Friday, March 18, 2016

Chicken Fricassee With a Side of Waffles

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, can you hand me the flipper? 

KATIE:  What, are you going swimming?

WAFFLES:  The channel flipper, Boss. They're making chicken frickin-sea on the food channel.

KATIE:  You mean chicken fricassee? 

WAFFLES:  That's what I said, Boss. Chicken Frickin Sea.

KATIE:  Waffles!!! You're not supposed to say that word! You know how Glogirly feels about HBO words. 

WAFFLES:  Since when is chicken an HBO word???

About Today's Photos
Yesterday Waffles was king of the couch. In fact, we might have to consider changing his name to Potato. He huddled under Glogirly's blanket– All. Day. Long. While some may call it lazy, Katie calls it bliss.


  1. You have a life as easy as a Farm cat's Waffles!

  2. I can relate - my human says that I'm the laziest Somali cat she's ever met!

  3. Oh oh Waffles, you said the f word!

  4. Wait a minute - a couch potatoe?? Katie has the run of the house - SCORE!!!!

  5. I want to snuggle up next to you, Waffles!!

  6. Sounds good to us too .... chickie and snoozin'!

  7. Katie, I hope you enjoyed your "bliss day" to the fullest. No doubt Waffles is up and "at it" again today. Waffles, what a life you lead. I've never had the opportunity to stay in bed all day!

  8. Katie says - out of sight, out of mind. MOL

  9. Still adjusting to Daylight Savings Time perhaps? I think that pillow looks like a Waffle!!

  10. Did you put syrup on Waffles head
    Lily & Edward

  11. If only Glogirly woulda brought you some chicken frickin sea while you were laying there, Waffles.

  12. MOL! I love the captions. I wouldn't want to move all day, either, if I was snuggled in all comfortable, either, Waffles. Room for one more?

  13. Thanks to you, Waffles, we increased our vocabulary today : as Claire didn't know the fricassee word ending with "-in(g)", we helped her to search the French translation on the internet. Can you imagine that most of the online dictionaries told us that the translation was not available or didn't exist ? F*** liars ! Purrs
    Pee-Esse : did you know that your F word is an euphemism from 1930 for the other F word ? We learned it too today !

  14. You look so cozy, Waffles!!! Scoot over and make room for the rest of us!

  15. Me's not heard of chicken fricken see Waffles, but it does sound good. Maybe you kuld give Waffles and me a few lessons Katie, bein' a southern girly me doesn't know 'bout da difference in fricka and fricken. MOL

    Fank you so much fur yous kind words and purrayers.

    Luv ya'


  16. What is that awful look on your face Waff???

  17. Chicken frickin' see sounds pretty frickin' yummy!


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