Monday, August 15, 2016

A Date with the Cat Sitter???


KATIE:  So there what?

WAFFLES:  Glogirly just got home from Iceland and now she's going out with the cat sitter. 

KATIE:  Well that's better than another sleepover with the cat sitter. 

WAFFLES:  What about ME?

KATIE:  What about you, Waffles?

WAFFLES:  I thought I was the cat sitter's one and only.

KATIE:  You do know the cat sitter has two cats of her own, right? Mancats. Tabbies.

WAFFLES:  But... but what was all that one in a million talk?

Our Girl is Back!
Thanks so much for visiting us while Glogirly and Gloman were busy galavanting around Iceland. And while Waffles was busy flirting with the cat sitter. And the cat sitter's fiancé. And the UPS man.

Our girl promises to share some of her favorite photos from the big trip soon. There were no cat sightings, but apparently lots of horses and sheep. And a puffin.

A Date with the Cat Sitter
It's true. Glogirly is going out with the cat sitter and the backup cat sitter tonight. She'll be wearing her cat ears and cat eye glasses...they're going to see the Amazing Acro-Cats, with Tuna and the Rock Cats! The Acro-Cats have been performing here for the past week and Glogirly is catching their final Minneapolis show tonight. We'll be sharing photos and a fun write up of the event. If you haven't heard of them before, you're in for a real treat!

The next stop on their tour will be Chicago, then onto Detroit, Grand Rapids, Madison and Mew Orleans! 


  1. How awesome that Glogirly is seeing the Acro-Cats! We love them lots!

  2. How fun for Glogirly and the assorted cat sitters. Now THAT sounds like a band....

  3. I've never heard of the Amazing Acro-cats.....I don't get out much. I look forward to your posts ❤

  4. Oh wow!!!! We love the Amazing Acro-Cats! You have sooooooo much to tell us, Glogirly!

  5. Glogirly is seeing the Acrocats? Paws up! The head peep saw them when they were in Florida, and they are lots and lots of fun!

  6. That sounds like fun. I would love to see them.
    Sue B

  7. Hey, the AcroCats are coming here? We're gonna check and find out where. Maybe the mom can go see them too! But not with your cat sitter.

  8. glad everyone is home safe and sound!! and we can't wait to hear about the Acro-Cats show

  9. What a total blast!!!! Thanks for letting us know about Detroit....if we can dig up some green papers we might try and check it out! catchatwithcarenandcody

  10. The Acro-Cats are supposed to come to our area later this year. We are considering seeing them. :-)

  11. I saw them about a year ago.. it was a fun way to spend the afternoon. I hope you enjoyed the show and got a nice front row seat!

  12. That sounds like a lot of fun ! We're looking forward to seeing the photos. Purrs

  13. Does she smell like Iceland?
    Lily & Edward

  14. Welcome home. Now she's taking off AGAIN?

  15. Oh poor Waffles, he does make me smile!!!!

  16. Sounds like life's been busy for you and Katie, Waffles!

  17. She should be staying home and loving her kitties!

  18. A puffin? they've been called the penguins of the northern hemisphere

  19. Waffles, you are still one in a million.

  20. We sure wish the Acro-Cats would come here. They're awesome!

    And for what it's worth, Waffles and Katie, you're both one in a million to us!

  21. Ooooooh, we've seen the Acro-cats twice now, always fantastic!!!

  22. Dood, sometimes humans can be so cruel. *sigh* ~ Maxwell


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