Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Saying Goodbye to the Fairy God Kitties

WAFFLES:  Boss! Where'd all the houseguests go? And what about their luggage? I wasn't done inspecting everything. 

KATIE:  Are you still here, Waffles? I was hoping you'd have stowed away in their luggage. Cod knows you were flirting with the short one enough. 

WAFFLES:  That's on account of she smelled like sausages. 

KATIE:  By the looks of it I'm thinking it's the tall one that smelled like sausages. 

About Today's Photos
We've had a wonderful time sharing our mountain paradise with Glogirly's Godparents, a.k.a. the Fairy God Kitties. Lots of beautiful scenery, yummy food, and of course CATS. Waffles has been sitting vigil inside the guest room. Well to be clear, he's been sitting vigil inside the laundry basket inside the guest room. Meanwhile, Katie is strutting her stuff all over the house and celebrating the fact that she's once again in charge. 


  1. It's great that your godparents had a fun visit. Sherpa doesn't like guests either Katie

  2. How fun was that visit! They are welcome to come here and meet us too!

  3. It takes ours a while to get used to folks. Waffles did good!

  4. What great guests. Good on you Waffles for making friends. Miss Poppy would be like Katie and take a vacation in a closet.

  5. Waffles! Are you trying to climb on that man's head??

  6. Katie, you were always in charge, but you simply moved your base of operations temporarily to the closet, or UTB...right?!?

  7. Glad you two had fun with your house guests...but it's nice to have things back to normal. With Katie in charge. :)

  8. I agree with Katie, I was so happy when Uncle Stormy was gone a few weeks ago. I could have my house back to myself. Well, mum is allowed too.

  9. Aw, maybe there will soon be new visitors for you, Waffles.


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