Thursday, September 20, 2012

You Share We Give - Royal Canin Spayed/Neutered Feline Formula

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I've got some new food I'm test driving.  The nice people at Royal Canin have developed a formula specifically for us kitties who've been spayed or neutered.  Why would I need a specific food just because I'm not fooling around with my mancat suitors and shopping for kitten clothes?

The Proof Is In The Numbers
-> I have a 30% decrease in energy needs BUT I have a 20% increase in appetite.
-> That means I'm 3.4 times more likely to be overweight. (gasp!)
-> A girls gotta watch her figure!

Hmmm...I wonder if the Royal Canin people can make some food for Glogirly.

WAFFLES:  Um, Boss?  GimME some!

KATIE:  Mitts off, Waffles. Royal Canin offers FOUR different formulas based on your age. You're just a kit, so get your own.

WAFFLES:  Um, Boss? You must be REALLY old then, huh?

KATIE:  *rolls eyes*

You Share, We Give
Royal Canin has a great offer called You Share, We Give. Just VISIT THEM ON FACEBOOK and share this cool infograhpic. They'll give you a coupon to try the new Spayed/Neutered cat formula for FREE!  But more important, as part of the You Share, We Give program, Royal Canin is donating  $25,000 green papers to the American Humane Association to support feline health research.

click to biggify

So What's The Verdict?


NOTE:  The nice people at Royal Canin gave me some food to try, but as you'd words are my own!


Our hearts go out to our friend Ann of Zoolatry who has lost her sweetheart, her partner, her love.
Please click the flame to light a candle for Poppy Vic.
Visit Zoolatry to share a hug, a prayer, a smile or a tear.



  1. Oh yes, we always eat Royal Canin dry food. It's yum!!!!
    PS. We like your new tiara. Will you be wearing it all the time now that you're the cat Ruler of the world?

  2. Hmm, my Mommy is spayed. This explains efurrything. We'll start feeding her this. MOL!

  3. Oh I have to remind my human to buy it so I can try it!
    You look great with the Royal Canin tiara, Katie ;-)

  4. We were happy to see this new formula. None of Mommy's other cats that were spayed or neutered got fat but I did. And we really think it is because the spaying triggered something that made me pack on the pounds. I am eating Iams weight control catfood but will be happy to give this a try too. ~Scylla

  5. I better share that cos I like RC and the only time I get it is when TW gets a free coupon. TY.

  6. Stinky is the only girl cat in the house and she is a skinny little thing

  7. Katie darl,
    Would you have pity on me and send me some? Ooohhh....but make sure they are low ash and low salt. I'll send you the Black Pearl if you can't use normal postal services. har har har *evil laughs*

  8. we purrticipated in this a few weeks ago...Royal Canin rocks!

  9. Royal Canin cat food is good - Hannah eats mostly their sensitivity and with the odd treat packet of something else. She does well on it.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. What Royal Canin is doing is so cool! We eat Royal Canin food...but it's one of the limited ingredient diet foods they make because of Ernie's allergies. We think it's good stuff!


  11. Ya gotta love those companies that give back to those in need!

  12. I am the exception to the rule that spayed/neutered cat´s are putting on weight :)
    My favourite RC food are the Maine Coon that have BIG crunchy chunks.
    They are purrfect as nightsnack since you wake the whole house up when you are noming them *mol*

  13. We haven't tried that food before but we're spayed and we're round so maybe we should! Thanks for the info Katie!

  14. Ash is fixed so she would love that food brand!!

  15. It's good to know that you can eat and keep your Tiara on at the same time. That is the type of quality I look for in a Ruler of the World.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  16. Good grief! I was looking at packs of Royal Canin today in the store and thinking I wonder if it’s worth trying (not me, silly, Austin!! lol Though I suppose it could give me strong gums and a healthy coat!!) ;)

  17. We don't like this. We like chikkun and ham and steak! Our crunchies kep changing because Au is furry fussy.

  18. Thanks for the coupon heads up.

    About you being the cat ruler of the world. You are going to need a Secretary of Whapping Annoying Sisfurs. I would like to nominate myself to head this department.


  19. Oooh does Royal Canin lessen the pouchiness if so this is good news. Katie a late concats on winning the Cat Ruler of the World you will be a most purrfect leader.


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