MODERATOR: Welcome to the 2016 Katie VS. Waffles - #BlogPawsOrBust Debate. Today the GLOGIRLY Cats are vying for a spot along side Glogirly at the BlogPaws® Social Media & Pet Blogging Conference this June in Phoenix, Arizona.
Each cat will be given an opportunity to highlight the top 3 reasons they'd like to attend the conference. With room for only one cat on the plane with Glogirly, it's a winner-take-all competition. So the big question is, "Who's going to be packing???"
Let's get ready for some fireworks and welcome our candidates, Katie and Waffles.
WAFFLES: Don't I just have to ring you bell to win?
KATIE: That's not how this works, Waffles. Now we're each supposed to tell everyone 3 reasons why we should get to go to the BlogPaws conference with Glogirly.
WAFFLES: Oh, well that's easy. I should go because I'm the most handsome. And there'll be LOTS of ladies there.
KATIE: How about you wait for the moderator to ask the questions?
MODERATOR: Let's start with the orange cat. Waffles, please tell us one reason you're looking forward to attending the big conference in the desert.
WAFFLES: Well I hear they have the best CAT TREES ever. Really tall ones!
KATIE: Waffles, you do realize that's a cactus, don't you? Climbing that thing isn't going to end well.
MODERATOR: Katie, your response?
KATIE: The BEST part of the conference is meeting new friends and catching up with our blogging pals. That's what Glogirly and I look forward to most. There's something very special about gathering with like-minded, animal-loving, fun-seekers. As bloggers, we spend a lot of time huddled with laptops and sharing virtual conversations. So the opportunity to connect in person is a rare and wonderful thing. Plus, my fan girls love seeing me rock my pink harness.
MODERATOR: The next question is for Waffles. What would you most like to learn at the conference?
WAFFLES: I like the great outdoors. You know, mountains and horses and stuff. So I want to learn how to ride a horse.
KATIE: *sigh* You are not bringing that thing to the hotel.

KATIE: Another huge highlight of the conference is the opportunity to attend a wide variety of learning sessions. Blogging is constantly changing and there's always something new and exciting on the horizon. Even us cats can learn a few new tricks. Glogirly and I would like to up our social media game with sessions focusing on how to create viral content. We're also excited to learn about Etsy and how to open up our own shop. We've got to come up with new ways to support Waffles' chicken habit after all.
MODERATOR: Waffles, it's clear you're excited about horses and cacti. Is there anything else you're looking forward to experiencing? Perhaps some water sports?
MODERATOR: Katie, are you into aquatics as well?
KATIE: Yeah–no. I prefer to keep my paws dry. Networking with brands is a big part of the conference and no one likes shaking a wet paw. In fact, Glogirly and I hope to meet some new brands at the conference. We hear this year's Cat Lounge will be full of exciting products we'll be able to share with our friends and readers.
MODERATOR: I'd like to thank our candidates, Katie and Waffles, for their insightful answers. Special thanks to our friends at BlogPaws too. Glogirly is really looking forward to this year's conference and all the creative inspiration it holds.
Just one question remains.
Katie or Waffles?
Who do YOU think should go?
Well, If Glogirly's roommate would like to sleep I suggest Katie. If Glogirly's roommate would like to be vastly entertained I suggest Waffles.
ReplyDeleteI so wish I could be there. I will miss everyone
Katie had better answers than Waffles, but I also think Katie would handle being left home better than her orange furriend, at least if their reported reactions to January's trip are any indication.
ReplyDeleteMy exact feelings, too. Well said, Aimable.
DeleteI want Waffles to go!!!
ReplyDeleteAw geez, you can't BOTH go?! :-(
ReplyDeleteWe want you both to go too........ Katie answered the questions better and would be a better roommate...... It could be a boys' weekend fur Gloman and Waffles......
ReplyDeleteI'll miss seeing Glogirly and the winner - since CatCon is at the same time as BlogPaws, I'll hae to miss BlogPaws this year.
ReplyDeleteI think Glogirly and Katie should go! BUT wait, hear the rest, my fellow Waffle lovers. I also think Gloman should take Waffles and SURPRISE his girls there. It could be the bestest family vacation yet! And well, Gloman IS Glogirly's favorite roommate ❤️
ReplyDeleteAt our house, we allocate scarce resources by seniority. We think Katie should go, because she is older and has been on fewer trips.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a tough call. We actually like Clowder's answer the best. Otherwise... we think Waff should go, leaving Katie to have some special QUIET time with her Gloman.
