Wednesday, August 31, 2016

If Cats Drank Coffee

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! It's Wednesday morning. Have you had your cuppa George yet?

KATIE:  George??? Don't you mean Joe?

WAFFLES:  Joe? Who's Joe?

KATIE:  Cuppa Joe? You know, coffee?

WAFFLES:  Cats don't drink coffee, Boss. Even YOU know that.

KATIE:  Of course I know that. You're the one that brought up Cuppa George. Which, by the way, makes no sense at all. I'm just trying to explain that it's Cuppa Joe, not George.


KATIE:  Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Maybe you should just switch to decaf.

KATIE:  Maybe should switch to decaf???

...15 minutes later

About Today's Photos 
(...or rather, that last photo)
Sometimes the camera freezes an expression you just can't see with the naked eye. The beginning of a yawn or meow can turn a seemingly ordinary cat into ... well, into what you see in that last photo.

Of course in the case of Waffles, this kind of expression is far more common than you might think. He's definitely a cat that can go from lazy to maniac in less than 60 seconds.

Cuppa Waffles
In case you're wondering what that cool 'cup' is that Waffles is lounging in, it's his sporty Sleepypod convertible. (a.k.a. his Sleepypod with the top down.)


  1. At first I thought he was in a crock pot ... then I saw the lining and I was thinking, "she put a cat bed in a crock pot?" Then I realized (a few lines before you revealed the answer), it was the Sleepy Pod. Perhaps I need some coffee? Either way, Waffles is a very handsome boy. Not that I'm not "Team Katie," I just acknowledge that he's alright too :)

  2. Waffles, sometimes I wonder what's really going on between your ears.

  3. I get those photos with Stinky a lot. Usually she is mid meow and she looks like she is haucking all over the cat food or treats we are supposed to be loving

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I don't believe that Waffles needs a cuppa Joe or George...

  6. Loved your post. Great photos.
    Sue B

  7. We think it best that Waffles not do coffee...even decaf. ;)

  8. we get that here sometimes don't realize the shot until you go back and look. and honestly, the thought of a caffeinated Waffles.... *shudder* :)

  9. Waffles, are you SURE you don't sneak into the coffee in the morning?

  10. You definitely need to cut back on the caffeine, Waffles!

  11. I love the wrinkle on a cat's nose when they yawn or eat.

  12. If I drank coffee I can climb the highest mountain and run faster than a speeding bullet. Cool cup
    Lily & Edward

  13. Mum is laffin, and laffin at Waffles last picture! She is a purrson who doesn't drink coffee, Joe, George or whatever you want to call it.

    Mum got some pics of me last week, a series where I yawn, part way opened I looked like I was ready to sneeze.

  14. We live in the land of the Starbucks( Seattle )so coffee is mandatory around here!
    Love your photo...

    Noodle and crew

  15. Pics of cat yawns are fertile, fertile grounds for hilarious captions. Waffles looks extremely comfortable in his Sleepypod. I love the pic of him resting his chin on the edge. If that isn't the expression of a comfortable cat in the Zone, I'd like to know what is.

  16. No coffee for Waffles. Just saying! :)

  17. Are you sure you need some coffee, Waffles ? We agree with those above who say better no coffee for you... Purrs

  18. Buy Waff some of the decapitated stuff. MOL!

  19. Ooh, Waffles! Our management staff here wanted to throw away our sleepy pod!!! Then Mommy showed them how to clean its fur and they shut up. Whew!!

  20. You sure look cool in your convertible sleepypod Waffles! And you should stick to decaf.

  21. We love the photos that result from a yawn! We think it makes Truffle look like she's yelling.

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