Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Countdown - 5 Days Left

Hi everyone, Katie here.

Welcome back to the countdown! Five days left.

Glogirly caught me dreaming of catnip and feathers...and had to again remind me that this thing we call Christmas is about much more than intoxicating plants and shiny toys. This week, we're continuing to reflect on the people that have influenced us. Friends and family that have made our own little world a better place.

Today I want to tell you about Glogirly's mom. If you've read Another Mother, you've had a chance to get to know Alice, her birthmother. But you probably don't know much about her REAL mom, her adoptive mom.

Young Glogirly and her Mom

24 years ago Glogirly lost her mom. When Glogirly turned 48 this year she realized that she'd lived as many years with her mom as she has lived without her. I never knew her mom. That would of course make me 169 in people years. But I've seen photos and heard stories. I can tell she was a one-of-a-kind lady loved by many, especially her daughter. I also understand she was more of a dog person.

I'm going to let that one slide. For now.

Glogirly's Mom with Blackie the dog

When Glogirly was a teenager she used to get really mad when someone said she was growing up to be just like her mom. Now it's the best compliment she could receive.

Her mom was old fashioned and modern all at the same time.

She was a lady. She taught Glogirly how to set a table and how to write a thank you note. She opened her home to friends and family. Christmastime was huge and the two of them loved decorating the house and planning the big holiday dinner. They baked together, snuck tastes of cookies together, and never left a bowl unlicked.

Doing Dishes

Glogirly's mom was also a modern woman. She was the first of her sisters to have a career. She balanced work and family with remarkable finesse. She handled the household finances, helped Young Glogirly with homework, and cooked yummy suppers for the family every night.

Education was important to her. Glogirly's mom would rarely admit it, but she never finished high school. In fact, she only made it through the eighth grade. But Glogirly's mom was a very smart and intelligent woman. When Glogirly was struggling with math in second grade, her mom took a class to learn how to teach Glogirly. She worked with her on fractions each night after school. Glogirly's second grade teacher didn't have faith. She said Glogirly wasn't smart enough and didn't work hard enough. After second grade, Glogirly excelled in math. By the time she was in high school she was three years ahead of her classmates in math.

Glogirly's mom was smart alright. In math and much, much more.

24 years without her mom is a long time. She used to worry that she'd forget her. That has never happened. Never will.

Glogirly's Mom


  1. Glogirl
    I think your Mom would be very proud of the woman you've become.


  2. agree, mom would be very proud. You know we love your stories...
    Benny & Lily

  3. Katie, your human's mom sounds awesome! Like the kind of mom all humans should have.

  4. Amen! I never met my Gramma neither.

  5. I agree with Abby, she would indeed be proud.

    Thank you so much for your several visits to Admiral's blog. My heart is totally broken and you dropped soothing salve on it with your comments.

    I have missed seeing you since I began blogging several years ago now. So good to see you again.

    Mom Carole

  6. I caught my breath at the photo of you and your Mom washing dishes; I have the same image engraved in my mind, with my Mom! You know, we are the same age...and we grew up very much the same as well. My Mom also was a trailblazer--she refused to quit working at a department store when she was pregnant with me. Back then, if a woman was "expecting" she was expected to be unemployed!
    Moms like yours are unforgettable.

  7. That was a great tribute!

  8. Like Glogirly's mom my mom didn't finish high school. Because my mom was one of 12 children, she had to drop out in eighth grade to get a job to help support the family. Although she didn't finish high school I got my love of the written word from her. She's very smart, with an extensive vocabulary and a great deal of common sense. I'm lucky to still have my mom with me, but I can imagine how much Glogirly has missed her mom over the past 24 years.

  9. How moving that you call her your "real mom", for so she was. I love that pic of Glogirly helping her mom with the dishes :) Yes she would be so proud.

    Katie, you are surely a gracious kitty to let the dog issue slide!! :)

  10. That picture of Glogirly washing the dishes with her Mom moved me the most, also... You can really feel the bond between Glogirly and her mother... This is just a magnificient picture!


  11. That picture of Glogirly washing the dishes with her Mom moved me the most, also... You can really feel the bond between Glogirly and her mother... This is just a magnificient picture!


  12. Just found your cool blog! Your mom would be proud of you fur sure.

  13. I love the Christmas countdown! You have such a great turn of phrase.


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