ReplyDeleteGreat answer Clowder Confidential! I'm not going to vote. I know Glogirly will choose based on what's best for the cats.
oh - that's a tough one. Katie sure did seem to enjoy going last year though....
ReplyDeleteKatie! She loves to travel to new places!
ReplyDeleteUgh, this is a tough one! We luv u both and want both of u to go. At least whomever doesn't go this year can go next year, Yeah! Ok, our vote is for Waffles. He can be the guinea pig, MOL. Katie you can be pampered by Gloman at home. Purrs
ReplyDeleteClose call! They are both so adorable!
ReplyDeleteThat's a tough one. Mom has met Waffles so she thinks she'd like to meet Katie. But Waffles is such a character...Guess we'll just have to wait and see. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteOur suggestion was posted above. Glogirly takes Katie and Gloman takes Waffles! Win-Win!
ReplyDeleteWe think you may need to draw straws on this one. . .
ReplyDeleteHmmm. I think it's tough. BUT Waffles has been on trips with just Glogirly before, but Katie has only been on whole-family trips. So I think it's Katie's turn. Waffles and Gloman can have a boy's retreat.
ReplyDeleteOH dear that is a tough one. Maybe it'll be one cat goes this year only to have the promise that the other one will go next year.
ReplyDeleteThis is a super post (and debate)! May the best kitty win!
ReplyDeleteI've polled my gang and it's a tie. Considering I have seven cats, I'm still baffled... Sorry we couldn't be of more help! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!
ReplyDeleteI think Katie should go. She was a brilliant traveler last time.
ReplyDeleteI can't choose. It's a tie. Oh goodness. We'll call this Glogirly's Choice, kinda like Sophie's Choice, without all the tears. How will we know who wins? When is the decision?
ReplyDeleteguys...we think Kat-fles shuld go......N make sure your mom brings bak TWO poneez :)
ReplyDeleteheerz two a king oh de herrings kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
Oooh, GloMan and ManCat Waffles AND GloGirl and LadyCat Katie... could all 4 of you go?? That would be furtastic! (and easier than picking a winner!)
ReplyDeleteClowder Confidential (and several others) said it above : BlogPaws trip could be a family trip ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
I agree, a family trip would be great!
ReplyDeleteImpossible to decide. Mudpie suggests you choose her instead! And I'll ride shotgun ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is a tough one...and we're gonna stay outta the politics of it. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is going to be tough. Did Waffles go last year? If he did, then I think it is Katie's turn.
ReplyDeleteI think the cat who goes should be the one who offers me the best cut of catnip. ;D Hey, I have two furkids of my own to keep satisfied, and they have expensive tastes! You do what you need to.
ReplyDeleteSorry Waff...I gotta vote for Katie this time!!!
ReplyDeleteKatie had the better answers, but Waffles would be more fun. Maybe it should be an all girls trip. That way Gloman and Waffles can have a guy bond.
ReplyDeleteWaffles! Mom said so because she is a real sucker for orange boy tabby cats. Love Dolly PeeS: Sorry Katie.
ReplyDeleteI think everybody should go!
ReplyDeletehave a wonderful weekend...
Noodle and crew
Waffles, paws down. So much more open to experiencing what is happening at the time. Go Waff, Go!
ReplyDeleteHave to go with Waffle man! First I'm in love with orange cats, hence my latest post where my husband Jean Pierre is jealous of my attraction to Waffles, then there's the fact that I met Waffles two years ago but did NOT get a photo with him. Last year he was such a celebrity hiding in his hotel room. I must have a photo with Waffles~~ Christine
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Waffles, but Gloman needs you. I know you love the ladies, but he's going to miss Glogirly and Katie and it's a great time for Bro-time! Katie needs her girl time with Glogirly on an adventure.
ReplyDeleteThat is SUCH a hard question! Maybe you two should take turns, so we'd have to vote for Katie...
ReplyDeleteKa-tie! Ka-tie! Ka-tie!
ReplyDeleteSorry Waffles , but Katie is the one .
ReplyDeleteYou all deserve to win and go- so cute