Friday, March 11, 2016

Waffles the Time Traveler Cat

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! I'm going back to the future. Do you want to come?

KATIE:  Back to the future? You can't go back to something that's in the future. That's an oxymoron, Waffles. 

WAFFLES:  Boss! That's not very nice. I'm not a oxymoron! I'm a smart–

KATIE:  No, Waffles. Oxymoron is a grammatical term. It's– nevermind. So why do you want to go back to the future?

WAFFLES:  To save the daylight, Boss! And I have to hurry on account of time is running out. 

KATIE:  This wouldn't have anything to do with daylight savings, would it?

WAFFLES:  That's what I said! We have to save the daylight! And we have to save it this weekend or it will be too late. SAVE THE DAYLIGHT, SAVE THE WORLD!

KATIE:  Waffles really takes this daylight savings stuff seriously.

Tick Tock!
Don't forget to set your clocks FORWARD this Saturday night when you go to bed. Unless you want to wake up late for breakfast Sunday morning.

About Today's Photos & Painting of Waffles

A couple of summers ago we featured Splendid Beast custom pet portraits on our blog. We have three hanging in our home love them SO much. Photos just don't do them justice...the attention to detail is exquisite. They make Glogirly smile every single day.

Here's our original post about them with some great photos of the other portraits they made for us. 


  1. I HATE daylight savings time. Here in Montana I really wonder why we need it since with it it stays light in the summer until 10PM. Srsly - who needs light until 10PM?

  2. Ours is not for another couple of weeks,All this changing of clocks is such a nuisance,xx Speedy

  3. Why can't they just leave the clocks one way or the other... Go save the world, Waffles!

  4. Daylight Savings time? That's Binga's favorite day because she thinks she is getting fed an hour earlier!

  5. Thanks for trying to help Waffles, it's a human thing, you wouldn't understand. Heck, we humans don't even understand. 😉

  6. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your day.
    Sue B

  7. time change....whatever, so long as we still get breakfast :)

  8. Now is your chance to lock the door Katie
    Lily & Edward

  9. Waffles, I love your space suit. Is it comfy or HOT? You guys are both so cute and funny.

  10. dood....see if ewe can keep it IN de few chure....we hate day lite savinz time; howz a cat spozed ta sneek a round durin nite time when itz sew brite at 9:27 pee em.... ya still kneadz ta wear shadez....

    heerz two a crevice kelpfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  11. I hope you can save your daylight Waffles. Can you come over here and save ours in 2 weeks time?

  12. DST stinks when it means you have to lose an hour sleep, too! Of course kitties never have to worry about that ;)

  13. The mom wishes you could really save the daylight, Waffles, because she sure hates losing it.

  14. TW doesn't mind missing breakfast. Oh wait, that's her favorite meal of the day! SAVE THE DAYLIGHT!

  15. Mum has already started to hide the hour in the clocks.

  16. We have until Easter to set our clocks forward, but we HATE it (Mum included) ! We're already pouting... Purrs

  17. We hate changing the clocks!
    We get all confused and flustered.
    Have a super weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  18. Just think Waffles, we are all getting fed an hour earlier! Hooray! But please, if you can get our hour back do so. No sleeping in tomorrow. Help Waffles! Let's spring back in time. MOL Purrs

  19. * helpless giggles * OOOH WAFFLES!!!!

  20. Thanks for the reminder to Spring ahead :)

  21. This springing ahead thing is tougher for the humans than us, we think. Hey, we got fed EARLY this morning. Me-WOW! :)


    Gracie and Zoe


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