Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Waffles and His Powder Room Obsession #WafflesWednesday

WAFFLES:  Do-do-do. No one in here but us chickens. Wait. Chickens?

WAFFLES:  *inaudible chortling*

WAFFLES:  I'm still looking for the chickens.

About Today's Photos
If you follow our shenanigans on Facebook, you're probably all too familiar with Waffles and his propensity to lock himself in the bathroom. Yesterday he shut himself in SIX times. Fortunately he only does it when Glogirly is close by and can hear him. Not that it matters... he seems to really enjoy his private time in the powder room. 

We're not really sure what he does in there. There are no snacks, no toys, not even a Playcat magazine. Every time we open the door to let him out, there he is, sitting patiently on the toilet seat. Head slightly turned. Dazed and most definitely confused. 

Oh, Waffles.

KATIE:  I don't know what all the fuss is about. I'm perfectly fine on this side of the powder room door. Just as long as Waffles is on the other.


  1. Maybe he likes to have his bath in private

  2. Don't try to figure it out. Cats are strange and mysterious creatures, puzzles shrouded in mysteries wrapped in enigmas wrapped in rubber wearing a fur coat. Perhaps start using a doorstop to keep the door open? Something heavy, shaped like a chicken, perhaps. ;D

  3. Maybe it are a ginger thing. I like to hang out in the bathroom too and so does Crockett.

  4. Waffles, sometimes you baffle me. Maybe more than sometimes!

  5. Waffles may like his alone time to think of more shenanigans.

  6. I think he thinks it's a game...I lock myself in, Glogirly has to rescue me. Let's do it again! Hey, where's my chicken treat?

  7. Gorgeous picture of katie. That waffles is so silly.

  8. Waffles, do what I do. Make sure you bat a few toys in there first before you lock yourself in. Then you'll have something to do. ~Ernie

  9. My ginger cat likes the bathroom to get drinks and to look in the mirror.
    Sue B

  10. ah....the strange and wonderful workings of the feline mind :)

  11. Are you sure Katie isn't shutting him up in there?
    Maybe she told him the Great Halloween Chicken appears to good cats who wait on the toilet...

  12. HI I caught a sighting of what seems to be two really cute photos of Waffles and Katie above the commode - can we see close-ups???

  13. Let us know when you find them
    Lily & Edward

  14. Maybe he's meditating :)

    Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential

  15. Maybe Waffles is waiting to see if you leave him in there long enough to attack the toilet paper...My orange kid likes to play in the shower...when it's dry that is...

  16. Waffles I didn't know that there were chickens in the bathroom.

  17. so inquiring minds want to know, do you really have photos of your cats in your bathroom?

  18. MOL Wha'cha' duin' in there Waffles? Our pawdee boxes be in da 'powder room' but mommy hates it when we just hang out in there fur no pawent reason. MOL she sez it makes her nervous. Me did it a lot when we got flooded. Seems me knew da water was comin' afur it got here.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  19. I'd recommend lever door handles. Waffles is smart enough to figure out how to open them. Katie might be disappointed when he doesn't disappear, though.

  20. Bathrooms are cool places to hang out...there's toilet paper in there you know? Oh boy!

    Noodle and crew

  21. We're with Maggie. Are you sure he's the one shutting himself in there? :)

  22. Let him in there to do whatever. let him go for a few hours. Katie gets some quiet time. Waffles can enjoy the art.

  23. That cat isn’t quite right in the head. MOL!

  24. I think he likes you to come to his rescue :)

  25. Katie is obviously very happy to lose Waffles for a while :-)

  26. Someone needs to let Waffles know that he should be spending all that time in the bathroom unraveling the roll of T.P.. At least that's what we like to do. No human will ever know what goes on in a cat's mind, esp. one as unique as Waffle's brain. At least Katie enjoys it when Wafflesr locks himself in there.

  27. Waffles, you're gorgeous on your white throne ! Chickens are rather out of our bathroom here... Purrs

  28. Psst... Waff, the real trick is the one Ichiro does now and then. He gets me in there and locks me in, but he's outside! No one has figured out how he does that!

  29. Happy National Cat Day! Ralphie is obsessed with the bathroom idea why....

  30. Definitely a quirky habit, but then nobody does quirky better than Waffles. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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