Thursday, October 30, 2014

Waffles' Big Adventure, Day 5: Just Where IS Waffles?

KATIE:  Something's different. Off.

KATIE:  Waffles is here one day and gone the next.  I swear he's supposed to be in Atlanta right now at that conference thing. But I feel like someone's watching me. It can't possibly be him. 

Can it?

KATIE:  Ok, seriously. This doesn't smell right. Maybe there really IS something to this whole *Great Pumpkin* thing Waffles has been droning on about. 

KATIE:  Or maybe he somehow knows I'm using HIS orange kitty lounger???

KATIE:  I swear. Even when he's AWAY, he's here.

Happy Halloween from Peach Industries & GLOGIRLY!

The hip and modern kitty lounger you're seeing in our photos today is Peach Industries' Kitty Lounger Mini in their cool marmalade fabric. Yes, it's bright orange. Yes, it's Waffles' favorite. 

We received our kitty lounger no charge from Peach Industries. We also received a small fee to cover the time it takes to take photos and write the blog post. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our article or anything we say.  All sponsored posts on GLOGIRLY will always reflect our honest opinions.

Special Blog Feature This Week!
Please join us all week as Waffles jet-sets across the country! From Minneapolis to New York City to Atlanta... We'll be following him every paw-step of the way. We've got some exciting plans in every city and you won't want to miss a single day! 

Don't worry about Katie... she'll be holding down the Townhouse with Gloman, kicking her feet up and enjoying not looking over her shoulder each morning at breakfast.


  1. Are you getting a chill in your bones, Katie? You never know when Waffles will show up.

  2. My human is looking forward to seeing Waffles in Atlanta!

  3. Why Katie, if we didn't know better we would think you miss Waffles ;)

  4. Oh Myself! Do you mean to say that even if I get rid of Ichiro he'll hang around haunting me?

  5. Maybe ya miss Waffles? Just a lil bit?

  6. Aww...I think you're just missing him, Katie! It's ok to admit it, girl. *paw on your shoulder*

  7. Do you think you are seeing him because deep down you are missing him?? BOL

  8. Don't mess with his ornj hammick, Katie!!

  9. Katie misses the orange menace! Ha!

  10. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, Katie! But you know absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  11. He will be back in no time Katie! Savor your alone time with Gloman while you can!

  12. I think everybody is right Katie..You are missing the orange guy..Don't worry sweetie..he has lots of wonderful adventures to tell you about..I'm sure he will be back to driving you crazy in no time!

  13. Oh no Katie, did you lose Waffles? Where did he go? Maybe he's just hiding on you. he he - enjoy the quiet time while you can get it sweetie.,

  14. Katie we were hoping you'd get some "me" time for yourself but Waffles is everywhere!

  15. Oh Katie, sowwy yous can't get a little time to yous selff. MOL

    Luv ya'


  16. No way to forget the orange color ! Purrs

  17. Katie that Marmalade Man Cat is keeping tabs to I would watch the napping in his bed MOL

  18. Are you getting shivers down your spine? Is the fur on the back of your neck standing on end? Maybe you should keep away from that hammock, it might be haunted, or it might be.......

  19. Faraday: KEWL!! Way ta spook the GURLZ! Pawesome idea! C'mon, Maxie, let's go try it on ALLIE!

    Maxwell: Uh, dood. You *do* realize that - in order to do haunt Allie - you hafta LEAVE THE HOUSE.

    Faraday: *appalled look* SERIOUSLIES?!?!?

  20. Katie, Waffles is in your head! He got to you!! You are thinking of him. You love and miss him. I knew it!

    Katie, it is so nice to see you!! Xo

  21. Poor Katie! Love Dolly (and Rhette)

  22. MOL! It's OK Katie, just the Orange guilt getting to you :)

  23. Katie, Mom says she knows that Waffles was in Atlanta 'cause she saw him. She thinks maybe that was the ghost of Waffles Halloween Past. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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