Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bathing Besties

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss? Want me to help you get between your toes?

KATIE:  Thanks but no thanks, Waffles. I know where that tongue of yours has been.

WAFFLES:  What do you mean? My tongue is right here.

KATIE:  Whatever. Just keep it to yourself. We are NOT going to become those cats that bathe each other. 

WAFFLES:  How about those cats that bathe together???

Maybe Someday... NOT
Glogirly has always held out hope that one day Katie and Waffles would become the kind of besties that bathe each other. Well, it's approaching 7 years since Waffles joined our furry family and it's safe to say the whole bathing each other thing is just never going to happen.

Oh, Waffles has certainly tried! But like we said– Never. Going. To. Happen. LOL!


  1. I love watching my guys clean between their beans.

  2. Crockett and I used to bathe each other. I've tried bathing Bowie, but he doesn't hold still.

  3. Never going to happen here, either. Especially if I have anything to say about it.

  4. good job Katie - avoid the boy cooties. Love, Ivy

  5. Even though Angel and Chuck were in utero together, they never were very touchy-feely after they grow out of kittenhood. When they would sit near each other, I'd whip out my camera, just to record the memory! Da Boyz, are another story; they are together constantly, and The Hubby and I don't mind saying that we love it.

  6. When Binga and Boodie groomed each other, it always led to Binga beating up on Boodie. So maybe it's just as well.

  7. We bath each other, but it's always Pixie who comes first and asks for it. Purrs

  8. Cats are so cute when they bathe each other, but Katie and Waffles are super cute enough without that.

  9. That's okay...usually bath time led to fight time. ;)

  10. Derby and I used to do each others ears, but never toes.

  11. Katie we really love your little black pads. Waffles keep washing buddy


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