Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Waffles On The Computer

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! I think I'm going to start my own blog.

KATIE:  We already have a blog, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Yeah but it's not really mine. I want mine.

KATIE:  There's a lot that goes into blogging, Waffles. Are you sure you're up for the task?

WAFFLES:  I think I'll name it "Waffles the Amazing Handsome Supercat."  Do you like it, Boss? It's got a ring, doesn't it?

KATIE:  It's got something. 

WAFFLES:  Cool. I'm all set. Now I just have to spend the day on the computer. 

KATIE:  Aren't you going to start writing? 

WAFFLES:  Writing? What writing? I'm busy. Can't you see I'm on the computer?

KATIE:  Waffles, blogging doesn't mean you spend the whole day ON the computer.

WAFFLES:  What do you mean? That's what Glogirly does.

About Today's Photos
Rest assured, Waffles is most certainly not starting his own blog. He's just found a new lounging spot. Not sure if it's the warmth of the spinning hard drive, the dancing colors on the screen or that he's  positioned for maximum attention, that's drawn him to his new hot spot. But it sure looks like he's going to be on the computer all day. What do you want to bet he doesn't get a thing done?


  1. There is a super powerful kitty-butt magnet in laptop keyboards! My Spicy Marie cannot resist the pull!

  2. ps - you are looking lovely Miss Katie!

  3. Maybe you'll have to get Waffles his own tablet, Glogirly. He can play games made for kitties on it.

    1. That's a great idea! We have an old iPad that probably just needs a charge and software update. : )

  4. Waffles, you can't just go by your good looks to blog!! Oh, want am I saying! Only you can you handsome devil! Katie, there is no changing a vain boy.

  5. Waffles, it is a good thing you are cute because, um, you're not exactly a techie wizard!

  6. Waffles!! You will bend it!! You are a hefty man cat!!!!

  7. Yep, Waffles isn't going anywhere. Katie, enjoy it!

  8. The natural life of my laptop was somewhat diminished thanks to Bear. Not only did he enjoy popping the keys off and then batting them around, but he also managed to somehow "break" the touch pad. Oh. And then there's the couple times he's rotated the display 90 degrees. Each time took me a couple hours to fix because I could never remember how I fixed it the last time. And who can forget Bear's post popular post? Excerpt: "qweasdzxcccccccccccdsaq." Surely that one's why we're a Nose-to-Nose Best Pet Humor blog finalist.

  9. A Waffles blog? Where do I sign up???

  10. Sherpa loves to be on the computer too. I am not sure this is good for the computer

  11. Sherpa loves to be on the computer too. I am not sure this is good for the computer

  12. Does Glogirly have Photobooth on her laptop? Waffles, you can take lots of selfies for the ladies!

  13. That's one of my favorite spots to lay too, Waffles. Something about the warmth...not to mention it keeps the mom off of it so she can pay more attention to me. ~Ernie

  14. we try getting ON the computer but we get yelled at (something about bad typing skills - MOL)

  15. Waffles, I purrsonally love to lay around the computer. It's the spot for maximum attention. You are a very wise Orange Man Cat. As much as we love you we think your own blog would be too much work. How would you find time to lock yourself in the bathroom, or chase TP around the house? Love, Valentina and the rest of the Squeedunk gang.

  16. Katie I think the orange kid is taking over. Bee Careful
    Lily & Edward

  17. They are talking about getting one of those foldy thingies here. I think I will love testing it out!


  18. Nothing beats a laptop, they are excellent butt warming devices!

  19. That's the best spot to get some attention from your human ! Do you walk on the keyboard too ? Sometimes we succeed in doing things that Claire didn't even know you could do with a laptop ! Purrs

  20. Waffles looks like he's in for the long haul!

  21. Yeah Waffles, me can tell ya' dat bloggin' is a lot of work. And me doesn't get to lay on da catputer like you do. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  22. I hate to tell you this, but blogging is a LOT of work. I'm not sure you have the attention span to fly solo, Waff!

  23. I don't think Gloman is gonna get a whole lot done.

  24. Waffles, we like the way you think! We love THAT kind of "on the computer all day!" :)

  25. I position myself between mum's boobities and the lap top. She has to type over me.

  26. Doesn't get a thing done? I think napping qualifies for a cat as an accomplishment. :-)

  27. Oh Waffles, you make us laff (with you, not at you)! But we do admit, the computer is a great place to get some warms.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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