. Mother Nature is sending us something special to help you celebrate, although maybe you won't get it up there. A blizzard! Isn't that a great way to celebrate? This is one special birthday for Mother Nature to get in on the party. Hope you have a great one.

  25. Happy birthday, Gloman! You two make sure he has an extra-special day!

    (Now about this beef tenderloin trumps chicken thing... what are you THINKING, Waffles?)

  26. Happy Purrthday to Gloman, just keep a fire extingusher handy.

    Yep, tenderloin beats chick-hen. I agree Waffles.

  27. Such lucky kitties! The humans give you an extra luvins' day. Just put "60" on his cake. I don't think any regular size cake can hold 60 separate candles ;-o

    Happy Birthday, Gloman!

  28. Happy Happy Birthday to Gloman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope he handles turning 60 better than I did! I turned 60 last October and I haven't been the same since, I am NOT kidding!! lol!!!!!! Wishing him a great birthday and both of you a great staycation! catchatwithcarenandcody

  29. Happy birthday to Gloman! We hope it's been a super special, splendidly snuggly celebration! :)

  30. happee birthday two yur dad guys N heerz ta 60 mor......N yea, beef total lee trumpz burd ....EVEREEE DAY !!

    N heerz two a ham samich, dino eggz, happee easturr, kinda week oh end !! ►◄►◄►◄►◄

  31. Happy Birthday Gloman from all of us!!!

  32. Happy Birthday Gloman! We hope he had a super birthday.

    The Florida Furkids

  33. Totally agree that 60 is the new 50!! Hoping that 70 is the new 40!!!! BwaahahahHa

  34. Our dad sez to tell Gloman that 60 is the new 30! WORD.

  35. Happy belated!! We do hope Gloman had the best birthday ever! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  36. Happy birthday Gloman!! Have a fantastic day! ����


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